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9204637 No.9204637 [Reply] [Original]

Is mandarin worth learning for business and career opportunities?

I wanted a second language so picked Chinese. But

>now whenever the subject is brought up by someone else (anon is learning chinese) all i get from family and friends when out is thai bride jokes and shit about chinese girlfriends.

Am i doomed for this forever now? Is it worth learning for the career prospects?

>> No.9204647

They learn english. Not the other way around.

>> No.9204656

The next Cold War has just kicked off and you are too late to the Walmart party.

>> No.9204674

Let me teach you something about East Asia
>Be in Korea
>Koreans speak Korean
>Speak English
>They continue speaking Korean
>Despite knowing English

>Be in Japan
>Japanese speak Japanese
>Speak English
>They continue speaking Japanese
>Despite having been taught English

>> No.9204678


Wtf is a walmart party?

>> No.9204701

>Set up factory in China
>Use a brand name
>Import to the US for 5-to-10x the Mark-up

>> No.9204709

In my experience they only do this if they barely know english or they're cunts, most japanese peoples english is generally pretty awful in general though

>> No.9204728

White euro here. Speak both Chinese and Japanese, ask me anything.

>> No.9204739

Japs don't know English, retard

>> No.9204742


Are u a weeb or did u get good business out of it

>> No.9204747

Let’s face it. You learn mandarain for the tight Asian poon.

>> No.9204756

Mandarin is worth learning for chink qts

English education in East Asia is horrid, they learned nothing other than "Hello nice to meet you thank you"

>> No.9204770


U dont need any mandarin for that though lol whateva waste of time

>> No.9204777
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>> No.9204786
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>that 30 year old boomer who hold crypto

>> No.9204797

Weebed myself into learning nihongo, formal education in zhongwen. Choose to not do business with the Chinese because they're terrible. If your main skill is speaking their language you'll never make it. You need to be able to do something useful, speaking the language is a side arm. Unless you're a translator of course.

>> No.9204817

In Japan, Korea, China and Asia, there is a growing expectation for foreigners to speak the native language.
If you don't, everyone will stereotype you as a sexual predator or a tourist.
As such, they will try and pick fights with you in groups.

I actually have Japanese friends and they all do this.
Many of them are Uni grads, study Shakespeare/English Lit and listen to 80s English music.
You can't tell me they can't speak it

>> No.9204820
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In all homesty its kinda irritating me. I actually have passion for linguistics and tonal languages interest me the most.

But norimes just screen it as thai bride jokes. Wtf. I was gonna learn spanish but thats so normie and im not particularly interested in Romance languages as they are so similar to my native tounges.


>> No.9204844


I agree. Im only 22 and already managed to get into construction managing and planning work so that is my main gig, there is massive infustructre projects going on in china so saw an opprertunity there

>> No.9204903

>construction managing and planning work
In all honesty, you will only get the job if you had a prior internship with a Chinese construction firm directly involved
with the One Belt One Road project or if they decided to come to your country.
That is fine. The waiting line for international interns when it comes to China is looooooonggggggggggggg though.
A year's wait is not uncommon (T. Alibaba intern).

>> No.9205149

hahaha alibaba is such shit. their technology doesn't work right

>> No.9205902

its good if you want to meet asian girls

>> No.9206018

Let me teach YOU something about East Asia:
>Be in country
>try and order a meal mumbling some broken gook language
>get treated like an idiot who wasted his time learning their language

>Speak English unshamedly
>Get treated like the white god you are

>> No.9206046

In the amount of time required to learn mandarin you can become relatively good at:
- spanish
- french
- german

Knowing these 3 languages will put you above 99,99% of the population as they are spoken on all continents.
Or you can waste your time learning chinese and compete with all the millions of chinks living in the Anglosphere, HK, Taiwan and Singapore you know.

>> No.9206054

This. Go spend a week in China OP and see how the CHinese behave. They're awful to be around for any period of time. Lteral subhumans.

