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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9189371 No.9189371 [Reply] [Original]

I just pulled into the parking lot of an employer for an interview. I was in the middle of shaving and got a phone call from a family member. I forgot to finish shaving and am now looking at myself in the rear view mirror with a fucking patch of stubble on my right side.
I'm in need of some confidence shit or quotes before I go in. Please help /biz/.

>> No.9189400

kill yourself

>> No.9189422

Killing yourself would be the best option

>> No.9189444
File: 6 KB, 175x248, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9189446

Make sure to shit in the parking lot and wipe with your hand before going inside and shaking the interviewer's hand.

>> No.9189456
File: 134 KB, 640x639, Marvelous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9189470

nice dubs but this doesn't help me right now
nice trips but this doesn't help me right now
This would actually make me feel a little more comfortable. I took a shower earlier so I have no shit residue on my hole, but I still glided my hand across my hole.

>> No.9189497

if you can't even finish you shaving while distracted maybe you should apply for a disability check instead of a job

>> No.9189524

I got a friend to shave his beard into a swirley once. looked like a big letter d on his face.
fucking hilarious.
maybe you should do that.
I'm sure your potential employer will get a kick out of it and give you the job on the spot.

good luck

>> No.9189530

What you should do is assume that you won't get the job and see this as just a learning experience/practice. Become an objective observer of yourself and the interviewer.

>> No.9189544

why the fuck wouldnt you shave at home you retard

>> No.9189549

Finish shaving? If not call the interview panal or company and tell them you're going to be late, failing that just go to the interview and act as if nothings wrong if they mention it say you had to help a family member and this proves your loyalty to the ones you love.

>> No.9189554

make up an excuse as to say why you cant go into the interview. say you got rear ended. but DO NOT go into the interview.. you will regret it.

>> No.9189557

he did, he meant his shaving at home was interupted by a phone call and he completely forgot to go back and finish shaving, and now that hes in the parking lot for the interview he just noticed his mistake

>> No.9189588

Are you so late that you can't drive to the nearest convenience store or gas station, and grab a razor, so that you can clean up in the toilet or something?

I mean, you had time to post this to /biz/...

Also the dubs have spoken

>> No.9189611

This is the post I'm going with.
I will report back in this thread and update on how things went... For fucks sake.

>> No.9189640

Challenge the interviewer to an arm wrestle, if you win you get the job

If you lose you suplex him, but don't tell him that

>> No.9189641

rip it out wirh your fingers you little manpussy

>> No.9190242

still waiting for that update

>> No.9190579

I walked in and basically tried not to think about my physical body. I visioned myself as a hobo walking in off the street. I used the advice from >>9189530 and told myself that I wouldn't get the job. There were three people in the interview. The manager was on the left, one employee directly in front of me and another on my right. They were all males.
I shit you not when I shook their hands, the one employee who would be sitting on my right looked like he was holding back a grin after noticing the stubble on my right cheek/jaw area. I said fuck it and just figured they all knew by now somehow. The other two employees were there to ask me a few questions. As I finally left I shook the employees' hands again and then as I was shaking the manager's hand he glanced at the right side of my face and then gave me a quick look in the eyes like I'm a brainlet or something. I don't really care at this point. I finally finished shaving and I won't forget this shit.

>> No.9190598

should have gone with the swirly OP

>> No.9190700

I almost feel that forgetting to completely shave is worse than deliberately shaving a letter d on my face.

>> No.9190732

well one thing is for sure, they know you're not detail oriented. takes balls to do what you just did, but imo i would have just left. would have just been a waste of time.

>> No.9190796

You had some balls going in there, I'll give you that. Also they probably won't forget your face... Kek

>> No.9190804

Good on you for going through with it. If I knew you I'd buy you a pint.

>> No.9190814

I wanted to just go back home and go on the computer but I just said fuck it and opened my car door.

>> No.9190840


>> No.9190857

Now go shave

>> No.9191430

Not bad OP, proud of you for going with it anyway.

I think drawing attention to it in a funny/ witty way towards the start of the interview would have been best. Everyone has a giggle, then you get back to business. That way they remember you when you leave, but arent talking shit as soon as you take off bc they know you owned it