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9205650 No.9205650 [Reply] [Original]

>called in sick today
>been playing god of war all day
>later will watch avengers: infinity war
>also didn´t work monday and tuesday (International Workers' Day holiday)

Stop being a cuck and don´t let kikes control your life, you´re the master of your own destiny

>> No.9205829

I negotiated a 40+ hour 4 day work week. The extra day off is great for getting other things sorted or just kicking back when I feel like it. I sometimes get shit from guys who think working less than 5 days is unmanly or whatever while I'm working the same amount of hours.

>> No.9205876

>called in sick today
>will have to work from home
i want to die

>> No.9205884

if i could i would do that, seems like it's worth it

>> No.9205901

>wagie calls people cucks

>> No.9205909
File: 187 KB, 1000x1000, A994287A-2BD6-42A8-BBEF-0D7D5DF46DF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be NEET trading crypto
>can sleep whenever I want
>always relaxed
>always feeling good
>made 5k recently at the tiny chainlink ropsten pump
>already bought back in
>its pumping again
>already taking in more profits

>> No.9205930
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>play games and watch capeshit
>dont let kikes control you

>> No.9205965

I called in sick because I've been awake for four days straight with paralysing crypto anxiety, and can't leave my computer without nearly collapsing with the stress of it all.

>> No.9205972

is the new GoW good? i bought yakuza 6 instead

>> No.9205989


>> No.9205992

Hah, yeah I was thinking the same thing. The kikes finally managed to get a measure of control over white NEET nerds by infecting Marvel and modern gaming with social justice propaganda

>> No.9206002

>not hacking ur ps4

>> No.9206062

Watch it at home, it's on Kodi already.

>> No.9206101



>> No.9206113

spiderman dies, so does black panther, starlord, and nick fury

>> No.9206124


>> No.9206158

thanos kills half the population of the universe mate

>> No.9206165

Nah, I got the upper hand. I´m the one in control and free to decide my fate. Also not a single black character in GOW

second best game i played this gen, witcher 3 is 1st

fuck you, you lying pos

>> No.9206180

you're alright for a stinky linkie

>> No.9206203


>> No.9206217

This. You are our hero.

>> No.9206345
File: 15 KB, 360x360, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and youre gonna be wageslaving tommorow again. What gives faggot? at the end of the day youre still a wagecuck

>> No.9206360

Hey fellow slovene

>> No.9206369

>that 30 year old manchild who plays videogames

>> No.9206388

Fuck man that new god of war looks good.

>> No.9206392

I did that for a few years. That schedule sucks if you get much OT though.

>> No.9206425

The Avengers lose, Thanos wins.
He snaps his fingers, everyone here >>9206113 dies.
And the movie ends, on a cliffhanger.

Don't worry, everyone who died via the "finger snap" gets brought back to life. So Spidey, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Starlord, and Nick Fury will probably get revived.

Gamora and Vision though, were killed more directly, so who knows if they're permanently dead.

>> No.9206702

not if i don´t recover from my illness tomorrow ( in other words, if i don´t finish god of war today )

>> No.9206790

Thats actually depressing that it's so few of them. I thought at least half or more of the team would die.

Probably waiting for the second half to kill off Captain America, Iron man and Thor for reals. All three actors are sick as shit of the roles. Perfect time to cut them out for good.

>> No.9206807 [DELETED] 


I can't afford to take a day off. I took just one day off of my retail job from actually having flu like symptoms and my boss nearly fired me. He said as long as I wasn't shitting my pants, that I was fine to come into work. What he doesn't understand is people don't want to be serviced by people who sick.

>> No.9206950

kys really, i won´t read a single word of that bullshit

>> No.9207016

Dude just take the week off tommprow your going to have to do 3 times the work to catch up anyway.

>> No.9207051


>> No.9207182


>> No.9207212

I downed a glass of my own piss this morning, AMA. this is not a joke

Im on day 2 of yespiss

>> No.9207263

you can´t be serious, why would do that ?

>> No.9207264

>Tuesday and Thursday are bank holidays this week
>everyone took days off in between to have a full week off
>I didn't
>come to work at 11
>browse boards all day
>leave at 4 since whole project is at standstill

>> No.9207281
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sleep and water fren

>> No.9207290

They've got bigger problems than that, luckily I don't care about the 200th superhero movie to come out this decade.

