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File: 62 KB, 959x639, BN-XF638_buffet_J_20180130101027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9192414 No.9192414 [Reply] [Original]

If you buy something like bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don't have anything that is producing anything,You're just hoping the next guy pays more.

And you only feel you'll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find someone that's going to pay more.

You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating.

>> No.9192443

>You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating.
yeah so? who fucking doesn't know this?
thanks Grampa

>> No.9192621

bitcoin produces dividends in the form of forks, and its a deflationary commodity that acts as a store of value (storing the value of cheap/otherwised wasted electricity via the PoW mining)

>> No.9192643

You literally just described 90% of all stocks.

>> No.9192668

Not true. youre hoping that the value rises due to demand from people using the tech

>> No.9192670

So why do people buy land and sit on it? Why do people squat on domains? Why do people buy collectables?


Who gives a fuck if it's speculation.

>> No.9192691




>> No.9192699


thats why I bought link

>> No.9192703

bitcoin makes the next guy pay more for the same thing, that's doing something.

>> No.9192704

>my dick is THIS big

>> No.9192714

1000$ eoy confirmed

>> No.9192716

And when you buy a stock you're not speculating on the price action? You're not hoping to sell it to the next person for more money?

It's the same shit, who cares if it's stocks or bitcoins or tulips or beenie babies. I'm here to make money.
If I could buy low and sell high with literal dogshit then I would

>> No.9192727

Land and domains have actual use (or at least potential use). Collectibles are stupid, but there are people who will pay for the pleasure of owning them.

Internet vaporcoins do nothing (still, after almost 10 years) that existing solutions don't do better.

>> No.9192738

This is true for nearly anything in the financial markets, aside from company shares.

Heck even gold, or fine art. Everything's a speculative bubble.

>> No.9192739


I wonder how far a fully transparent literal dogshit ponzi would go.

>> No.9192751

When you accept $ for your job, you're hoping that the next guy will accept those $ for his goods or service.

>> No.9192758

they exist on the blockchain which is a decentralised digital entity.
Which is good because it's accessible to anyone with a internet access while at the same time not being controlled by any organisation.

>> No.9192774

he unironically says that the stupidiest reason to buy a stock is to sell it for a higher price.

he's a dividends kinda guy.

>> No.9192805

Crypto is to banks what YouTube is to TV

>> No.9192864

The old bastard invested in Coca-Cola which gives people diabetes. Nice going Warren.

>> No.9192892

you're investing your money and upselling your product, real or fake. then, selling and profiting. kiss my weenie buffett!

>> No.9192899

There is no such thing as wasted electricity you fucking dolt.

>> No.9192983

>angery old boomer yells at tech he doesnt understand
His mindset is applicable to traditionsl assets, how this man hasnt had some techy intern explain blockchain and smart contracts to him I will never understand.

>> No.9193737

>You're just hoping the next guy pays more.

That's literally the same with stocks? Would you buy a stock if it's price just went down constantly? Of course fucking not.

>> No.9193789

Weak bait. See you at 1 trillion Marketcap in June. Don't forget to screenshot.

>> No.9193859
File: 46 KB, 580x720, 1525095798451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marxist theory of value

>> No.9193970

People just can't handle the volatility in cryptos so they have to make up shit like this.

>> No.9194708

Bullshit, there is a use for bitcoin, actually several, for one it's used as a currency to buy shitcoins with and people do pay for things with Bitcoin, both constitute a true demand. Is BTC worth it's price in USD? Maybe, maybe not, how many tech companies skyrocketed on lines of code, nothing tangible in a sense themselves, except for hur dur look at our user base, we valued each user at so and so dollars, even though we generate no cash and run on series funding, one loan after another.
Guys like Buffet manipulate markets, look at his rail road holdings, transport oil, he didn't want the pipeline built as it would be more efficient and a lot cheaper to transport oil throughout the US, bringing demand for his rail services way down, so he uses his political clout to bash the pipeline, too bad his paid off political hacks didn't win the last presidential election and the pipeline went through.
Speculation, right. Buffet does it all the time, same technique, he's just bitter he didn't get in sooner. His decrepit pal Soros is now getting into the game.
How many dot con companies even generated revenue and floated on series funding for a long time or just dried up and went away? All they were, lines of code, nothing tangible in a sense, virtual, just like crypto.
His ego, to him crypto is a ponzi scheme type setup, his old brain can't learn new tricks.

