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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 225x225, bat13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9190006 No.9190006 [Reply] [Original]

BAT really active the last 48 hours, volume is increasing steadily and we keep rising and rising.
Expecting a breakout soon...


>> No.9190771

It's long overdue, it got to $0.8 previously with no news. Now with partnerships, greater implementation and potential coinbase it really should be twice that.

>> No.9190907
File: 638 KB, 796x450, bat1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, last time in January it went that high because everything was rising and everyone was buying. Now the rise in price looks much more real.

I hear everyone talking about Coinbase, but I've heard that a thousand times with hundreds of coins. Is there any real proof that this will happen or just rumors??

>> No.9190926

theres no definitive proof yet otherwise everyone in crypto would have BAT, but there is overwhelming evidence that suggest itll happen

>> No.9190975
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Haha I guess that's true, we'll see what happens.

>> No.9191007

There is, but im too lazy to look up all sources on my work computer (have all on home pc). So without sources here is the info (look up what you don't believe, it will be easy to find):

1. Coinbase CEO twitted that BAT is the exact type of coin they would like to list.

2. BAT meets all of the requirements in the framework coinbase released late last year.

3. Following the above, BAT is one of few token with working KYC (Know your customer), which is HUGE point for coinbase. The CEO of coinbase said any coin not following regulations WILL NOT be added to coinbase during an interview.

4. BAT is one of few token with a working product IN PLACE (Buy BAT with usd, BRAVE browser, browser and BAT integration). Also one of few tokens with a roadmap that has been followed (Not delayed everytime a new feature is supposed to be released).

5. Creator of BAT and CEO of coinbase have a good relationship and have meet a few times in the past few months.

>> No.9191121
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Hmmm. This does look very promising, imagine the price surge if it does!!

>> No.9191271

I wonder if it would hit $2 with coinbase news alone. BCH went crazy and thats not only a shitcoin, but also was already hyped before that.

not many people really know of BAT, and a coinbase listing would make them do research, which will in turn make them see why it is the single best token.

>> No.9191276

Sitting on 1200 BAT. Wish I bought more back at $0.24 :/

>> No.9191293

I have 100% of my folio in BAT. This will be my moon mission, I swear.

>> No.9191298

>tfw only 4k BAT

We're all gonna make it

>> No.9191314

There's never any proof until it actually happens. Fun to dream.

>> No.9192111

I think that is not unlikely, perhaps even higher....

>> No.9192201

BAT will 100% be listed when coinbase adds support for ERC-20 tokens.

>> No.9192318
File: 3.83 MB, 700x488, 1517257291141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know everyone shills their own coins in their own threads, and I feel weird when I go into REQ threads or LINK threads and everyone is just shilling the coin to fellow bagholders. It's always awkward seeing /biz/ posters so sure about their coin when the whole thing is still in its vaporware stage and they need big businesses or partnerships to pump their coin.

BAT's a comfy hold because theoretically, the more popular and solid the Brave browser becomes, the more BAT will be worth. There's a tangible product connected to BAT in Brave. Of course mass adoption of the Brave browser isn't likely anytime soon, but as long as it steadily grows and improves in the next year, and as long as internet privacy/malicious online advertising stays in the media spotlight, BAT should increase in worth. You will be able to purchase things with BAT by the year's end on Brave. You will be able to earn BAT organically through the Brave browser before Summer is over. BAT is a huge project.

TLDR; I hate it when I go into threads and it's a bunch of people who drank the Kool-Aid shilling their coin to each other. I like BAT because the Brave browser does the shilling on its own.

>> No.9192484

>tangible product
>internet browser

Pick one brainlet.

>> No.9192602

Holding 300k bat, it will be a $50 token eoy. Yes i know that is a $50bn marketcap. Dont @ me fsggots.

>> No.9192653

If it's less than $10 year end i want you to get naked, paint the BAT logo over your body and upload the photo to /biz/.

>> No.9192925

Tangible can mean "real," as in not vaporware, the sense that I'm using it in.
1 a : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : palpable
b : substantially real : material
2 : capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind her grief was tangible
3 : capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value tangible assets

>> No.9192947
File: 231 KB, 624x900, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fun to dream, indeed.

>> No.9192988

That would mean they've captured 10% of the entire digital advertising market globally within the next 8 months. Literally unprecedented in the history of business.

I sold my BAT because the market is very tiny, their best case scenario is probably around a $20-30B mcap, leaving you with not even a 100x. It's not bad, it's just not great.

>> No.9193198

Samesies have a decent ark stack but was hoping for a dip, not a rise after this most recent pump from 0.35-0.45

>> No.9194275

>almost 100x in the best case
>not great

u wot m8

>> No.9194627

I'm not saying it's AT ALL likely, but the advertising market could grow to accommodate such a moon mission. It's supposed to increase by ~16% in value this year.

>> No.9194640

that seems low and I don't even have any BAT. What is your logic behind that?

And what are you holding?

>> No.9194715

Market cap is not the same as ad revenue. You’re not taking into account people who would buy the coin as either speculation or simply to use it in the future.

>> No.9194772

65% NULS 30% BAT 5% Tether.
I read from the wallstreet journal that the market is projected to grow about 16% but who really knows. Still it seems like a reasonable estimate to me and they seemed confident in their reasoning, so I'd trust it.

>> No.9194818

this. Google's mcap is higher than the total annual online ad revenue

>> No.9194880

How much money will I make with 1k BAT?

>> No.9194945


>> No.9194969

should i sell all my xvg for BAT?

>> No.9194999

okay, but let's be real, $50 eoy isn't really that easily attainable. I mean if that happened to me then I'd have more money than I was ever worth.
yeah, I would say so, you do you though.

>> No.9195120

thx just bought 1k

>> No.9195193
File: 154 KB, 1920x941, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on here

>> No.9195354

>comparing fucking LINK to REQ
Fuck you faggot, REQ is at worst, just as solid a coin as BAT

>> No.9195358
File: 236 KB, 702x995, 1504616201237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 333,000 BAT but I panicked and sold at the bottom. I bought back at $.20 and now I have about 127,000 BAT.

I feel like such a damn fool.

>> No.9195385

>REQ is at worst, just as solid a coin as BAT
no its not you deluded REQfag

>> No.9195412

> unbenannt
deutscher gespottet

>> No.9195445

So far out of all the research Ive done BAT is the only token worth a damn. Total facebook/youtube shiv

>> No.9195464

REQ: solving problems no one has.

>> No.9195572

I'm starting to feel some fomo.

>> No.9195638


>> No.9196258
File: 131 KB, 1893x688, highwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even higher now at 101000..

>> No.9196313

Considering the amount of risk inherent in crypto, that's the baseline I'd be looking for in any single investment. BAT has to hit a 10% market share to reach that, it's very unlikely. I'm not saying BAT is a *bad* investment, but it's already pretty pumped for what it is. There are tokens playing in the private equity space where there are literally trillions or quadrillions of dollars to go around. Even a .1% market share for those would result in a market cap in the billions. It's a lot more likely for them to achieve that kind of value. Again, not saying BAT is bad, there are just better options when considering the risk you're taking on.

>> No.9196386

>digital advertising market

In my opinion you're thinking way too narrowly about what BAT is.

>> No.9196478

i remember an anon who showed his 300k bat in his blockfolio. said he was an early eth guy.
there's a few posts on warosu too if you search bat 300k warosu... lol.

>> No.9196536


imagine being this stupid. hahaha.