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9192084 No.9192084 [Reply] [Original]

going to be volatile as heck next week


>> No.9192160

Wolf: yall hear me? B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G F-U-C-K-I-N-G N-E-W-S

Moon or Doom fate is next week

>> No.9192188
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Bump for (you).

>> No.9192215
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What changes if they decide they're securities? Besides the price.

>> No.9192293

you will have to be an accredited investor in order to buy. also the reporting your holdings thing would have really strong legal backing.

>> No.9192299

I can tell you for a fact nothing bad is going to happen because the same people who pull the strings around the world also pull the strings for eth. The same people who make laws are puppeted by those same puppeteers.

>> No.9192344

this is equivalent to trying to confiscate every gun in america. and we know how that goes.

>> No.9192346
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you better hope (((they))) have made peace with Russia then. (((hbo))) just did the vice special painting vitalik as basically an agent of the kremlin.

>> No.9192355

hope it dumps to under 200, I still haven't accumulated enough in this dip

>> No.9192373

this. anderssen horowitz had their legal team fucking at the sec meetings behind closed doors. they are in on this and have big skin in the game. they aren't gonna let this happen.

>> No.9192380

thank fuck the financial sector isn't as gullible as the political sector. They always call out the bs.

>> No.9192381

And people who have them have to sell? That sounds pretty insane.

>> No.9192382


>> No.9192393


>> No.9192408

I don’t think so, but you’d be legally required to follow the reporting requirements for holding securities. And you wouldn’t be able to buy more.

>> No.9192410

(((horowitz)))? Good

>> No.9192423

you should seriously research more if you're gonna be in this space long term.

>> No.9192468

The research i do encompasses this. Have you ever fell down the rabbit hole? I never came back up.

>> No.9192478

What the fuck is wrong with mutts, a beautifull norwegian last name bastardized like this..

>> No.9192486

I don' t think they will. They're going to piss off wayyyy too many people, including Coinbase if they do.

>> No.9192557

its marvelous that america can keep shitting up the crypto market time and time again

i unironically hope they classify it was a security so we finally can get rid of you panic selling mutts

>> No.9192606

ETH being labelled a security is such a fucking long shot I don't even know why this is a thing. There are countless proofs of ETH functionality as a coin. Nobody is expecting Vitalik to make them money. Easily passes the Howey test. Fuck outta here with this FUD

>> No.9192631

It's not really the US people though, It's "them" and it's understandable, Satoshis vision would fuck up their wealth domination pretty badly

>> No.9192652

neither have I. im stuck down here forever. ignorace is bliss.

>> No.9192686

It could probably help them more than hurt them. If they assign everyone a BTC address just like a social security # then no one would be able to avoid taxes.

>> No.9192707

*generates new address with a simple math problem*

>> No.9192726

they could just use a new address

>> No.9192762

welps looks like next week we gonna moon


>> No.9192843

lmao charts are COMPLETELY useless when it comes to impending regulations

>> No.9192898

They will not dare to do this. It would be devastating to their economy in the long run and they know it.

>> No.9192901

no, you dumb fuck. they can actually pick up events before they actually occur. ie. GPX in 2011. I shorted the fuck out of it

>> No.9192922

>(((their))) economy
pick one

>> No.9192923

in other words, you can detect foot prints of smart money moving into and out of position. trying to time them using buy and sell the news methods is useless.

>> No.9193038

Their economy will soon enough be crypto. We know it. They know it. Most importantly, they know that the whole country will fall behind if they would do something harmful like that.

>> No.9193063

Interesting thread for once. Thanks op.

So Ive read a bit about it and here is my reasoning why eth is a security

Ethereum wealth generation and price is directly linked with ethereum development. Even tho its decenterlized token, the value of token is determined by wether Vitalik does right or bad changes to it. Meaning what he decides directly affects me as a token holder. We token holders and users have littel to no impact on the price.

Thats my 5 cents. What happens if its labeles as security, I dont know. So somebody please fill me in on it.

>> No.9193070

It’s highly likely ether will be classified as security. If you haven’t sold yet, now is the time.

>> No.9193164

I think by that logic you could call any currency a security, because its value is determined by what the President does.