>> No.9206244

Wittle baby can't handle a little bit of spitting and smoking indoors, and pissing in common walking areas?

>> No.9206382

Chinese is a be interesting language and despite the stereotype quite easy to learn. Taken the chance, azn pussy is gonna appreciate your stupid efforts of connecting with them on their level

>> No.9206428
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>> No.9206496
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I fucking hate china so much

Should've let Patton nuke 'em desu senpai

>> No.9206527


include russian

some parts of this planet do not speak any english spanish french or german. however in these parts russian is relatively popular

>> No.9206537

classic post
>thx anon

>> No.9206539

Second this.

>> No.9206582

Same people who would have told you buying and trading bitcoin was too difficult 6 years ago. If you wait until it's comfortable to learn something you'll never be a successful early adopter

t. lived in china for two years. Struggled a lot. Now speaking very decent chingchong and people want to hire me from across the country

>> No.9206589

Was gonna post this, preach it anon.

>> No.9206645

Thats a milllenial jackass.

>> No.9206823

yeah but you still live in China, a shithole where people spit everywhere and have no regards for other human beings

>> No.9206936


love it when white sexpats get BTFO

>> No.9207015
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Should have learned Japanese for the eroge

>> No.9207115

I don't. I deal with them over phone and mail and have to fly over twice a year. Im earning almost three times what i used to because no other engineer can communicate the company's needs to our chink partners.
I don't even work hard either, im fucking unfireable because retards like the ones in this thread can't seize such a clear opportunity which is not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
The bulk of chinks are indeed rude and unhygienic but they're also very hardworking and traditional people. I relearned family values which used to be the foundation of our society which are completely corroded today

>> No.9207197


Disagree here.
Firstly, Spanish, French and German are almost 100% of the time English speakers to a high near native level too. so that argument falls flat when trying to argue the same for gook languages. Chinese people overall have poor English.

Secondly, learning those languages does not interest me in the slightest. I find them boring and too similar to my own. I would not keep up with the necessary consistency learning a language i care little about. With Chinese, i'm genuinely interested in the language itself, i find it interesting so i will be consistent and already for the 3 hours a day for a year.

The difficulty is overstated too. At least if you aren't a brainlet. maybe i'm just gifted with good memory. the hard part with Mandarin is all up front. once you get over the great wall its pretty easy.

>> No.9207244


nihon is a fucking weeb language. literally useless

>> No.9207311

What's the up front difficulty with learning Mandarin? Grammar rules, memorization, tones, and pronunciation?

>> No.9207501

Long story short: not worth it.

Low pay, very low living standards and subhuman low ethics. And you compete with the ABC, CBCs, etc. who grew up in a Western country with parents teaching them Chinese since they were born.

Source: I live in East Asia.

>> No.9207527

Grammar is easy, the rest is extremely hard. You need to learn 2000 characters just to understand daily signs. You need to remember all the tones to make yourself understandable.

Also, if you learn it outside of a Chinese speaking country you most likely end up with super broken Chinese and nobody will get what you say.

>> No.9207557

white people in asia are seen as pariahs that aren't good enough for their own countries

>> No.9207576

Sounds like an autist's worst nightmare. Guess there's not many of them in China since they all killed themselves.

>> No.9207596

>learned Japanese
yeah, good luck with that

>> No.9207605

forget it. chinks love to speak English or French.

>> No.9207642

for business mandarin is definitely the best language to learn after english. it gives you access to a 1.5B population market. why do you think mark zuckerberg is fluent? don't listen to your idiot family or the autistis on this board.

>> No.9207651

Ask me how I know you've never been to Asia.

They WOULD love to. But in reality they don't.

>> No.9207656

No, dont speak like the bug people.

>> No.9207710
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>" Any Chinese man that you will want to do business with will know english. Never do business with Chinese that can't even speak English. They have no exposure to the outside world and no sense of ethics or morals."

