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File: 4 KB, 76x76, BuyWysker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9191080 No.9191080 [Reply] [Original]

It's available on Etherdelta/Forkdelta, also on RadarRelay, and soon to be available on NEXT and Nebula, for now it's sitting around ICO price.

-100m Total Supply.
-sub-10m Market Cap.
-An actual working product, with v2.0 and anticipated IOS release coming up soon.

I'm done accumulating, now I need you to get involved.

>> No.9191102
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1524799735424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm done accumulating, now I need you to get involved.

>> No.9191180

We gotta get that price up to at least 10 dollars so I can retire.

10b marketcap for the most marketable product in crypto? Seems achievable.

>> No.9191967

1bil marketcap for 10usd/coin. 10bil is 100usd. There are only 100mil in circulation

>> No.9192042

I have 42k wys, will I make it?

>> No.9192120

>I'll post a plush pepe, that'll show em.

>> No.9192132

They dont deserve to get in at pre 2.0 prices
What's the value of 1000 interactive impressions for the most sought-after demo?
We're gonna be fucking rich

>> No.9192205

>I'm done accumulating, now I need you to get involved.
LMAO, enjoy your bags. We'll wait for the early ICO prices.
>inb4 it won't go below X
BTC is about to correct to 4K you shittoken can't do anything about that and will bleed.

>> No.9192542

Yeah my bad, I used one zero too much :P

>> No.9192563

I don't care where it goes in the short term, I just need it to hit 10 usd in the next big alt bullrun, I'll be holding this until then.

I mean, if btc and cryptos really do die, then obviously it'll take a while until alts make a comeback. Just buy WYS for when they do.

>> No.9192743

how much have you accumulated?

>> No.9192876

Enough that if we hit 10 dollars, I can exit into fiat, re-invest and and live on the returns of my investment for the rest of my life without working.

If we hit 20 I can buy a home, car and all the good stuff and so on too.

>> No.9192934

shit coin. just a fucken app. doesn't need a token. sage pajeet threads

>> No.9192936

>the token doesn't have value

Enjoy your bags.

>> No.9192966

That's not how price is determined...

>> No.9192973



Here's the WP where you can see what the token is used for and why it's going to be valuable.

>> No.9193154

>female co-founder
Into the trash it goes

>> No.9193258

>here's the whitepaper
fuck off pajeet. you can't explain it, therefore zero value. your shill game is weak. back to the shitting street you loo-less bastard nigger

>> No.9193289

She got a PhD in physics so she is probably ten times smarter than you.

>> No.9193318

found the woman

>> No.9193337


The token is used within the app by advertisers to pay the consumers for targeted advertising campaigns. These campaigns are aimed at specific customers who match their strict targeting parameters. Wysker collects this information, and by accepting WYS as payment, you the consumer allow the advertisers to target you. In return you are rewarded with the WYS the advertisers offer, which you can use for discounts offered by the retailers within the app. These retailers can then use the WYS for advertisements, or by selling them to others who want to market within the app.

As a consumer you gain discounts and control over your data. As an advertiser you get extremely high quality consumer data that will maximize the value of your advertisements. As a retailer, your products are available in a modern and extremely innovative shopping experience.

The token has a purpose, and adds value to the app and everyone involved.

>> No.9193361

>PhD in physics
>ended up marketing a fucking shopping app that pays in crypto
I bet she didn't make it in her field because of muh soggy knee.

>> No.9193373


you realize that due to SJW influences any woman can get into any PHD program right

same way blacks and spics get jobs at google/investment banks

>> No.9193424

You know that you need to pass higher math classes to even be able to get a bachelor degree.
If a woman understands higher mathematics she is somehow smart in my eyes

>> No.9193425

>implying normies care about their privacy
>implying the reward from advertisers stalking you won't be pennies not worth extra taps on the screen
>implying normies will ever bother with "controlling their data" when Amazon recommendations just work
This will be 0.5ICO price very soon

>> No.9193465

Looks at the growing userbase of brave browser and get the fuck out of this thread

>> No.9193509

>>implying normies care about their privacy

I pretty much agree, IMO this isn't the important part.

