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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9204493 No.9204493 [Reply] [Original]

What holochain is doing is groundbreaking, I didn't really understand it at first and was so hesitant to buy in big because I couldn't believe something so big had no shills. I spent weeks going through the old CEPTR videos verifying claims that the metacurrency project was around before bitcoin, reading up on CEPTR/holochain documentation and even learning more about economic models. Holochain is legit as fuck, when you take some smart nerds give them 14+ years to spend on a project building it from the ground up instead of rushing to make a cash grab ICO in 6 months straight after college this is what you get. The early bitcoin adopters were laughed at when they talked about challenging the banks and look at crypto now.
This is the document that blew my mind and made me FOMO in:
Although incomplete it is an in depth explanation of the reasoning and design features of CEPTR the concepts in there require so much knowledgeof math, CS, philosophy, physics, economics and biology. If you are genuinely interested in holochain read it.
Then I realised the reason it wasn't shilled was because the community was all devs/computer programmers/coders and nerds. These people do not shill blatantly like the pajeets on youtube/biz most youtubers know very little about crypto tech and just parrot things or shout about partnerships some of them don't even know how git or bittorrent work. There is more shilling now word has spread and people want to see 100x in a week. Unfortunately for some the annoying shilling will get much worse when normies hear about this.
Full disclosure I got in at the ICO so you can say I'm pumping my bags or whatever

>> No.9204630

shilling his bags he cant get rid off, jk also bought at ico, best ico ive seen for a while

>> No.9204720

blatant poo poo scam

>> No.9204731

Enjoy your bags on this scam coin pajeet

>> No.9204746

Great project, worthless tokenomics. HOLO won't be listed on exchanges so I hope you're in this for the tech.

>> No.9204769


>> No.9204790

I read something about this.

Tell me, If I believe in the tech long term, what can I reasonably expect by holding this?

If the tech does take off, will the price follow?

If it gets adopted, will the price follow?

Whats in it for the investor to purchase this, considering of course it won't be listed on an exchange.

Will it turn to be another JNT?

>> No.9204794

I purchased a Holoport on their Indiegogo site: https://igg DOT me/at/h-o-l-o/x/10417124

Now I've found out that you'll also be able to host Holo dapps on your PC/laptop

What's the point in getting a Holoport then? Is it built to optimize your earnings, would you need to have your PC running 24/7 to earn similarly as the plug-in&play Holoport?

Would appreciate if someone could enlighten me on that

>> No.9204830

Developers have comfirmed this on Reddit and Telegram. A reserve account will allow limited swaps into BTC and FIAT. Nowhere near enough liquidity for mass-swaps.

>> No.9204859

There isn't really a "price". There are no tokens or coins. The system uses double-entry crypto-accounting. When the system launches, the HOLO network will owe you computing power. The team is very open about not wanting people to "hoard" currency, but use it.

>> No.9204863

All you did was bought an expensive outdated prebuild computer. They called their computers "Holoport" but its just a basic computer.

>> No.9204864

Not true it is absolutely tradable, this has been debunked multiple times, blatant lie rajeesh, Vishnu hates liars.

Op is a faggot for not telling us during ico but is right about most people in crypto being brainlets, when ETH came out 'respected members' of bitcointalk forums were saying it was vapour ware, it would never work, it was better to implement smart contracts on top of bitcoin than create a smart contract platform from the groundfloor up. These people were like the youtubers/bizlets of today. Zero knowledge but had respect because they were established members of the community.

>> No.9204872

in case anyone falls for this, read this reddit post by the devs to see how crazy these people are: https://www.reddit.com/r/sorceryofthespectacle/comments/8g9kd4/what_is_the_agenda_of_this_sub/

>> No.9204873


>> No.9204876

If holochain is successful, the price of the token will be 0.
Jesus, stop falling for these ponzies ffs.

>> No.9204880

sorry meant this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/sorceryofthespectacle/comments/5p817e/what_is_ceptr/dcqnk11/

a couple gems:
>If aliens use computers, they will already be Ceptr-compatible, or it will be trivial to make them so.

>Ceptr protocols will eventually be extended to speak using chemical messengers, that is we will learn and make explicit the communication protocols our body and plants and ecosystems use to intracommunicate, and articulate those protocols as a spec. This will allow our cells and even our DNA to participate in the higher echelons of their existence politically, i.e., democratically. So we will also be able to heal nature and many new kinds of diseases (political diseases of the cells) will be able to be resolved peacefully.

these people are batshit insane

>> No.9204881

Holoports are unnecessary, any computer with Linux can do the same, holoports are for Normie's who are too stupid to use Linux/ connect to holochain network

>> No.9204894

nice red id and tag "bite you"

You did not answer my question though, although you might be right, but would it require me to host their dapps 24/7 on my PC (like running it all day all night) to get a similar rate of earning?

I'd like to not hinder my PC's performance just to host the dapps and earn Holofuel, so the Holoports might not be such a bad idea

>> No.9204897

There is no coin or token, exchanges cannot support HOLO. The developers have stated this numerous times.

>> No.9204914

alright I see, thanks

>> No.9204925

They haven't built it yet so we don't know the rate of earnings. Build your own computer dummy. Its so easy.

>> No.9204943

How is this related to Holo?

>> No.9204980

this is how bad the fud is, lmao. all these people wanting to get in sub-100 again before twitter and reddit pick this up, ain't gonna happen

>> No.9204989
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>If holochain is successful, the price of the token will be 0
LMAO where'd you catch that? fell for yesterday's fud campaign? people will earn fucking $$ by running nodes, and they will be payed in holofuel. how yould holofuels worth being 0$ make sence? start thinking for yourself holy shit

>> No.9205003
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>> No.9205007

because, you fucking retard, if EVERYONE runs a node, EVERYONE will be dumping their few earned tokens.
And if everyone runs a node, the price of the service will be near 0, fucking idiot.

