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File: 15 KB, 1223x448, 068ddZ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9199857 No.9199857 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty obvious that none of the larps are legit since they would have known about the new logo. There are no insiders on 4chan, come on.

>> No.9199976

Maybe the logo change was last second

>> No.9200006
File: 50 KB, 597x393, 1518815988556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all the larps have been people claiming to work in industries planning to use chainlink, not people claiming to work for smartcontract.com

>> No.9200038

Do you think this logo has been a WIP for more then a year OP? This was whipped up in 10 seconds. How fucking sense are you

>> No.9200060

I just wonder how you can see that trash tier logo and not sell immediately

>> No.9200078

I started to make a long post about how retarded your statement was, but I'll just call you a faggot. Faggot. Get fucked.

>> No.9200081

If you didn't long ago realise the larps were just random autists going to page 50 of google search results I don't know what to tell ya

>> No.9200083

stole omise go logo

>> No.9200169

where the fuck are y'all finding this logo? I can't find it anywhere. Help a autistic fellow out.

>> No.9201066


AB never claimed to a chainlink insider you dipshit, nor did he claim to have inside knowledge from within the company.

>> No.9201078


I wish they had kept the previous shade of blue tbqhfamilymember

overall new logo is fucking beautiful though

>> No.9201106

Not a new logo, they’re just using that for the testnet faucet.