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File: 38 KB, 485x443, 1518232327719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9199726 No.9199726 [Reply] [Original]

hey biz I told a girl I liked her and she hasn't responded despite having seen it.

How do I kill myself?

Also which coin should I send to my dumb family? YOLO

>> No.9199741

just move on. Never kill yourself over a woman.

>> No.9199753

Why would I stress over a bitch if I'm rich?

>> No.9199755

embrace the humiliation, anon
it builds character
experiences like those carve you into a better man
it doesn't always feel good but DOING SOMETHING, even if you fail, is nothing if not the best education you can get in life
kudos on actually fucking doing something, you're head and shoulders above yr peers

>> No.9199779
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send her a dick pic and a smiley :)


>> No.9199810

if she didn't respond to you, she doesn't get what you're about at all. move on anon

hit the gym if you don't - it helps

>> No.9199819

You have fallen into the underworld due to an attack from the devouring mother.
Now, sort yourself out, clean your room and save your father from the belly of the whale.

>> No.9199868
File: 30 KB, 600x680, 3b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why woman lie at Grug?

Grug want smash.

>> No.9199895

it's probably because you're an autistic fag. there were a lot of tutorials on how to kys here in feb and march maybe search around. I think a nitrogen tank was popular if I remember correctly

>> No.9199914
File: 108 KB, 484x443, 1518645196898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grug friend Gronk fight with Patriots and he autistic and smash many women.

>> No.9200151

I want to push my d0ng right up there and make it expand a bit more

>> No.9200330
File: 81 KB, 600x536, 1515537830512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she hasn't responded despite having seen it.
>despite having seen it
You told her via text/online messaging? No wonder you got rejected. Damn coward. 100% she is showing your fag confession to her friends and laughing at OP who has no balls.

>> No.9200346

Sorry op but this

>> No.9200354

OP u don't do this u never reveal ur feelings u fug and keep her wondering until she starts pushing for relationship

>> No.9200380

dont tell them. just rub your pelvis against them and kiss them

>> No.9200406


Never tell a woman you like her for the first time, especially over text you beta mong. Are you 18?

>> No.9200412
File: 236 KB, 808x805, 6p2Uw0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw admit it in real life and then turns out she has a boyfriend but didnt say it and starts crying and hugging me

The real solution is to never admit it in the first place

>> No.9200423

Yah should have just told her to meet you at the liquor store to pickup some bottles then head back to your place to chill. It's a stronger move than what you did and has all the implications.

>> No.9200441

dont worry man you're not alone. Everyone has done shit that makes them cringe hard. I often get hardcore cringe episodes on my bed when I'm about to go to sleep.

Some day you'll be able tell your friends this absolutely humiliating and hilarious incident and have a laugh

>> No.9200646

>mfw girl admitted love for me over text in high school
>didn't respond
>got ugly in college
>girl got hot
>couldn't fuck

now im gonna kill myself funny how that works

>> No.9200661

are you 15?
this so much.

>> No.9200750

She probably didn't even see OP's message. The app probably just opened by accident when her phone was knocked off the table.

>> No.9200932

can confirm rejected by 3 girls in just as many weeks feels good to be a man anon

>> No.9200946

>hasnt responded

Autistic fuck, say it in person next time.

>> No.9201211



Thats why you must throw something like that at her face

>> No.9201463


grug would hit her over the head with his club and drag her back to his cave

>> No.9201477

Actually telling them that you like them is late in the game. Keeping them guessing at first.

Rejection is part of it. Pursue as many women as you can until one sticks.

>> No.9201525
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send us screenshots of the conversation and let us evaluate what you did wrong

>> No.9201585

This is exactly right, did you seriously just message her your feelings unprompted?
Next time talk to her to see if she shows a hint of interest then ask her out. It's not like in a fucking movie where you gush out how much you love her.

>> No.9201605

Facts nigga

>> No.9202535
File: 423 KB, 556x420, 1524965653006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks ago

me: I find you attractive [name]. If you are single, and want to mingle, I am interested in getting to know who you are more.

>her: Aww thank you (emoji smiley face) I appreciate it. I am single but I just got out of a relationship a week ago so I'm not ready to jump right into anything yet. I just need some time but I will definitely let you know!

Me: Understood. I'm not trying to rush into anything either. I just felt like I had to get that off my chest. Thank you for being honest with me.

>her: Of course I'll always be honest with you :)

1 week ago

me: Take your time, but when/if you're ever ready, here's my number. ###-###-####. I'm going back to giving you space/time, so no pressure. :^)


me: I can't help myself. Your blue eyes have me enchanted. They are irresistible.

>> No.9202554

I used roughly the same last two lines and I scored my current gf. dunno what's wrong with you

>> No.9202556
File: 182 KB, 442x341, 1525159926754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your 2nd response "cool"
>silence until she contacts you

>> No.9202665

Well what can I said anymore accept the truth and move anons be better or still worse is your choice now

>> No.9202860

thanks for this anon

now i'm going to all in link.

>> No.9202891
File: 1.60 MB, 5472x3648, 1525101818393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically rejection and all in link are the two greatest investments you can make in your life as aman

>> No.9203006


you talk like a fucking autist, zero game

>> No.9203049

its all good you did not use the other L word. I thought if you had a GF the whole point was to like her.

>> No.9203124


its already over with this girl, you literally have zero chance now no matter what you say or do. Just take it as a learning experience and move on. You reek of desperate virgin and girls pick up on that very easily. And the latest text you send just sends a creepy stalker vibe. Now she's weirded out or scared. She's not going to respond.

don't ever tell a girl you find her attractive or are interested in getting to know her, that should be obvious by the fact you are even talking to her.