>> No.9193180

“get behind it” what the fuck are you going to do? put on a pink pussy hat and march on the sec? give me a break. Americans barely flinch when several of their rights guaranteed in the bill of rights have been stripped unilaterally for well over a decade.

>> No.9193185

I fucking <3 this FUD, because when SEC says yeah we’re gonna kinda wait and see and do nothing right now, then we will get some upwards price action. Might get a Roly on this one.

>> No.9193263

An example:
Barter tax for example. IRS is taxing you on an imaginary value of your labor(property) when you exchange it for another person's labor(property) and forces you to come up with fiat to settle with them.
This law now applies to crypto btw.
And no one protests it or challenges it.
People are sheep. Plain and simple. And that sheep informs the our overlords right now how much $$ they are missing from crypto taxes, by reporting their trades and paying the taxes. Tadaa...here's the movement of sheep.

>> No.9193282

kek it's just america, third world country won't be affected

>> No.9193306

How can they be sure you are reporting true trades list ?

>> No.9193354

ever heard of ‘punishment thru the process’ . The department of justice wins over 98% of cases it brings. Ask mike Flynn.

>> No.9193410

They can't but that's not the point. The point is that no one protests this shit.
Instead they go on and comply.
That's how people give up their influence and power up the government.
And crypto is a fragile, tiny market so the more sheep that behaves like sheep the more pownd crypto gets

>> No.9193489

All of you are painting crypto to be bigger than it is. Fucking buttcorn can't even get back over $10K. It's been out for almost a decade and isn't worth jackshit. Meanwhile there are 1500 other coins to pick from. There's absolutely zero fucking volume even in buttcorn.
I cannot wait until crypto goes away. You fucking nerds need to leave.

>> No.9193505

well I'm not from the US but I know people are sheep it's the first time we flip government power over our money and people stay silent we really don't deserve what satoshi and other have done fuck weak people

>> No.9193519

> nocoiner

>> No.9193521

stfu you fucking jew

>> No.9193522

Punk fucker. Buttcorn has zero volume. It isn't going anywhere.

>> No.9193537

stfu jew if you don't support crypto you are a jew simple

>> No.9193573

There's literally nothing wrong with being a jew. Go count your imaginary internet coins.

>> No.9193616

lots of jews support crypto

>> No.9193659

Get the fuck out

>> No.9193707

Fuck you.

>> No.9193740

The oven just got 10 degrees hotter schlomo

>> No.9193749
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< take it

>> No.9193753


>> No.9193765

retarded third worlder lmao. shouldn't you be scavenging for rice somewhere

>> No.9193794

lol France is third world country ? dumb ass

>> No.9193818

go home muhammed

>> No.9193827

Kill yourself kike

>> No.9193833

regulators whole job is to protect consumers, crashing the plane with no survivers simply won't happen

>> No.9193863

What is a catalyst

>> No.9193880
File: 16 KB, 220x318, 1525125127244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey dumb ass I'm not muslim

>> No.9193892

>Full of mudslimes and rapefugees
>Not third world
Come on achmed you aren't even trying

>> No.9193916

you will be in 10 years

>> No.9193920

shut up kike

>> No.9193937

If hating jew is becoming muslim then take it fucker

>> No.9194006

typical stupid angry third worlder, can't even speak english properly. have fun getting blown up by a suicide bomber

>> No.9194024

By law, it's a security, but in usage, it's not.

>> No.9194115

>I think by that logic you could call any currency a security, because its value is determined by what the President does.
"Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."

>> No.9194303

lmao maybe it will take eth becoming a security for plebs like you to realize big government is not your friend and protector.

>> No.9194362

(((They))) tried to shake us, now (((they))) want to control us

>> No.9194461
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>> No.9195157


>> No.9195276

lol theyre shaking out retards so that they can buy in

>> No.9195573

I think they will give eth a pass but most ico tokens will be classified as such.

Exchange tokens, such as BNB, for example, are clearly securities. The "coin burn" is like a stock buyback.

Most ICOs are scams and Americans are basically banned from participating in them.

>> No.9195633

bump for more reading

>> No.9195652

Dont worry guys. Vechain will surpass Eth with just hopes and dreams.