Something my Mainlander father taught me that has been true for my entire life.

>> No.9207723

Can you describe the college path you took/ what you did to get there?
Spic that can speak spanish and some mandarin

>> No.9207805


Basically, with French, spanish ect, you can practice for maybe a day, 12 hours, and at the end you will be able to say your name, where you live, where you are from, what you like, and small descriptions, all correctly. you will even be able to communicate this written. also, you can even understand some more advanced texts due to cognates and very similar grammar order.

after a single day of mandarin, you will be able to say 你好" or Hello, at best, maybe with some poor tones on "i am from xx". you cant read anything at all.

Mandarin, first you gotta learn Pinyin (roman version of their words), then you have to learn how the tones sound for each syllable. Next you have to memorize the Hanzi for it, just brute memorization as its not phonetic. Next you gotta remember the tone for the hanzi. then you have to learn how tones change when next to other tones in a sentence.

Then you can get some vocab going. probably takes about a wee to make the same progress you made in a few hours of french. see what i mean?

Then after you get over these initial hurdles, get your first 3,000 words its plain sailing as grammar is easy, and its just vocab from here.

with french or something, it starts easy but gets a little bit harder as you get to C1 level, and grammar rules come, but not that hard (as you are already heavily invested by now so will see it through). Chinese is extremely hard and daunting straight away. puts everyone off. you get presented with a huge wall form day one.

>> No.9207864
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I am fluent in 日本語 and therefor can actually read quite a bit of 中国語.

The problem with Chinese especially their culture is that they are extreme penny pinchers they will try to wring out as much work for what they are paying. Even to the detriment of actual productivity.

I used to go to China on holiday for a month or two since I lived in Japan and it's a cheap place. I actually think Chinese people are nicer than Japanese (outside of cities). But the government is horrible. Have you heard of their new point system? You don't want to live in China if you can avoid it.

Also the economy China is in right now is reminiscent of 1980's Japan. Fake real estate bubble. Government guided businesses and fake numbers propping up the economy. The crash in Japan caused a crisis so big and severe that it's still ongoing in 2018 3 decades later. I believe China is even worse in this regard and when the bubble pops China is going to collapse, hard. You as a western citizen don't want to be in this economy when that happens.

Last but not least it's actually fucking impossible to immigrate into China. Even if you marry a Chinese woman get children with her and work there for a couple of decades you will still be denied citizenship.

Western companies prefer hiring Chinese citizens that got a degree from western institutions. And even if you do manage to get a job you'll be sent to China and have all the problems of the above mentioned kind.

Hell I don't even recommend going to Japan which is arguably the best Asian nation to go to. Let alone China.

You can ask me more if you want. I have a lot of Chinese friends, Western friends that live in China and have probably spend 3 years in total in China from all my holidays combined.

>> No.9207866


There are great programs for speaking now. programs like glossika will give you great spoken form and its something you can do every day for 20 minutes to maintain. there is massive variety in the sentences and so you get all the variation you need. its also colloquial, the founder is a hyper polyglot of obscure Asian dialects and languages.

you definitely need to travel to Taiwan or China at some point though. probably B1 level is a good point to go.

>> No.9207872

Good insight, thanks for the detailed answer.

>> No.9207968

I would learn English, Chinese, German/Spanish for business opp. In that order imo.

I'm Chinese yet more fluent in English, just because of how many different 汉子 (Chinese vocabs) there are. It's just brute memorization and shit tons of reading practices. Worst of all, you'll forget some of it overtime if you don't use it much.

But it does make learning Korean and Japanese alot easier.

>> No.9207972


Well, in all honesty, having mandarin on my resume is also about communicating to employers all of the things you might be able to assume about a white person who took the time to achieve near fluency or fluency in it. It stands out, and Its more a less a hobby of mine atm so its not time wasted.

