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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9215628 No.9215628 [Reply] [Original]

>teeth go to shit
>suddenly get federal dental insurance
>hit it big in crypto to the tune of $550,000.00 in December
>Finally go to dentist, referred to surgeon to remove 8 teeth have teeth pulled
>Go back to dentist to start treatment plan
>Dentist says "Did they talk to you about a partial denture?"
>I respond "I'm getting the implants after the bone heals."
>Dentist: "Thats nice to think about but implants are like a ferrari, they cost like $5000 for each one before insurance, you should probably consider a partial denture instead."
>Stone faced I respond "Nah I'm getting the implants."

MFW a doctor thinks I'm poor as fuck but I'm secretly better off financially than he is.

>> No.9215660

>MFW a doctor thinks I'm poor as fuck but I'm secretly better off financially than he is.
He was probably just trying to give you good advice.
Also, dropped $6k in gains on braces.

>> No.9215676

Cool story bro

>> No.9215694

This. Op is a faggot.

>> No.9215723


if your dentist is older than 40 i'm pretty sure he has more than half a mil NW

>> No.9215738

>but I'm secretly better off financially than he is.

Dentists earn around $200k per year so if he's over 35, then no, you're not worth more than he is. OP = faggot.

>> No.9215784

thanks bought 100k teeth

>> No.9215810

it's frankly stupid to go for implants if your dentist recommends otherwise
they make money off that shit, they have every incentive to push it on you. he would have told you to go for the implants if there was even a slightest health benefit
implants are good for 60+ years old people who have structural problems, at your age you're likely paying more for nothing

>> No.9215836

are u fags forgetting about the half million dollars in loans?

>> No.9215839

I'm a 25 year old dentist and have more money then you even without crypto.
This is the saddest thread I've ever seen, you have out biz'd biz. Congrats.

>> No.9215847
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Dentacoin was a better meme. Sorry.


>> No.9215869
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25 year old welder here. Made over $300k last year and only work 30 hours a week . Kys

>> No.9215873

How do burger healthcare workers actually earn so much? Here in the dutch caliphate I nearly finished my MD/PhD programme and after a specialization into internal medicine I might start with 60k and will eventually earn 80-85k a year
>before 52% income tax ayy lmao
Is there something unusual about burger salaries? I was also told tradesmen can earn a pretty penny in the US whereas here they're doomed to work for minimum wage forever because Pavel from Poland can do high quality tradesmen work for 4 bucks an hour

>> No.9215885
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You are poor, faggot

>> No.9215887

You know if you just searched something like "average dental school debt" before writing this retarded post, you'd have saw that dental school debt is average ~$250k. Therefore, I am not answering your question, faggot.

>> No.9215896

Got me there

>> No.9215898
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This was my exact thinking, but what the fuck do I know, I'm not a dentist, I'm just a semi rich cryto fucker

>> No.9215941

fine nigger but its still pretty fucking bad. not to mention the interest on top of the principal. plus the average debt includes flyover states which technically dont count

>> No.9215951

Bro this the best post i read all day

>> No.9215975


average dental/doctors loans are paid off within 5 years because they make so much; that's why i said if he's over 40

>> No.9215985

Lol only in america...ausfag here. Gov pays for uni and I only had a 0 interest loan of 50k for my whole degree. "America is the Greatest country on earth" kek

>> No.9215989

go to colombia and have excellent dental service from american and european trained dentists for pennies on the dollar. had a root canal done for $250, had a broken tooth capped for $200. would have cost around $4k in north america. pro dentists educated abroad, speak english, model hot hygienist bitches, and cheap meds to recover.

>> No.9216015


crown here only cost me 550 but I did have insurance cover around 350 of it

>> No.9216039

my friend is a urologist and hes still struggling with debt. I guess if you have your own practice and are the best in the field it would be easy to pay off quick.
>living in australia
no thank you

>> No.9216056

HTF do you let your teeth get that bad you nasty fuck.

i've never had a single fucking cavity, christ.

>> No.9216067

Yeah I can agree with that. But OP is still a poor faggot.

>> No.9216073

Gratz op you are like me except you made it. I cant way to remove all these broken teeth.

>> No.9216114
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>> No.9216142

>be me
>have shit teeth
>hard as fuck to get any job other than warehouses
>looking for work atm
>making decent gains in crypto by folloaing a paki dude who gives out gains
>dude has 95% hit rate on all signals
>making decent gains
>tfw it’ll still be years before I accumulate funds to get all-on-4s
>tfw you don’t give two fucks about grills ntil you can afford to take them somewhere besides chik-fil-a
>tfw prescribed adderall
>tfw now have actual motivation to utilize every second to change life


>> No.9216175

OP you are actually retarded if you give 5000usd for an implant, Come to Croatia for a few months 5000 will be enough for living expenses and more. Around 1k for a tooth, you can go to Serbia even cheaper there but it's a shithole.

>> No.9216176
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>>tfw you don’t give two fucks about grills ntil you can afford to take them somewhere besides chik-fil-a

Its not about grills its about being able to chew food normally without being in pain anon

>> No.9216178

Hi anon. I took bad care of my teeth for years and they turned to shit. I couldn't afford dental until last year and it is amazing how much you can get fixed in a short time. Look into getting a personal Ameritas plan. $45/month or so. Their benefits are rather generous if you hold for a year or two. It is one of the best options for people with really bad teeth outside of going to a dental college and paying out of pocket to let students practice on you.