>>implying the reward from advertisers stalking you won't be pennies not worth extra taps on the screen

The value is determined by what advertisers want to pay for high quality consumer data. Which is a lot.

As long as the app succeeds, the token will be valuable. I think the app will succeed, it's a pretty cool way of shopping that the youngins will eat up.

>>implying normies will ever bother with "controlling their data" when Amazon recommendations just work

It's more like "Hey wanna check out these awesome Nike shoes, just like the stuff you usually love to buy? You'll get 20 Wysker!"

>This will be 0.5ICO price very soon

Nah, we're going past 10 dollars.

>> No.9193572

I really hope it gets fudded a while. When the milestone is reached (wys2.0 and exchanges) its too late to get cheap tokens on FD.
This is a no brainer. It's not even important what the details are normies will just fomo in when they see the app and hear that there a blockchain tokens to buy.

>> No.9193607

this story reminds me of Electroneum....

>> No.9193612

If I had access to any more fiatl to put in I wouldn't even be posting desu, I didn't realize that people would be stupid enough to put their tokens up at this price so I started shilling this a couple months ago.

Had to take a little break when I saw :P

>> No.9193633
File: 24 KB, 384x248, 1516425257546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a scam

>> No.9193650

it also already exists as nchain

>> No.9193656

You know that you can allready download and use the app? Earn Wysker and buy stuff? 2.0 is just the new level

>> No.9193666



>> No.9193677


>> No.9193682

Joke's on you I have the app installed since it's launch.

>> No.9194020

That pretty bullish. Why hasn't this video more views.
Will buy 100k.
Also nice Satan trips

>> No.9194042

Nucleus is a completely different project no? It seems much more aimed at physical retailing and creating customer profiles for in-house marketing departments.

It's a great idea though.

>> No.9194080

WYS have taken it pretty easy on their advertising front, waiting for IOS App store approval to maximize the value of their ad dollars.

I tend to get trips and stuff when I post about Wysker, it's like my own personal LINK, the meme magic is gonna be strong with this one IMO.

>> No.9194085

Nice app, award winning, low cap. Why the fuck is this so hidden ???

>> No.9194103

We will absolutely make it bro

>> No.9194144


Because they refuse to do any marketing untill Wysker 2.0 is out. Then they gonna enroll a massive campaign for normies and a new bounty for crypto.

>> No.9194204

OP is from wisker team. Someone post a pic of him and the chart that shows how to tell a psychopath by their eyes. Their lead dev is the Charles Manson of crypto, not sure if that's a buy signal

>> No.9194213


>> No.9194327


Winner of Netexplo-Award is a Scam. Yeah...Fuck off kek

>> No.9194340

Bullish. Though something similar thb but it's more like a hyperactivity disorder in my eyes.

>> No.9194344

I'm not. Actually got in pretty late from someone posting about it here on biz a few months ago

Nah, it's no scam:


>> No.9194375

>Because they refuse to do any marketing untill Wysker 2.0 is out.
There was an ad on fucking Timesquare not long ago.
Where is the massive normie influx?

>> No.9194381

advertisers won't spend their budget on your shit coin nigger. coin being pumped by niggers and pajeets will turn them off. you think Nike is going to go to some shit exchange like ether delta to buy this con job coin to give to norman and stacy to swipe hyper rapid fire adhd adds at them? fugggg offf. who did they pilot with? what were the conversion rates?

>> No.9194496

WYS still holds enough tokens to start of larger brands through OTC trades.

If the app proves valuable to retailers then they'll buy the tokens, profit is profit.

There's very few pajeets in the Telegram desu, a lot of entitled Germans with really shitty English though. Compared to all the other crypto telegrams there's basically nil pajeets because they haven't done an airdrop/extensive bounty campaign.

>> No.9194529

That was a first glimpse for normies to catch up the brand first time. The real hot shit takes off as soon as 2.0 comes with geolocalisation, favorites and finally iOs-release. You‘ll see and then it’s too late to stock up some rare tokens.

>> No.9194542

> Germans with really shitty English though.

I bet you are speaking about me

>> No.9194568


In fact Nike is already on board.

>> No.9194572

There's quite a few of you but maybe :P

>> No.9194645

Is it?