For business opportunities i was hoping to leverage it in my current sector, construction planning, or ideally a freelance Webdesign or web app related field in the future, more or ls working for myself. I know the employment and citizenship deal is shitty, wouldn't be looking for one in all honesty.

Maybe Taiwan would be an option too, probably all the best parts with less of the bs form mainland from what i heard.

socially, knowing mandarins gotta be a bonus though right? in all honesty once you are there, its all Gunaxi anyway.

>> No.9208073

Dude honestly just set up a tour-guide company and set up tour guides for Chinese tourists. There is too little Chinese language pandering in the west towards Chinese tourists. The webdesign angle is oversaturated while the Chinese tourist demographic is largely untapped by western parties.

>> No.9208112


fkkk. i live near london, and this place is saturated with Mainlander tourists every year for months. great idea anon. 謝謝

>> No.9208139

Then don't mumble and learn the language properly.
Japs don't speak English though. Trust me, I've lived there.

>> No.9208203

Learn Japanese instead.

>> No.9208217

>Oh look X subject is compulsory, therefore people are good at it

Fucking brainlet

>> No.9208245

I'm going to japan in October for vacation. If I start studying the language now will I at least be able to communicate with vendors instead of having to point at everything on a menu?

>> No.9208270


Try pimsleur. Its extremely boring but you will be guaranteed to have this ability and you will remember it for a loong time. only problem is its 100% spoken program. no reading

>> No.9208286

Depends where you live
I live in Singapore and being bilingual (English and Mandarin) is excellent to get a managerial positions

>> No.9208294


yes learn chinese.

>> No.9208302

You have 5 months.
In five months, assuming one week to learn the kana and then a steady 20 words on Anki with the "core 10k deck /w pics and audio" each day, you should be able to reach a vocab of about 2700 words.
Now if you instead devote 1/3rd of your time to reading practice, reading up on grammar through Tae Kim's site, and finding someone to practice talking with through HelloTalk, you should still be able to reach almost 2000 words if you practice well.

2000 words is enough for basic communication with vendors and such. Be sure to memorise common foods and wares you might want to buy specifically though.

>> No.9208314


don't listen to anyone here, unless they are not from china but have lived in mainland china for > 2 years.


>> No.9208323

>only problem is its 100% spoken program. no reading
So it's garbage. Many restaurants don't have English menus if you go beyond the popular tourist spots. Some even have menus written in calligraphy/handwriting which is completely impossible to read.

>> No.9208338

What's the best way to start learning Mandarin?
Can I use something like Glossika right away?

>> No.9208347

>doing business with ethical and moral people
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.9208352

not neccesary if you live in southern california, or mid-northern california. all on the coast. even americanized ones. they are mostly good looking. the problem with first generation asians is that they are americanized and can sometimes be a bit of a cunt. just like all of us on this fantasy dungeon chibi exchange site.

>> No.9208359

absolutely false and wrong.

literally the exact opposite.

Ni hao will drown you in pussy you fucking mook.

>> No.9208376

Watch Chinesepod.
Grammar is intuitive and self-explanatory, you just need to look up particles. You can use ChineseSkill as a nice app to start with.
Read up on radicals, and memorise them.
For vocab I like the spoonfed chinese sentences and audio deck for Anki.

>> No.9208386

You're better pff learning German or Japanese. China will always be poor, and not worth doing business with.

>> No.9208401


Glossika? no way. its too difficult to start with. Glossika is amazing but you need at least survival level first, like maybe a working vocab of 100 words and some grammar basics.

I did Pimsleur unit one, and i made a transcription for all the vocab so i could learn written with it. it was kinda exhausting but it worked well and then i moved onto it glossika.

Chinese Pod is really good, and there is an app called "Chinese skill" which is actually really good, and free. you can dip your feet in and get some basics before you commit. if you do the entire app you can probably go onto glossika before you complete it desu.

