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9195505 No.9195505 [Reply] [Original]

What site do you guys buy your coins from? Complete newfag here very curious about investing in crypto

>> No.9195523


>> No.9195529

Hahe we all MINE it here newfriend.

>> No.9195565

Well how do you go about that, if you don't mind explaing

>> No.9195615

Coinbase is an easy way to buy your first crypto

>> No.9195670

crypto is a meme. You can't cash out, seriously try it.

>> No.9195826

Just go to reddit for these noob questions. The advice on here will get you fucked because no one has any interest in answering this stuff seriously.
Come back to biz once you've found yourself holding 10K worth of some random shit coin and want to convince the next batch of fucktards to buy it.

>> No.9195907

You need a pick, shovel and a sifter... cmon bruv

>> No.9195944

Go on the coinbase
Buy crypto
Go on an exchange like bitmex
Lose all your money on pajeet shitcoins

>> No.9196212

buy some eth on coinbase then send to binance... then buy all TRON (TRX) so I can rid this shit chink coin scam with profit.

>> No.9196222


>> No.9196247

Using LBX now, Coinbase had cucked me too long by not having the option to cash out without allowing my bank to block it.

UK only though so can't use it if you're a burger

>> No.9196270

Coinbase for the initial FIAT entry into the big coins (BTC, ETH, LTC)

Transfer them to Binance to purchase mid-cap altcoins (LINK, AMB, NEO, EOS, etc. . .) Most of the coins you want to buy will be found on Binance, but you can always try Kucoin or other exchanges if you like them better.

If you want really small cap/new coins and can't find them on Binance, they might not be listed on big exchanges yet. You'll have to go to IDEX or Etherdelta or some other decentralized exchange. These are generally much less user friendly and have a much wider variety of hidden gems and literal shitcoins so I wouldn't try using these exchanges until you have at least a cursory knowledge of what you are doing

>> No.9196521

Different exchanges have different coins listed, all depends on what you want to invest in.

In reality though, all you need is Chainlink, so Binance is what you need.

>> No.9196535


>> No.9196574


Bitgrail best exchange

>> No.9196586


The best answer and this will probably get buried.

>> No.9196597

I go from shitty ameribux monopoly money to crypto on coinbase, then send my funds to binance to buy shitcoins with.

>> No.9196645
File: 35 KB, 522x388, crypto wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy all of mine in person, cash only, and I store them in a velcro wallet.

>> No.9196678
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>> No.9196788