>> No.9194789

So tell me why Photoshop costs money if there's an infinite number of copies?

>> No.9194814

Yes because you're getting more earnings/dividends per dollar than before. Stocks become better and better the cheaper they are, like any other good. As long as you aren't an impatient ritalin kid, it's a good thing.

>> No.9194835

Cryptocurrencies will dissipate to irrelevance with a bleed to $0 within the next 2 years.

>> No.9194888

No because there is a valuation model for stocks which is the present value of future cash flows. These tech companies had people believing in future earnings (even if these never materialized).

There is no fundamental valuation for a currency in the same way. You wouldn't sit on a stack of paper euros as an investment for example.

Some guy explains that you instead of a universal currency, every thing can have it's own super volatile currency to make transactions on a slow database. Buffet says that sounds like something no one would use. Over.

>> No.9194894

For the license to use it.

>> No.9195038


Wait, so you're actually saying you'd buy a stock that let's say was worth 100 usd and went down in value 10 usd per year all the way to 0 in 10 years? Maybe just admit you're wrong for once in your fucking life lol.

>> No.9195128

You wouldn't sit on a stack of paper euros as an investment? That's funny, I did just that once, knew the dollar was going to weaken against the euro long ago. There's no such thing as currency speculation or forex trading currencies? You could bank that the fed raising rates in the US could tighten the money supply and strengthen the dollar and convert say euros to dollars, then when it plays through dump your dollars for euros.
These same tech companies had nothing tangible either, just some lines of code, basically virtual tech.

>> No.9195160

>You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating.
Oh okay, the only way you can make money is by investing. Nice. Great. Keep us posting on all those hot opinions.

>> No.9195177

That's speculation not investment. You wouldn't sit long term on the euro.

>> No.9195187

Yeah, get your money in the stock market where a mysterious charitable spirit buys your bags when its time for you to retire.

>> No.9195208

If it was paying a dividend of 5 usd and continued to pay it, of course I would continue to buy it, or it had good fundamentals. The closer it gets to 0, the greater its yield becomes

>> No.9195215


>> No.9195248


Why would you buy that instead of something that paid dividends AND went up in value aswell? Again, just admit you're wrong bro.

>> No.9195254

When LINK moons let's all meet at his grave and spit on it

>> No.9195268

Yes, I'm speculating.

The 19th richest man in the world is a professional speculator.

>> No.9195281

This is exactly why i only own ary and gvt

>> No.9195310

how is this any different than buying a non-dividend-paying stock

>> No.9195362

Just like every other commodity or currency, get educated.

>> No.9195365

If I 100% knew it would go up in market value then yes? That's never the case though. Much easier to predict dividend yield (Shiller has a great paper on this).

Point is you get money dividend yield for your money if you buy cheaper stocks. dividend yield = dividend paid / price. The lower the price is, the higher the yield.

if you just think of a stock has a stream of future cash flows, then it's better to buy it cheaper. What do you not understand about this?

>> No.9195429

If you buy something like gold or some precious metal, you don't have anything that is producing anything,You're just hoping the next guy pays more.

And you only feel you'll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find someone that's going to pay more.

You aren't investing when you do that, you're speculating.

>> No.9195432


Yeah, but in my example you KNOW the price is going down from 100 usd to 0 usd and you claimed you would buy it at 100. That was the whole point lol. Admit you suck and you're a retard already bro.

>> No.9195448


>> No.9195455

You're still speculating, just like the rest of us are in crypto, fucking brainlet. You're expecting the company to continue paying those dividends base on your stock count despite you having no say in whether the business sinks or swims. Or whether it can even adapt the industry it is in should it start changing rapidly.