>> No.9194646

how many coins do they hold? how was the pilot program? what was the sales conversion rate? proof of contract?

>> No.9194793


Token-Burn accomplished!

1. 3,000,000,000 tokens were issued initially
2. 61,404,060 of these were sold prior to the closing of the token sale
3. In accordance with our whitepaper, 60% of all tokens issued were allocated for the token sale and 40% reserved for user incentivization, advisors, etc.
4. We have comitted to burning the unsold tokens to restore the 60% / 40% ratio initially defined
5. This means, 2,897,659,900 tokens will be burned leaving wysker with 40,936,040 and making the total number of tokens in circulation 102,340,100

>> No.9194998

>"It was not the real thing!!!! Just wait for v2"

>> No.9195536
File: 22 KB, 217x230, FD screen WYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wys tokens around ICO price on Forkdelta. Hurry or they will be gone soon...

>> No.9195676

del this bro

>> No.9196084

Your that shping pajeet, right?

>> No.9196144

Nah it's time to grow.

>> No.9196246
File: 21 KB, 512x288, IMG_20180412_082632_873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kills the zuckberg

>> No.9196709

We need to produce more Wysker memes I think.

>> No.9196763

how many coins does nike hold you nigger? you said they are on board. how many tokens? idiot
if you're talking about another shitcoin, then no, i'm not. eat a dick anyways. this project should be an app with no token, no blockchain, it's bullshit. doesn't serve the advertiser in any way if they have to buy this shit coin from whichever crappy exchange it turns up on. sage all pajeet threads. btfo niggers. this thread only exists because you whisker fags brigade the board to shill this bag. fuck off

>> No.9196992
File: 99 KB, 640x640, IMG_20180425_103539_359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Direct fiat-wys cashstream built into the ad platform

>> No.9197327

>doesn't serve the advertiser in any way if they have to buy this shit coin from whichever crappy exchange it turns up on

What's the difference for them between buying advertisements in fiat, or in Wysker?

You want a hint?

More value per dollar. Or in this case, more value per WYS. They don't care about your silly FUD, they buy what is efficient.

>> No.9197332

Ah, my meme in the wild.

>> No.9197342

which nobody will spend money on. how many tokens did the retailers and advertisers buy at ICO price? are you expecting them to buy your bags? hahahaha dumb nigger. have fun with your bag. this is a shitsker employee thread. sage

>> No.9197362

>what's the difference
fiat doesn't dump because ico buyers and chinks control the asset. idiot. there are better options. how much are they paying you? which companies that plan to use the platform funded this during ico?

>> No.9197392

>should be an app with no token
Why, so the same old cunty data miners get to profit? Wysker could have just released their app and made shitloads of everyone's data, instead they try to do something radical and give you the value of your data and some braindead cunts can only say "keep it like the old way" to line big datas pocketas. Kys friend.

>> No.9197418


>> No.9197432

Plan to use? It doesn't matter what their plans are.

Advertisers want to reach consumers, if Wysker as an app does well, then the advertisers will come. There is high grade consumer data available, you can tailor your ads to reach only those customers you know will buy exactly those products you're looking to push.

Advertisers don't need to be on board for this to work, they're not what drive the app. If the app succeeds, the advertisers will come, if the advertisers come, the token will have real value. Simple.

No one is paying me, I hold WYS, I want to retire before 30, this motivates me.

>> No.9197681
File: 648 KB, 800x534, 1525221015355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get on the train faggots. Anyone fudding at this point is either clearly trying to accumulate or has no life and no idea what they're talking about. Of all the scams and bullshit ICOs out there, but this one gets the motivated fud (you)s.

>> No.9197880

>Just get on the train faggots
You mean just make my shitty PnD coin go up 10% so I can cash out? lol

>> No.9197919

please buy my garbage bags. your train is a shit train on the way to dumpsville. nigger

>> No.9198096

Such dedication. Isn't there a bitconnect thread you can do your philanthropic persistent fudding to? Surely that coin is a bigger worry to the validity of the crypto space than a 3m market cap coin, with 100m supply and a working product.

No one is buying my bags for at least a few years.