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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9205044 No.9205044 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9205055

they say sell you buy they say buy you sell, nothing to discuss

>> No.9205083

writes an article on an opinion with no evidence to support the opinion

>> No.9205087
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A 90% correction is likely. I also think 75-90% of coins will belly up, leaving many with a 100% loss and few with massive gains

>> No.9205093
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>> No.9205106

This is unironically bullish. When the market wipes out all the shitcoins, only the true amazon's, facebook's and google's of this space will survive. Then, you will see a bull run like no other. This will make tulips look like a tiny blip in market bull runs.

>> No.9205108


Is this not the 1000000000000th time you've heard and seen this exact same article OP?

>> No.9205128
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Strap in lad, im ready for those 2017 gains again

>> No.9205136

fucking kek, didn't cnbc just run a story about them being bullish on bitcoin? can these cunts make up their mind?

as usual do the fucking opposite of what these guys say.

>> No.9205139

>Crypto is going to have another big dip
>But THEN it's going to explode and the growth will be unprecedented. I'm bullish long term, of course
Why does it seem like this is everybody's fucking answer to everything, for years on end now?
>One more dip and then a massive moon I can FEEL it
Every single time.

>> No.9205144

yes please purge this market of all the garbage

>> No.9205153

It wont just be a dip. Itll be a massive wipe, cleansing the cryptonet of all its nigger,jew, and pajeet coins

>> No.9205158

great the wagecucks will get the board back

>> No.9205160

Next CNBC would recommend all the Normies to short,
which would immediately get eaten by the whales, leaving millions suicidal.

>How else do you think we are going to achieve instrumentality?

>> No.9205165

This "prophecy" has been repeated for years and years and years now. It's not fucking happening.

>> No.9205169

Older coins are always quietly dying off, and new ones are always coming through. If you took a snapshot of coins from, say, 2 years ago, then sure 90% failed and a few went huge. But their idea that this will all happen to the market suddenly at once is misguided. New memes will arise and people will want to gamble on them.

>> No.9205229

>But their idea that this will all happen to the market suddenly at once is misguided
idk i kinda expect a black swan event, like somebody exposing an exchange washtrading or organized multi-billion pump group
i mean, we all know this things exist, it's just a matter of time until somebody blows a whistle on them

>> No.9205253
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oh yes it is fucker

>> No.9205271

>It's not fucking happening.
How do y even know that m8? If it doesnt happen then there will always be a 50/50 chance it will happen or not so if y dpnt believe it then fine nothing wrong with y but dont try to kys when this happen and accidentally hodling shitcoins and got burned.

>> No.9205293

I hold a few hundred thousand dollars worth of BTC and ETH and that's it. I don't mess around with literally anything else at this point unless it's airdropped to me for free.

>> No.9205312

Woo! I'm officially bullish now, thanks OP!

>> No.9205333
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>posted 1 day ago

>> No.9205391

dubs of truth

>> No.9205451

I wanna be like you when I grow up

>> No.9205467
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>investment bank warns

>> No.9205616

DGB is still alive and growing stronger and stronger.
Its like a cockroach, it will survive every shit you throw at it.
Thats why you should have unironically 100k DGB.