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File: 184 KB, 960x960, amerilard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9197207 No.9197207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm 32 and worth over a million thanks to crypto.

Have a $300k condo that's paid off
$130k in checking + savings account
$280k in stocks
$580k in crypto

And I earn 160k/year. The problem is that I'm overweight. About 30 pounds. I'm 6'2 and muscular (I lift often, hate cardio) so it doesn't show, but I want to be cut. How the fuck do I lose weight? It's so hard, especially now that I can afford to eat nice things all the time. I lift at least 4 times a week.

>> No.9197232

Liposuction you faggot mutt

>> No.9197241
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>> No.9197244

Hi OP,

I’m 22, 93kg, <10% bf and aka chad

I’ll happily give you much detailed and specific coaching to yourself for some coin... I’m a PT

Also I’m not natural FYI

Just let me know and we can talk elsewhere mate!

>> No.9197258

For us, poorfags, rope jumping is the best option. But since you have the money, i strong recommend that you look for some health professional to build a decent diet and exercise schedule.

>> No.9197264
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Just walk a lot. Walk up stairs then down them. Walk to another set of stairs and repeat.

>> No.9197273

If youre smart enough to figure out crypto youre smart enough to figure out a test/var cycle

>> No.9197295

>(I lift often, hate cardio)
Huh, I wonder why you're a fat sack of shit. Add light cardio and core workouts to your everyday routine, or don't if you want to stay being a lazy fat fuck.


>> No.9197303

calorie deficit u fucking retard. shit will melt off if youre burning more than you take in.

>> No.9197305

Feel like donating to help with my student loans?

I'm 15k in the hole and can't leave the country until I pay it off lmfao

longstoryshort; dad and sister ran away to be together and I either stay and fuck my mother or leave :(

>> No.9197306

The human body is extremely energy efficient. We manage to make walk a low energy thing after years of evolution.
Walk is good for keep your weight and keep health, but not to lose height (unless you are really fat and your body can't handle real exercise)

>> No.9197310

Fucking this, walk several miles a day, park far away, use stairs and don’t eat so much OP you fat fuck god damn people are retarded losing weight is simple as fuck

>> No.9197318

kek. /fit/ doesn't do cardio either.

>'muh squats'
>'muh gomad'

>> No.9197321

Don't eat out at restaurants.

Limit/cut out all bread, rice, pasta, sugar, soft drinks, juice.

Eat mainly protein with non-starchy veggies (basically eat anything green.

Throw in some gym. If you don't want to do intense cardio go for a walk for 30-60 mins EVERY day.

Get 6-8 hours sleep a night.

Do this for 3 months and report back.

>> No.9197323
File: 122 KB, 625x938, 1EC10CD2-0B4E-49F6-87D6-5FC6789DBF27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP. Chad here (6’2” 195 lbs) I’ll be happy to help you (broscience-free)

Hit me up on IG @thad.chundercock & let’s talk

>> No.9197341

Cardio kils gains

>> No.9197347

Yeah not saying they do, but I am saying this thinly veiled LARP thread technically belongs either on /fit/ or in the trash.

>guys I don't do any cardio and I eat too much
>why am I fat?
>oh and I'm rich too btw!

fucking lol

>> No.9197353 [DELETED] 

That’s retarded, you’re retarded. Evolution doesn’t change the laws of physics. Calories burned is calories burned. The heavier you are the more calories you burn. If you’re ~180 lbs you’ll burn around 100 calories per mile. >hurr durr muh evolution I’m a scientist guys I read about it on a blog
Fuck off and read a book

>> No.9197354

Don't do that. This is one of those crazy diets that can cost a fortune in damages to your body.

>> No.9197366

He's not a manlet so he probably can't jump rope


Read the fucking sticky

>> No.9197370

>>9197306 #
That’s retarded, you’re retarded. Evolution doesn’t change the laws of physics. Calories burned is calories burned. The heavier you are the more calories you burn. If you’re ~180 lbs you’ll burn around 100 calories per mile.

>hurr durr muh evolution I’m a scientist guys I read about it on a blog
Fuck off and read a book

>> No.9197378

You got my post wrong.
I only told that walk is really not that effective to lose weight because it doesn't consume that much of energy compared to other exercises.

>> No.9197387


>> No.9197391

The ONLY way to lose weight is too eat less.
Look into intermittent fasting, and water fasting

>> No.9197393

You know there's nice food thats also healthy right?

>> No.9197405

Get a personal trainer. That’s what I did with some of my gains. Worked like a charm. Lost 40 pounds.

