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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9199722 No.9199722 [Reply] [Original]

When you see a cyptocurrency spammed on /biz/ nearly 24/7, do you see that as a positive or negative thing? When you open the /biz/ catalog and see a bunch of Chainlink, Holochain, and Origami threads, do you immediately FOMO in, or do you research coins that aren't being talked about?

- Complete SSL across the entire network
- 3-second blocktime with blockchain scalable to terabytes
- Shadow address and atomic swaps
- 500 transactions per second directly on the chain (no lightning network)
- ASICs will be bricked from mining DERO by early June
- DERO whitepaper (finished version), technical papers, source code, and normie-friendly GUI wallets releasing within 35 days
- Website update being worked on
- New exchanges are in the works
- Dev team weeks ahead of schedule, aren't even spending any time advertising because they're spending so much time on the blockchain putting in nearly 90 hours a week
- Dev support team on slack nearly 24/7, you can literally talk to a member of the team RIGHT NOW in their Slack chatroom (or Discord, if you prefer) to answer ANY questions you have
- Everyone who has invested in this and has spent time researching the project is immensely curious at its potential (think: PoWH 3D and Ethroll, but with DERO, think: real-world transactions with 100% privacy, think: their own exchange, and it goes on)

This thread is going to die -- just like the last one.

It's going to die, and it'll be replaced by 3 more Origami threads, 4 more Holochain threads, and 20 Chainlink threads.

Don't miss out. If you're having any fears at all, just talk directly to the devs themselves.

>> No.9199744

why'd it dump.

>> No.9199842
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>pulls a 20x
>market goes bear, retracts a little
>"why'd it dump duuuuuuuuuuurrrrr"

>> No.9200069
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OP you are on the wrong board, there is /biz/tard only for brainlet and stupid shill.

Technical people are on >>>/g/

>> No.9200371

Do people talk about DERO on /g/?

Are blockchain discussions allowed on /g/?

>> No.9200519

I bought 20 at $4 and now it's at $2.50. I guess I FOMO'd when it was shilled hard. I think it was shilled so people could dump their bags? That's OK, I'll hold onto it until it either goes to $20 or disappears completely. I'm thinking of buying 20-30 more at the low cost since I figure I'll either lose $100 or have a chance at 10x or 20x-ing. No risk no reward.

>> No.9200788
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You really need to do more research on DERO if you're having serious worries of this thing flatlining. DERO Atlantis, smart contracts, GUI wallets, new exchanges, and more are right on the horizon.

>> No.9201198

All that is just talk, I don't really trust anything and researching is difficult. The dev names are still not public right, but supposedly will be soon? It's all speculation at this point, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to throw a bit of money away at the chance of this mooning.

>> No.9201999

It would be "just talk" if they hadn't met previous deadlines. If they actually release DERO Atlantis before June 10th, the FOMO will get very real VERY quick.

>> No.9202174


>> No.9202868

for the brainlet that don't doing any research: