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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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919463 No.919463 [Reply] [Original]

What are the majors where the earnings potential is limitless?

A lot of STEM majors top out at $150-$200k after many years of slaving away to help your boss buy a bigger boat. What degree does the boss typically have?

>> No.919468

anyone asking this question is an idiot that won't ever make even six figures

>> No.919474
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>> No.919507
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> this thread again

>> No.919512

The boss saves up enough to buy a business

He could have any education granted it allowed him to make 100k+ and he was very good at investing and saving

>> No.919513

>What are the majors where the earnings potential is limitless?
None if you're "working" with your degree. As in, you were hired because you're a STEM major. Your boss generally has the same degree as you. Experience and intangibles make them the boss. Even they have an earnings cap.

Entrepreneurship and sales are about your only two options as far as "limitless" earnings are concerned. And sales generally tops out around $500-600k. Although for all intents and purposes, that is limitless. Good news is that you don't need a degree for either, though. Go for it, OP.

>> No.919576

>Entrepreneurship and sales are about your only two options as far as "limitless" earnings are concerned.
>recommending sales
Sales is a scam

>> No.919608

very good.

Brokering deals and consulting can also make you millions.

I'm currently making $25k/mo~ and have no degree.

If you want to make a shit load of money find something that pays you on a performance basis and perform better than everyone else.

>> No.919612

>the fundamental driving force in any economy is a scam.

Okay bud.

>> No.919621

>Sales is a scam

>The only things you can sell are reverse mortgages and used cars
B2B sales are a thing, anon.

>> No.919630

What do you do?
How did you do it?
Can I do it?

>> No.919667

>What do you do?
I generate leads for financial services and act as a middle man where I can.

>How do you do it
I spent a ton of time and effort learning the business, networking, and carving out my niche. Now I leverage other people's skills and/or buying power for my benefit.

>Can I do it?
Probably. I don't know you.

>> No.919671

The bosses have MBA from Ivy league institutes. Check their LinkedIn profiles.

>> No.919672

It doesn't matter what you do for a living if you're not self-employed or own a business. You will cap out at 1xx-2xx no matter what you do unless you're extremely lucky. and that's the truth.

polite sage

>> No.919817

How many time do I need to say this:

The boss is either a CPA/CA with an MBA or a Humanities degree holder who also went on to do an LLB as well as an MBA

The only exception is Engineering related extractive businesses operated by Engineers.

Businesses are owned and run by accountants.

>> No.919822

Sales will make you $$$ & if you think you got it, try entrepreneurship.