>> No.9197421
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I see you delete your own post to correct some wrong info.

>> No.9197433
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>> No.9197438

I quoted myself by accident, lol.

>> No.9197442

Use MyFitnessPal.
It’s a website and an app.

You need discipline. This will help.

And you should be doing cardio. Try biking or the StairMaster machine if your gym has one (looks like a mini escalator). Jumping rope is also good. Or take up boxing. That’s a hell of a workout.

>> No.9197451

Yes you need. Everyone needs. Unless you plan to die at your 50s.

>> No.9198137

Read the ellis darden book, forgot the title

>> No.9198146

Energy in, energy out.

Basically eat less or exercise more.

>> No.9198175

Sorry its ellington darden

>> No.9198181

Eat less you dipshit.

>> No.9198202

Water fasting. No food for one month. Don’t be a pussy.

>> No.9198206

just eat less, you dumb faggot. is it really that hard to understand?

don't drink anything but water, or 0 calorie drinks if you absolutely can't just drink water.

>> No.9198226
File: 242 KB, 4500x4334, 0038 - kAx1pPc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times you going to post the same shitty ask OP? Eat less, exercise more. Ask again tomorrow and the answer will be the same.

>> No.9198230

this. are you so retarded you can't use google? it's incredibly simple and there are a million ways to do it

>> No.9198287

jiu jitsu or muay thai. you will be forced to expend your energy unless you want to get choked out or hit. unless you're a pussy, then don't bother, stay fat.

>> No.9199213

Stop eating bread.
Eat better in general, veggies salad proteins..
Run 2 miles like 3x a week.
It’s not fucking hard

>> No.9199490

no takeaways or eating out.
cut down on the bread intake
prepare your own meals (most important) and stop eating processed shit because you're a lazy faggot.
you're not living on the breadline, you can afford the prime cuts, the best fruit and veg.

>> No.9199831
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hard work, dedication

>> No.9199843

what is he, like, 5'7"?

>> No.9199889
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i'm a manlet! 5-6 172lbs.....

>> No.9199944

How to shitpost on /biz/
by anonymouys
>step 1) claim you are a cryptomillionaire
>step 2) post something completely off topic

>> No.9199963

gotta invest in link if you wanna see some gainz fatty

>> No.9199985


So got to /fit/, what the fuck you asking here for?

>> No.9199991

Keto. I've dropped 50lbs since November.

>> No.9199995
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Try the "Hanging out with Sayori" exercise

>> No.9200042

To be honest, sleeping more helped me a lot. It gave me more mental focus to address any diet/exercise issues. So try sleeping 8+ hours/night and see if it helps you.

>> No.9200051

Same boat as you and I have found counting calories works.

Pre pakaged food with the calories on them help, it's just boring as fuck

>> No.9200061

pics of condo?

>> No.9200064
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Damn, I should have went into software instead of geology.

Even a worthless sack of shit like you can make twice as much doing monkey coding.

>> No.9200065

lol i went to middle school and high school with sean o'pry

>> No.9200475

>It's hard to lose weight
>30 pounds

You could literally shed that in 4 months. Just put in effort, the hardest part is getting started, once you're committed to not overeating, it gets really easy.

>> No.9200485

Intermittent fasting
Go 16/8 for six months it's pretty easy

>> No.9200533

Easiest way to cut calories is liquid calories. Stop drinking soda, alcohol, sugary coffee drinks. Water. Black coffee or tea. Add lemon to your water.

>> No.9200606

Do a fast lol
Isn’t that hard, lost 60 pounds in 2 months

>> No.9200624

fuck sake, 1 post by this ID

report this shit, it isnt /biz/ related at all. go to /fit/ you fat cunt

>> No.9200635

>Posting your net worth unsolicited.

>Asking for fitness advice on a finance board.

MegaLARP detected. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9200641

>How the fuck do I lose weight
Stop eating like a cow

t. fellow burger

Aerobic exercise doesn't matter nearly as much as not eating as far as losing weight is concerned. It has its own health benefits where I would still wholly recommend it though.

