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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9189360 No.9189360 [Reply] [Original]

Take profits and seek shelter Anons, it's showtime soon.

> https://www.wsj.com/articles/worlds-second-most-valuable-cryptocurrency-under-regulatory-scrutiny-1525167000

>Gary Gensler, a former CFTC chairman, said in a speech last week that “there is a strong case that one or both of ETH and [Ripple’s] XRP are noncompliant securities,” using the shorthand for the virtual currencies.

>A working group of regulators including senior SEC and CFTC officials are scheduled to discuss the matter on May 7, one of the people said.

May 7, the whales will make their play off this news.

>The foundation raised over 31,000 bitcoin, or about $18.3 million, in July 2014 when it sold about 60 million ether. Because the foundation raised the money to build the Ethereum platform, and investors probably bought ether speculating the launch would make the asset rise in value, the deal resembled a securities sale, the people said.

>> No.9189378

>could this and could that

They could also be NOT regulated as securities and consequently fly through the roof

>> No.9189389

hey, OP
What does "regulated as securities" means?

>> No.9189391

And if they are regulated as securities, what does this mean for us amerimutts?

>> No.9189405

Of course they are securities. Literally every single ICO that sells to americans is a security.

Money will flow into BCH where you can run smart contracts after the may update, and is NOT a security.

>> No.9189408

>high level fud
Nice, just went all in on xrp

>> No.9189411

nice cherry picked old bullshit news - this shit is old and has already been countered and criticized from several angles

>> No.9189412
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No shit, remember early Feb? The whole market tanked prior to the SEC & CFTC's Chairmen's Senate hearing. That was when BTC tanked to $5,800.

The same thing can play out on May 7th. I'm not saying it's the end of crypto, but manipulators will play with this news likes they did in February.

I'm telling you guys to take profits and wait for a big dip. Bag holders and their short memories...

>> No.9189437

nice just shorted 2 btc on 50x

>> No.9189443

This article was published 5 hours ago. Stay autistic.

>> No.9189476


the meeting hasnt even happened yet dumbass

>> No.9189486

but neither btc or bch are securities

>> No.9189528

the news was reported weeks ago. this isn't new at all. google it nigger, it's that easy.
"they could be"...or they won't. this is a speculators market.

>> No.9189531

Makes sense.

I dont think I will sell though, we're already quite low and the risk of getting fucked is too high. Not worth it

>> No.9189548

only americucks care about securities

>> No.9189574

meanwhile the holo team isn't filled with retards and they're going out of their way to avoid being classified as a security

>> No.9189583
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Wow, why are you so fucking stupid? BTC tanked to $5,800 in Feb 6th because of the same "they could be"... or they won't uncertainty (image related).
> https://www.coindesk.com/sec-cftc-chiefs-set-senate-crypto-hearing-next-week/

Fucking learn to pick up trading signals you hopeless bag holder. All I'm saying is get ready to buy the fucking dip.

The same trading scenario is happening right now. Autistic shitheads needs to gtfo.

>> No.9189593

>we're already quite low
See the image i provided above. Only $1K below last shitfest.

>> No.9189633

SBI Japan crypto bead thinks securities regulation is good for XRP and only regulated can go forward. Rest will be outlawed.

>> No.9189657

explain to brainlet, why is it bad if it's a security? makes it harder to buy?

>> No.9189771

Average US citizens cant buy securities. Same reason why they can't participate in so many ICOs.

>> No.9189821
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Ban mutts all together from crypto?

doesn't sound too bad tbqh desu

>> No.9189842

Typical /pol/ brainlet.

>> No.9189871


> average Americans can't buy securities

Just fyi this is not true and not why it would be bad

>> No.9189880

poor mutt

first the obscene taxes, and now your funny money will be banned ?

i feel for you

>> No.9189890

"average US citizens cant buy securities".

>> No.9189915
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Banning mutts would be really healthy for cryptos doe. You guys aren't the problem your despicable merchant overlords are however. Blocking them out would drastically change the market sentiment and calm down the turbulent manipulation. Yes other markets manipulate as well, but they want to dominate this not break it down as it threatens their iron fist rule of Burgerland

>> No.9190078

>could regulate
are they gonna go door to door killing neets mining on a rig bought by his mom?

>> No.9190177

Nice FUD. Won't work this time

>> No.9190252
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So many idiots in /biz/ don't realize the price movement already started. See >>9189583