>> No.9216209

And I ain't talking about rat infested dental offices, these are cream of the crop clinics.

>> No.9216232

>Anon thinks a dentist is worth less than 550k.
>The absolute state of /biz

>> No.9216269

doctor probably thought you were a broke meth head... cant blame him when all the persons teeth are rotted away

>> No.9216324
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Why are all of you so retarded? Nobody here practices basic portfolio management but goes all in on shitcoins instead. If you want to make money in crypto you just have to hold quality projects. Sure, go in on shitcoins like Link if you must because they might moon unexpectably (before crashing down), but don't go all in because you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.9216364

This thread is about an anon's meth head teeth.

>> No.9216390


not bait. did you forget to brush your teeth for 3 fucking years or something? fuck

>> No.9216474

You have a point anon - they’re not like a TRAINWRECK, they’re pretty decent and if anything gets worse, my rents will prolly loan me and pay back at whatever rate. But I’m just worried about getting a legit, actual income line for now - sporadic gains and shit is not helping. Why spend few hundred in account on two cavities if I’m then penniless, y’know? Maybe retarded, idk, but fuck it for the time being

>> No.9216487

Its called capitalism... You eurofags don't get it... like liberty and rights.

>> No.9216511

Cavity inducing diet and parents that aren’t hard all that much on forcing the habit.

>> No.9216545

You’re on a fuckin board called BUSINESS and Finance. The last thing we fucking do is “make so much” lmfao. Just look at our savings and the average wage adjusted for wealth distribution. In the US, you need to make your own finances, our programs are essentially non existent if you’re not homeless and/or below 65

>> No.9216564

Dentists make like 250k a year on average if they have a private practice. I think he has 500k...

>> No.9216582

It is more like 300k and they should have it paid off within three years if they live a middle class lifestyle their first few years out.

>> No.9216600

>my friend is a urologist and hes still struggling with debt.
Then he is horrible with finances.

>> No.9216637

you stupid faggot i hope you die in that dentist chair!

>> No.9216751

dental insurance doesn't cover anything unless your teeth are fucking wrecked

dental insurance is just a coupon for like 10-20% off your bill

>inb4 your poor

i have access to FEDVIP, the federal government's dental plan, it's one of the best in the country. i never use it because it doesn't cover anything significant other than like $100 off your cleanings and replacing your jaw if it gets shot off.

i don't have teeth problems but the dentists said he could do three gum grafts to prevent recession like a decade from now. it would cost about $2000 a tooth so $6000. the dental insurance would maybe cover like $1000, assuming they covered anything. it's an out of network dentist for rich fucks that use their dental bills as a tax write off every year

>> No.9216763

>be decemberfag blow in incel from reddit
>cash out $500k thinking you're hot shit at the dentist office
>tell chad dentist you want the implants cause you're a rich boy who made it in crypto
>he smiles his naturally perfect smile smugly
>pulls out his massive stack of 50 million DCN
>gases you and HE laughs

>> No.9216886

i haven't been to a dentist in about 8 years, but my teeth aren't rotting out. did your diet consist of raw sugar?

>> No.9216918


>> No.9217042

They make more but they spend more. Their lifestyle is pretty shit. Socialist Eurooe has its disadvantages like hordes of barbarians coming in but the lifestyle is a lot better.

>> No.9217118

Your plan must be worse than you think, I have dental that covers 4 yearly cleanings in full and covered >95% of the bill for 3-4 cavaties and 50% for a night guard

>> No.9217136

You retard. Get work done in turkey or Poland. You will save a fortune and end up with possibly better work. I always give the best advice on this board and noone fucking listens

>> No.9217158
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>a good dentist

>> No.9217178

What does CV stand for?

>> No.9217358

what is your plan

>> No.9217638

jesus christ, brush your fucking teeth 2x daily and floss 1x daily you non-hygenic fuck-up. for you an electric toothbrush is called for. jesus christ.

>> No.9217664
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>> No.9217679

Yes 60% income tax rate and being an honorary caliphate sounds amazing

>> No.9217782

Medical tourism there will get this done fine

>> No.9217939

Listen to this nigga. A top clinic in Eastern Europe will cost you 20% of your USA bill and will be higher in quality than 80% of local dentists. But ONLY go to the best.

>> No.9217944

always go to the dentist twice a year. thank yourself later.

>> No.9218007

hi blanka

>> No.9218154

nah, the dentist doesnt give a fuck about you. he was looking for the easy way out. hooking you up with dentures is easier than implanting a fucking tooth. the fucker is just lazy.

>> No.9218190

half a mill net worth is baby piss at that age in australia

>> No.9218200

>living in a socialist islamic shithole
Fucking idiot

>> No.9219218

>only 550k

>> No.9219289
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I've not gone to the dentist since 2011 and my teeth are just fine.

>> No.9219309

As opposed to what? 50% capital tax in the USA? Lol In some EU countries you barely pay anything and like I said, lifestyle is just better. Better food, better alcohol, better healthcare, better transportation, more holidays, more interesting countries nearby opposed to cucks in the north and spics in the south.

>> No.9219372
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Manlet here 5-6 171lbs

I don't like being called a spic...

>> No.9219725

Is it any wonder? 8 rotten teeth doesn't scream, "I'm rich!", he probably thought you've been living behind dumpsters.