>> No.9208413

you have a link to that deck? I'll start studying it right away.

>> No.9208431

Thanks anons. That's a big help.

>> No.9208450

You already know the kana?
If not, you can find a Dr. Moku APK by googling it.

Pretty sure this is the deck I use

>> No.9208462


>> No.9208487


jesus christ. stop using global analytics and stick to regional applications unless you plan to conduct business in those specific regions

here in southern california you can conduct business knowing the following languages

>basketball american speak

imagine new york or down by hurricane katrina in new orleans.

fuck you guys

>> No.9208503

Also, I can recommend you guys the following phone dictionaries:
Jisho for Japanese
Pleco for Chinese

Only use these for JP>EN/CN>EN, never the other way around. If you want to know how you say something in the other language, simply put the English into Google and add "意思" for Chinese or "意味” for Japanese.
This yields more natural sounding results.

>> No.9208516

What a fucking joke. Keep lying to yourself.

The Chinese are the most conniving and disgusting pieces of shit on Earth. They are not human.

I lived there for 4 months and didn't do a single job where someone didn't try to cheat me in some way. I would not work in China again for any amount of money. I lived in Korea for 3 years afterwards and they have some of the same problems, but nowhere near the extent that the Chinese do.

If you're not Chinese, take you lumps and get a real life in a real country.

>> No.9208572
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This cannot be stressed enough.

(they say you are what you eat, well read up on gutter oil)

The only valid reasons to learn Chinese are to impress Taiwanese girls and to know when some chink is trying to cheat you when conducting a business deal.

>> No.9208576
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>30 yo boomer

>> No.9208578

Different huwhite yuro here

I agree with this 100%, studied mandarin and another language in college because I liked languages

Superb life experience going abroad there (actually back living in HK now) but desu unless you're in some ultra front office role and are HK-level fluent it won't be a killer business skill. Not to say it won't help, but you need something else

If you have
>serious programming skills (not webdev, more like KDB/Q or C++ or something)
>good looks and magnetic personality without coming off like a cunt (for sales roles)

Then mandarin is a good pair for that

>> No.9208612

You don't point at the menu, they have plastic dishes in a case you point at the one you want the Japanese call things different names if you move 100 miles down the coast.
Cheapest beer in Japan is on the train. Once you leave Tokyo they won't give you a drink in a bar unless a japanese friend goes with you.

>> No.9208698

Clearly you have never been to Japan or even read anybody's report when they were in Japan.

You really shouldn't talk out of your ass, it makes you look extremely uneducated.

>> No.9208727

If you’re thinking 10-20 years down the line then yeah. Ask any Chinese-American and they will likely agree with the racist faggots in the previous posts that currently native Chinese people are shit people, but honestly the same can be said about most ethnicities. In the future relations the Chinese will certainly be profitable regardless of etiquette.

>> No.9208791

Came here to post this.

>> No.9208980

>shit about chinese girlfriends
Wtf is wrong with chinese gfs? They are the best
t. have a chinese gf

>> No.9209015

>all i get from family and friends when out is thai bride jokes and shit about chinese girlfriends.

Your family is dumb and your friends will be a bunch of poorfags. Mandarin is fine

>> No.9209043

is she your first lol

>> No.9209062

Why isn't German on the first list? Its so easy if you speak English.

>> No.9209143


Its just a boring joke/banter to hear it constantly. as if they think the only reason im learning or anyone would learn ching chong is to get a gf.

>> No.9209154

Am Taiwanese, can confirm.
But if you really want to learn, don't find someone from mainland. Taiwan/Hong Kong, even Malay/Sing would be much better.

>> No.9209204

Don't you think people should go for that sweet dongbei accent?
Kinda sucks if your teacher pronounces 是 the same as 四.

>> No.9209287

First Chinese one yes, but so far everything has been good

>> No.9209341

>汉子 (Chinese vocabs)
Nice try, but you didn't even get that right.