>> No.9207292

kikes btfo

>> No.9207303

I read a book called the water of life and researched drinking urine for health and vitality. I was in a really really really dark place physologically and physically, and I started implementing a lot of things which were the opposite of what I was usually doing. Previously, I'd eat whatever the fuck I'd want however often Id feel like it. Then I discovered the benefits of intermittent fasting for longevity, fat burn and muscle growth etc (only eating one meal a day)

drinking piss is one of those things that I adopted to become spectacular

you can look 15 years younger if you drink your own piss. and cure lots of shit including cancer

>> No.9207418

Nice ! Between christmas and new year almost everyone took days off and i didn´t so most of the time I was alone in the office, browsing and masturbating all day long.

Does it has to be your own piss? Can it be from someone else ?

>> No.9207489

your own

>> No.9207522

>drinking piss is one of those things that I adopted to become spectacular

Lyoto Machida was either into that, or it was at least a meme that he did that.

>> No.9207565

This, except obscure vidya can be good.

>> No.9207588

This is why you always be a worker and never a ceo

>> No.9207595

I don't 23 and have already went through 15+jobs all decent 20/hr paying too

>> No.9207612
File: 340 KB, 960x1364, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called in sick
>have done nothing but read incest manga
>not actually sick

>> No.9207648

op got rekt

>> No.9207794

>Playing video games past the age of 20
>watching superhero movies past the age of 20

Fucking manchildren. When will you grow up and realize the whole industry is owned by (((them))) to keep you basedboys complacent and your mind preoccupied so you don't go out and accomplish anything worthy

>> No.9208414

this. Most movies and shows today are literally trash and give you nothing but a few hours of entertainment. You are better of learning new stuff or doing something away from screens.

>> No.9208775

These are all mind control devices implemented by (((them))) to occupy your time with frivolous things instead of bettering yourself. This is painfully obvious when you observe how (((they))) raise their own children. Far away from the degeneracy of the west

>> No.9208850

I know what your saying. The downside however is that after 8+ hours of working/commuting you are mentally so tired it is hard to do anything productive. Atleast entertaining yourself with lectures and such gives you mental gains.

>> No.9208890


>> No.9208895

Ya that's true that you get tired after work and it's hard to do anything. But I just have something against screens. They dumb everything down for the average American that most TV shows these days just annoy me and I don't watch anyway. Same with movies and video games. Read a book, work in your garden or on your car, build some piece of outdoor furniture to learn some carpentry. Basically just have hobbies beyond staring at a screen.

>> No.9208926

>caring about the storyline of capeshit

>> No.9208957

that's my daily night-time fap routine before bed

>> No.9208984

>Stop being a kike slave and just be a lazy bum instead! That'll show them!

>> No.9209051

You're saving on commute if you stay longer at work, too. It's a win/win.

>> No.9209063
File: 485 KB, 1200x1749, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read any good ones recently?

>> No.9209103
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fuyu no hashikko (manga related) is one of the best one-shot's i've read

>> No.9209107

Captain Marvel will save the day.

>> No.9209109

I just check nhentai.net everyday for new updates

>> No.9209214

Oh yeah, you want a good one?
I like this one, the sister and brother swap bodies

>> No.9209227

doujins arent really the same as manga though

>> No.9209242

>i read it for the plot

>> No.9209250
File: 1.28 MB, 999x999, 1513220307698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one step from becoming a NEET. Join us, brother. The golden age of NEETs is upon us, thanks to crypto.

>> No.9209272

>Also not a single black character in GOW
LMAO, not being JEWED is about whatever associate with blacks now? Oh you simpleton.
Little did you know that you've listened to Kratos manly voice beating your eardrum, performed by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl_pU2jdofc

>> No.9209298

the only problem I see is that, when I tried that, having an extra 2 hrs per day plus going to the gym after work, made it so you basically have no free time at all. So you're trading some free time for 5 days + free time for 2 days vs no free time for 4 days + free time for 3 days

>> No.9209334

Gamora Vision Black Panther/T’Challa Spider-Man/Peter Parker Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes and Falcon/Sam Wilson Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff The Guardians of the Galaxy Nick Fury and Maria Hill Loki Heimdall

They die

>> No.9209338
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grow some taste you uncivilized heathen

>> No.9209477
File: 176 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20180124_131139_061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been NEET for 4 months now. I've never been happier and healthier.

The only issue I see is that normies judge you. They think there's something wrong with me. Gf will stare at you being lazy af and doing nothing but surf the net and going to the gym, not going out much. I have to pretend like I'm doing actual work shit sometimes. I constantly eat out and rarely do my laundry, people living with you start to think you are disabled and make fun of you.

When I tell people I made it, the response is always "Anon, you got soooo lucky!" as if I accidentally chose to invest 100k of my life savings into crypto on a whim.

>> No.9209524

Time to start looking for another job

>> No.9209536

imagine living like this

>> No.9209585

lel, did the same OP. I played some video game and wasted all of my time. Feels good after working all day long until I go to sleep all the time.

>> No.9209702

Wagecuckinh aint so bad if you manage your free time with your boss.

I get 5 weeks paid, and usually ask for another 5 weeks unpaid vacation. I more or less work 180days a year.

>> No.9209875

That's why people buy luxury cars when they made it.

>> No.9209910

If I was an employer, I wouldn't allow you to do this. People are only useful at their jobs for the first 4 hours max, after that they cut corners and take it easy.

4 days x 4 hours of meaningful work = 16 hours of work but I pay you fro 40

5 days x 4 hours of meaningful work = 20 hours of work but I pay you for 40

>> No.9210041

OP got severely rekt

>> No.9210137

Audible kek

>> No.9210177


>> No.9210215

Jesus Christ, what do you work as so I can not work as that?

>> No.9210223

lol I called in Monday Tuesday today's my off day

Fuck em

>> No.9210244

Hey dude, go fuck yourself.

>> No.9210284

I know that feel.

>Call in sick.
>Get tekst asking if I am unable to do anything
>If its really urgent, I guess I can it.
>Get a list of shitty jobs to do at home.

Next time I am telling them I have aids.

>> No.9210331

feels good knowing you work a job with literally zero stress and responsibility

I listen to audiobooks in work, making mental gains every day and getting paid for it. Saving up money, Will go back to uni to pursue my passion

If I had some fag nagging me to do some shitty task I'm not interested in, I'd kill myself

I dont understand how people can live being a wagecuck. Im a wagecuck as well but at least I dont have to engage mentally in it, nor playing some normalfag office games lol

>> No.9210432

There was a stretch of about two years where that's really all I did at work
Listened to so many audio books and saged about 50k since they kept me so focused

>> No.9210466

you have to find a way to get the most out of your life situation, theres always a smart way not to be eternally butthurt

>> No.9211046
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You're fucking retarded. What do you think the x-men comics were really about? Comics have never been for bitter, insecure cucks like you.

>> No.9211101

eh i wouldn't hype that up like it's some rarity or all that uncommon. I worked 4x10 for years, and did 3x12 for awhile too. It's not as great as it sounds over the longrun especially if the job isn't easy. Longer days tire you out and you end up spending your extra day off trying to recover. Plus if you get stuck doing any overtime it really fucking sucks on that schedule.

I prefer being self employed and setting my own hours. Sure I'll occasionally have those 12-16 hour days of non-stop hussle, but other days I work for 20 minutes and still make money.

Also I've never heard anything about it being "unmanly" working 4x10s, and I was in the construction business working with some of the most manly men you'd ever meet. You might be a bit sheltered.

>> No.9211216

siscon ani to brocon imouto

>> No.9211252

>anon discovers that 4+6=5+5

>> No.9211278

>siscon ani to brocon imouto
Thanks! So... it is not a doujin?

>> No.9211315
File: 460 KB, 960x1364, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its a proper manga published by cygames i think

>> No.9211349

Take one hour after work and use it to build yourself up. You get off work, do you cuck commute, then get home. The next hour is spent building something productive IE a second income stream hobby w/e. After that hour if you want to keep going keep going if not then stop cook your dinner and relax the rest of the day. After a week of 1 hour a day you've done 7 hours which is almost a full work shift to yourself completely. Over 1- 3 months it is incredible what you can get done provided you work efficiently.


>> No.9211648

Finding the motivation is always the hardest I have noticed. Some days I just force myself to do something and then spend all night doing it very comfortably but getting started is still the hardest.