>definition of speculation
>invest in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.

>> No.9195466

okay sure then my point still stands, I'd buy it when it's 0 because i'd buy it when it's cheap (in this case free). Sorry didn't understand you're example.

It's better to buy a stock when it's 0 not 100, because you get the same stock for cheaper.

>> No.9195471

Yet, his company doesn't pay out dividends

>> No.9195524


Yeah, that makes sense of course.

>> No.9195545

Little more subtle than that anon. Investing imo is done more long-term and based off solid reasoning. Dividend yields are generally quite stable. Speculation is short-term and betting on a certain outcome.

You can of course speculate on stocks and dividends as well though.

Crypto is just buying to sell to the greater fool, and is extremely volatile. No one would hold bitcoin forever, since it has no coupon or dividend or rent.

By your definition though, you're correct - they're both speculating.

>> No.9195592

holy shit. boomers truly are hypocritical, cancerous, and narcissistic.

>> No.9195605

Ypu dp the exact same thing when ypu buy stocks. Stocks aren't the end game because you're not married to them. You buy a stock hoping someone pays you more for it.

>> No.9195654

>when I buy its solid reasoning
>when other people buy its betting on a certain outcome

Jesus Christ you people.

>> No.9195725

Good thing the cryptos I invest in have a productive use cases.

>> No.9195740
File: 58 KB, 525x790, 1516122999672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird argument by a man who once bought 130 ounces of silver. Bitcoin = blockchain ownership, much like a tech stock better than pm

>> No.9195747


Yep, even dividends are just basically hoping your purchase goes up in value. Again the real difference in stocks and cryptos is just volatility basically. You buy both of them in hopes of making more money than you put in and that's it.

>> No.9195769

So what you're saying is crypto is a currency, doesn't get valuation like a stock. But there is tech behind these crypto currencies. What if something like a service say swift or iban, crypto like BTC gets into that space and is used, gains 5% of that market share for some advantages over using actual currency. Then what does that constitute? A service. Right? There's valuation there, yes?

>> No.9195776

Stocks are not company ownership for typical investor. It does not pay salary as sitting in the board of directors. Stock price goes down amount of dividend ofcourse, thus non-dividend paying stocks outperforming dividend paying. Buffet himself, dislikes dividends.

>> No.9195821

Hilarious how much the greatest investor triggers poojets and neets

>> No.9195918

"You buy a bitcoin", No, you fat fucking faggot

every bitcoin to ever exist has been EARNED by being randomly rewarded by every-other-participant, partly for wasting energy.

>> No.9195941
File: 576 KB, 1439x1595, 1518199470177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffet blasted on bitcoin in 2014 already. It was 300 bucks back then. He also blasted on fb and apple, only to buy them later on. Buffet might have been a great investor during the 60's

>> No.9196231


His IQ is propably just too low to understand complicated tech(IQ goes down as you get older) and he's sensible enough to not invest in things he doesn't understand.

>> No.9196252

>He thinks Buffet doesn't fud shit to get in at discount prices and then buy everything up and say "Oh yea, I was wrong about that, sorry"

>> No.9196322

buffet literally has said multiple times he didn't invest in tech companies during 1990s/2000s because he doesn't understand how internet works


>> No.9196359

It costs nothing. You can torrent it easily.

>> No.9196501

have no you not seen bitconnect or any of the actual ponzi coins?

>> No.9196557

Link will produce cash flow for node operators in the form of link tokens, in essence a dividend. The fucking boomer buffet can’t fathom thi.

>> No.9196831

>Buffet was born in 1930
>Baby Boomer gen started in 1946
>yet retards still think he's a boomer

He already had $6k dollars in 1946 which by that time it was a lot.

>> No.9197157

That's assuming the dividend will stay the same as stock price is tanking, which literally never happens. Everyone cuts dividends when they're down

>> No.9197423

Welcome to capitalism bub, find someone who will pay more than it is worth for every product ever.