>> No.9200717

crystal meth bro

easy fast

just be discipline and know when to stop

>> No.9200770

its called calories retard eat less then you burn

>> No.9200911

lost 30 lbs in 3 months while gaining strength (and kept it off for the last 2 years) so i may be of some service
Intermittent fasting is the best way. Yes it sucks getting used to being hungry during the day. Drink some coffee, it curves hunger.
I ate 1800 calories for 3 months while lifting every other day, plus running occasionally.
Heres a sample diet:
Wake up at 9 am
fast until 4pm, you are allowed coffee and water throughout this time
4pm lunch:
ham sandwich with slice cheddar 240 cals
apple 70 cals
string cheese 80 cals
greek yogurt 120 cals
drink a cup of water every 100 cals while eating

pre dinner snack
metrx big 100 peanut butter pretzyl ( check amazon) - 400 cals
2.5 cups 2% milk - 300 cals

pulled chicken roasted in rice cooker w/ hot sauce - .5 lbs 250 cals
broccoli- 2 cups 50 cals

after dinner snack
1/2 cup dried oats 150 cals
1 scoop vanilla muscle milk 150 cals
add cinnamon to taste (tasty combo here)

total 1800
Still hungry? drink water and crystal light, chew gum

I got shredded off this, mirin your crypto stack btw

If you are feeling weak, check before and after pics on bodybuilding dot com

>> No.9200949

stop eating

>> No.9200993

Stop eating simple carbs period. South beach diet, Keto diet or paleo. You are addicted to the sugar in simple carbs. You will never outwork those and you will always have cravings until you cut that shit out.you don’t have to work out much to lose weight. You need to educate yourself on sugar.

>> No.9201029

>stop eating


>> No.9201074

The following 5 replies are pajeets.

>> No.9201163

Intermittent fasting is how I dropped 30 lbs over a summer. Kept drinking beer here and there which made it hard to. A little bit of exercise, mostly running, planking and incline sit-ups. I also incorporated fruit, kale and spinach smoothies into my semi-daily routine. It's been surprisingly easy if I keep it simple. 3 years no weight gain outside 5lb fluctuations.

>> No.9201474
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get a life

>> No.9201817

fasting. not even memeing
/fit/izen do this and it works

>> No.9202144

Go vegetarian for a year you fat fuck.

>> No.9202186

Just join a crossfit gym. The results speak for themselves. Just google crossfitters. Its not that hard.

>> No.9202795

You have parasites. also you dont really want to get healthy otherwise you wouldn't be asking /biz/. You are scum.

>> No.9202876

Op listen to me, download the app "Myfitnesspal" because you need to start counting calories, buy a small balance for food, you are going to eat Chiken, meat, rice, fruits and fish in 100gr per portion, your max daily calorie intake has to be of 1200 ok?

distribute your 1200 for all the day like a 150 breakfast 300 meal, a 300 dinner etc,

>> No.9202907

fucking diet and mild exercise. Fucking honest here. I've done it myself not long ago after being in a hospital bed for months and not being able to walk for more. I got up to 240lbs and now I'm down to 160lbs and underweight, but I can't use my legs much due to the injuries but I lot the weight without much use of my legs.

Diet diet diet and mild exercise. Guaranteed to lose weight. And if you arn't disabled then you can do real exercise and lose it faster.

>> No.9202913

Just count your calories and eat less than your body uses. Not really hard.

>> No.9202929

Exercise doesn't do very much to lose weight. Easier to just go the diet path. You will be fatigued due to being on a calorie deficit. Add exercise and that's why many just give up. To burn of one cookie you need like 30min on an exercise bike, easier to just not eat the cookie.

>> No.9202939

1200 is way too low and will put his body in survival mode trying to maintain it's weight as much as possible. Terrible advice.

>> No.9202951

>faggot tries to humblebrag
>/fitbiz/ completely ignores the money/height bait
>60 posts about nutrition and exercise
OP btfo by collective autism

>> No.9202954
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cut out all carbohydrates you can stomach (sorry for the pun) and ignore the black hole forming in your stomach area...
while doing that, you can cram your face with healthy stuff (NO CARBOHYDRATES AT ALL) to cope with the lard screaming bloody havoc in the back of your head trying to make you fail...


mad jelly at your gains, bro. you made it. now make yourself!

now go on and call me a faggot, you edgy cunts. i've been here since you were crapping diapers...
you'd cry if you knew how 4chan used to be compared to the current state...
and we all though it was shitty, back then. jesus christ...

alos: have an old /b/ meme

>> No.9202973


Keep your gains m8 I'll literally run circles around you

>> No.9202975

What the fuck did I just read?
Story time anon

>> No.9202984

Man everyone is different but for me just walking miles lost me an another 20lbs after losing 60lbs with mostly diet. All lost in a year once I learned to walk after breaking my tibia fibula ankle in one leg and damaging 2 knees, getting hit by a vehicle.

Like I said, everyone's different.

>> No.9202986

That's some wincest going on. Would you pound her tuna though?

>> No.9202995

Cut out every food except for potatoes. Cook however you want, excluding oils. Not even memeing