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File: 184 KB, 455x361, dontretireearly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9196592 No.9196592 [Reply] [Original]

>"Don't retire early, goyim. Keep working for your masters"

The absolute state of journalism

>> No.9196601


Relevant article

>> No.9196736

the jews want all the nonjews to be eternal slaves, we get it

>> No.9196797

And why that's a good thing.

>> No.9196815


>> No.9196817

my dad is a millionaire and he won't retire

he's 70 years old and just got another ghost writing contract for like $120000 to write the life story of a BBQ restaurant mogul

he's going to spend 3 months driving around florida eating BBQ and taking notes and then another 3 months writing

im like "dad why don't you just eat BBQ and relax on the beach instead of making it a job"

he just laughed and said it didn't even seem like a job to him.

i don't understand

>> No.9196838

wrong vid, the original one got removed from the uploader


>> No.9196842

Boomers were raised to be like this

>> No.9196894
File: 61 KB, 512x512, 1508209887871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents could not have been happier finally retiring lately. last generatio who got out before avalanche, good benefits, low retirement age. next generaiton will retire at 65-67, but it will take only 5 years and they will change that again, soon over 70, then 80. pension funds too bust

>> No.9196899

Sounds like a good life. That’s a fucking adventure dude don’t you realize it. There’s only so much beach and islands you can do before you get tired of it. Yes, one can get tired of what you and I may call paradise.

>> No.9196922

meh that's coping fallacy. if you got good benefits (unlimited travel options etc) it's nobrainer to retire

>> No.9196938

in usa most people are not able to retire comfortably. 401k scam busted. in europe retirement are nationalized more so

>> No.9196970
File: 31 KB, 313x286, 1519655854208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope we enforce senicide soon enough. Death should be only type of retirement boomers can get.

>> No.9197007


>> No.9197023

They don't say "and why," you retard, they just say "and that's a good thing."

>> No.9197035

Vitalik could easily retire since his net worth is >100m, but he's obviously not going to stop working on ETH anytime soon. If you get paid to do what's fun to you (and have the freedom to walk away), why stop now?
Due to Bitcoin I could easily retire right now, but I plan to eventually work in something related to blockchain dev.

>> No.9197052

Holy shit that site is cancer. A scrolling half page ad that you have to click out of on an exit sign about eight pixels wide.

Also OP, you're a faggot, the article was clear and concise.

>> No.9197063

he obviously loves his job.
michael scumaher went back to F1 after trying to retire for 1 year, became the oldest pilot ever driving, then after he had to leave again for good, practically killed himself in a few months (had a skiing 'accident', but if that didn't get him, he'd have found something that did).

your dad will probably be writing till he dies. writers also age well in general, lots of them write literally until death.

a millionaire writer doesn't have general charcteristic of his generation, he's an outlier. and people who have true passion for their job are like this regardless of when they were born.

>> No.9197102

>I seriously hope we enforce senicide soon enough

i don't even know why this is even controversial

what exactly is the boomer's endgame anyway

just age and age and age until they shit their pants and blow all their kids' inheritance and die drooling

i mean what we really have in the western world is tyranny of the elderly

all these old fucks have all this fucking money and power and there's nothing left for them to do, they control EVERYTHING, but it's never enough, got to start another hedge fund, got to take another $100000 cruise

in the neighborhood i live in every bugatti, audi, porshe is driven by some old spray tanned wrinkly silver haired old fuck i mean for christ sake enough already

>> No.9197104

vitalik can't retire because he's not in it for the money, he's in it for the power. his political ambitions are clear already, he's just very young so they're subtle.

>> No.9197159

That’s the guy from the “dear diary... today I lost everything.” gif

>> No.9197484

You're the one that didn't get the reference, retard