>> No.9209376

Yeah, I like how he thought it would make him sound smarter.

>> No.9209680

Chinese is a great idea. top two languages to learn as far as utility (after english) are Chinese and Spanish.

>> No.9209685

Dongbei accent is highly regional, it may work in Beijing but really not in other parts of the country (especially southern cities, which is richer). Kind of like Scottish accent in UK.
Native southern people don't understand Dongbei accent well. Very different pronunciation and wordings.

>> No.9209734

spanish is normie because it is useful you nitwit. go study papua new Guinea if you want to be a dumbass language hipster. i know you are too autisitic to talk to other people but that's the goddamn point of learning a language you shut in

>> No.9209741

>memorizing deck shit
waste of time unless reading weeb shit. Ordering off a menu is a complete fucking meme and spending months memorizing just to do this is borderline retarded.
Your supposed to bow to the owner before entering and praise the establishment.

>> No.9209755

It's still the basis for 普通话, and to me it sounds a bit silly not to properly pronounce every shi, zhi, etc. sound.
In some southern accents they make 什么 sound like "senmo". That's a proper speech impediment.

Then again, I'm more interested in Taiwan and I really like the Taiwanese people I've met so far so I guess I should look for a Taiwanese teacher and just remember not to call women 小姐 when I visit the mainland.

>> No.9209780

Being illiterate is frowned upon in East Asian society, plus it puts you at a huge disadvantage. You can't text girls in Japanese if you can't read it.

>> No.9209798

>study japanese for 5 years before going to visit for a week

>> No.9209839


>this projection

No. it normie because its easy, and in MY country, there are a thousand times more resoruces to learn it, and spain is a neigbouring country to me, whilst china is across the fucking world. The average brit would never learn a second language, let alone one with a lot of difficulty and that is more or less alien with less cultural relation to their own. thats why it isn't normie. because its not normal.

Just like learning putonghua in Malaysia is normie while learning spanish is not.

Never said spanish wasn't useful, all i said in this thread was that the argument that all Chinese people speak English making learning mandarin useless is really stupid, as even more people who speak spanish can speak fluent english by comparison.

>> No.9209842

If you're going for 1 week you shouldn't learn it at all. Memorising only spoken language isn't going to save you much time, but will make you want to kill yourself when you realise you want to be able to read at some later point.

>> No.9209904


I prefer 台灣國語 to super standard putonghua, and especially to 北京話。 The 是 vs 西 and 十 along with all the retroflex sounds isnt a big deal to me. i think it sounds nicer and more relaxed. 北京話 sounds really harsh. i think standard taiwanese guoyu is a nice inbetween.

>> No.9209948

I like how manly 北京话 sounds. Then again, 国语 sounds pretty clear as well.
Unfortunately, there are literally zero Taiwanese people in my city as far as I know.

>> No.9209989


lol some ppl say its sounds effeminate to speak like taiwanese ppl but i realised as a foreigner i'm never gonna sound native so its not an issue. besides, i Taiwanese materials teach standard anyway, which isn't as relaxed and sloppy, so retroflex is taught but just not so harsh, and no 兒話。

actually it was kinda interesting to hear that almost all online content is based from Taiwanese tutors, even targeting mainland style students

>> No.9210006

I lived in Korea and traveled to taiwan and japan. You're the retard. Many educated people speak good English and especially if you take the approach >>9206018 said, you can get kinda far with the western minded people. But in some kind of food service situation you're going to get horrid engrish over half the time. There's always the surprise of someone being near fluent sounding in a shop. Op should learn some form of chink if he wants to live in China and assimilate or get a gf. Otherwise he should probably just focus on other studies.

>> No.9210129

Well, if you get taught by a Taiwanese girl you do have a very high risk of sounding like a woman.
Practicing speech with a Taiwanese guy should offset some of the femininity.