>> No.9205023
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>> No.9205033
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>> No.9205052

Exchanges CAN list holofuel. The holo organization cannot make an exchange themselves for unused holofuel but anyone else can.

>> No.9205076

If everyone runs a node, hosting will be cheaper, which means you will get a huge amount of computing power per one unit of fuel. But as the network grows you will also get less fuel as payment for hosting, so buying early means you're actually getting a huge discount.

>> No.9205096

Fudders absolutely, incontrovertibly BTFO. Buy HOT NOW. It's happening.

>> No.9205130
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fml, you're not even trying to understand basic economics. aks yourself: why would "everyone" run a node? especially if the earnings were that low? ever heard anything about supply and demand? you're not even trying to use youre brain, either trolling or mad you sold at 100 gwei

>> No.9205172

>The problem with the blockchain is that it is founded on the idea of global consensus. If everybody says Trump has 3 billion bitcoins, I have to agree with them because look it says right here in the global ledger.

>Well fuck that. Trump doesn't have any money I want. I don't want to do business with any currency that originated from Trump's sphere of trust. I'm going to use my post-blockchain dissensus-based metapolitical metacurrency negotiated distributed super secret private personal friendship network economy software to block his sorry ass and all of his goons with one click. #blocktrump

Reddit, not even once.

>> No.9205231
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They were just trying to appeal to the Reddit community

>> No.9205239


you will get a discount for for using computing resources if you got early, yes, because it will be super cheap to actually buy the token (if you
can be fucked to do this) and use it for its intended purposes. The more nodes there are, the more the cost of using the computing power will decrease, so naturally fewer tokens will be in demand.

God, /biz/ is like a fucking kindergarten.

>> No.9205249


sorry, meant to quote this fuckwit >>9205130

>> No.9205299

holochode is literally the definition of a crypto scam. i really hope you all buy in cos i want to laigh at all blood red wojaks when it goes bellie up

>> No.9205383

More nodes pretty much means that more people are also using hApps, causing the demand of hosting and computing power to increase. If you think the price of a fuel unit will go to zero because you can buy more computing power with it you're fucked in the head.

>> No.9205389

Mad Scientist insane is the best type of insane

>> No.9205398

>I couldn't believe something so big had no shills.

>> No.9205476

If the product is good (which it is) then who gives a fuck about eccentric devs

Fucking vitalik ate his boogers on a live interview. You should be going all in after seeing mental illness

>> No.9205566

You fucking pajeet niggers start to insult me.

>> No.9206208

>Fucking vitalik ate his boogers on a live interview.

this. idk how people like to invest their money to a normie brain. i'm all in with holo

>> No.9206564

The absolute state of fudders in holo threads, every single piece of fud in this thread is shit tier and not true. I'm sure holochain is not perfect as nothing is but these fudders can't even reply with genuine criticism.

>> No.9206576

>More nodes pretty much means that more people are also using hApps

stopped reading there.

>> No.9206707
File: 287 KB, 960x632, Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 15.26.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats brainlets. You've made some hippie boomers on waaaay too many drugs very rich.


>> No.9206754

"Breakthroughs in our capacities to communicate and coordinate restructure society. Language birthed culture and hunter-gatherer tribes. Writing forged kingdoms and agriculture-age empires. Printing enabled nations and industrial-age economies."



>> No.9206979

This is pure gold. I'll follow this pos project just to see this whole thing blowing up

>> No.9207025

This is true and basic knowledge read any anthropology/history book or listen to any lecture on these subjects, actually fuck that just listen to a high school history class, what is your point? Or do you have learning disabilities so you spent your time making sandcastles instead of learning at school?

>> No.9207038

>literal naruto logo

>> No.9207438

that sentence is literally true. Kek.

>> No.9207654

Look seems Iota and Nano People are scared...
check out the code review ----) there is just nothing like it. Ok I guess hashgraph will be a true competitor but not very scary cause they don`t let you invest ;)

>> No.9207836

regardless whether you think the project has merit (even though its run by permatripping mush-brained boomer hippies) the HOT token has no value. seriously, read into the tokenomics more.

>> No.9207860


I'm with the other guys here, uni sociology was a waste of fucking time but at least I can appreciate that this sentence is factual.

>> No.9208068

>being this low iq
From the currency paper pg 10
"Holo credits are priced in computing units: processing time, bandwidth, and storage."
"The value of credits is still dependent on real world factors like the cost of electricity, computing hardware and internet connectivity."

>> No.9208116

What is wrong with that sentence?
Seems like you were unaffected by these breakthroughs in communication capacity.

>Holo use big words, Grug no understand, must be scam funny AHAHAHAHA Grug attack

>> No.9208301

Holofuel DEX on the Holo platform maybe?

>> No.9208343

For example, if at launch you have 1 HOLO that buys you X compute units (a mix CPU/Bandwith/Storage) and as the network grows hosters compete to provide the same X compute units for .5 or .005 HOLO, the value of one HOLO will have gone up dramatically. This is what we expect to happen, and from that dynamic early investors get an ROI but we end up with a stable currency whose value fluctuates only the cost of providing compute units.

>> No.9209209

The value of one Holotoken is the amount of computing power it buys. I believe in the white paper it says it’s around one Euro worth of computing power. You’re currently buying one Euro worth of computing power for a 100th of the price. Do the math.

>> No.9209244

>normie with low iq
>did not understand
>very confused
>just laughed to look cool
>failed miserably because 4chan is full of autistic nerds
>became the laughing stock instead


>> No.9209310

You don’t need to be autistic to know that sentence was true lol. Idk why he picked that one

>> No.9209364


>> No.9209678

>for a 100th of the price


>> No.9210140