>> No.9210166


you think? i was worried about that. one of my course now only has a woman speaker, and i haven't got a tutor yet. are you talking more about interjections like 啊 etc? or general intonation??
ty i will keep this in mine

>> No.9210186

Chinks learn English so they can get away from that rat-infested hellhole. If you hear girls from big cities like Shanghai, their English is so good they almost sound like natives. And it'll be far superior than the level your Mandarin will ever reach. There's stories of western professors who specialise in the Chinese language still not being totally fluent after 40 years of learning.

>> No.9210193

Mostly the interjections. They are particularly pronounced in Taiwanese girls.
Sort of like the 相槌 in Japanese. You're not supposed them to do them too much as a guy, but it's really easy to make a habit of them by accident.

>> No.9210288

No, it's not worth it. I've taken 4 years of Mandarin when I was in high school. The effort vs reward is not worth it. Business opportunities? Hire a dumb shit to translate. Career? Yeah sure if you want to be an english teacher for spoiled chinese shit spawns.

Shit country
Shit people
Pig disgusting language

>> No.9210304

High school and university don't teach non-European languages properly though.

>> No.9210355


Watch some serpentza or advchina on youtube. They been living in china for a decade

>> No.9210389

I know China is a terrible country, m9. No need.

>> No.9210412

>Hire a dumb shit to translate.
This, I work at a software studio and for translation we hire native speakers only. Learning <insert language> for business is a meme to fill up your CV, learn it for travelling/tourism instead so you can see the world once you'll make it and you'll avoid being that fat american with a fanny pack who only eats at macdonalds.

>> No.9211444

Hiring a native would work if you could trust Chinese

>> No.9212052

lol you make it sound super fucking autistic
just learn it, talk to people and shit

>> No.9212268

Taiwanese accent is totally for fucking faggots. It's the equivalent of Spain Spanish with its lispy bullshit.

Seriously say something like this in 东北


versus Taiwanese.

no contest bros.

>> No.9212329

do you wipe sitting or standing?

>> No.9212392

Came to this thread just to look for this pasta.

>> No.9212482

This. I found German much easier to learn than Spanish.

>> No.9212503

Japs are fuckin happy to try their bad english even if you speak Japanese

>> No.9212565

Any major city now desu. Chinese exchange students are at every major uni. But California especially, I’ve read anon accounts of going to uni at UCLA/USC and they sound like the place to go if you like Asian girls

>> No.9212762

*Douglas MacArthur

>> No.9212974

Upside: You are guaranteed a job.
Downside: You are guaranteed to hate your job.
Someone probably has that copypasta about how awful it is to work with the Chinese.

>> No.9213374


if you go to UCLA theres tons of asian girls/guys.. if you are into them :) Asians are the dominant demographic on campus. there are super fobby ones from china and korea who dont speak english that well and super white washed ones as well. id go for the asian american ones since they are more assimilated to the social norms of america and can actually speak english, but most dont speak their parent's native tongue that well so no point in learning chinese. generally speaking, the fobby girls are more down to earth but more social outcasts and hang out with only fobs. asian american girls are a little harder to get but they are hotter and higher on the social ladder

>> No.9213434


>going for asian-americans that sleep around and have an inferiority complex about being asian so they major in fucking stupid shit like Mass Comm
>not based traditional far-east asian girls studying electrical engineering and medicine

>> No.9213575


im actually not into asian girls that much. they remind me of my mom too much. a little crazy in the head at least the ones i met. i was in greek life and lots of them have a loooot of baggage, the hot ones. i only like white girls and latinas.

and the asian american girls that are my friends are premed/pre-health LOL so idk where the fuck you live. most are doing nursing, med school, pharm school, or dentistry. if not they are doing consulting. and idk where you hear that they have inferiority complex but 95% of the asianam girls i know actually exclusively date asian guys. you might be thinking of the white washed ones who become the token sister of a white Panhellenic sorority like kappa kappa gamma