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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 300x300, millionaire-104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9187990 No.9187990 [Reply] [Original]

>highest net worth

>current net worth

Personally i had about 400 btc and my wife panic sold at $200. After divorce more than half crypto earnings were taken from me and lost custody of children. The whore convinced my parents to leave their millions inheritance to her kids (not 100% sure they mine)

Pro-tip ; dont get married in your 20's

>> No.9188059

Looks like even here i cant converse with crypto millionaires

>> No.9188119
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>giving your wife access to your crypto
You better be larping op, I don't believe anyone can be that much of a cuck, also your parents retarded, just like you

>> No.9188157

Newsflash ! ; in christian marraige after you become husband and wife you become one financial institution

>> No.9188179

Don't marry as a Christian. Problem solved.

>> No.9188193

You can give me some millions so we can talk as equals, although I can tell you're a sad piece of shit by the few sentences you posted here already.

>> No.9188271

I WAS a millie... WAS

>> No.9188327

a few years ago i sold 30 BTC to pay for a vasectomy that my wife requested. It wasnt a bad deal at the time since i dont want children and her boyfriend said he would buy me a PS3 as a reward. Now that BTC would be worth hundreds of thousands. Doh!

>> No.9188374


>> No.9188419

I too was once a multi-millionaire. I was going to buy the winning Powerball ticket. But then I got the numbers wrong and lost it all. ;_;

>> No.9188449

>highest net worth
well over $100k
>current net worth
don't even wanna think about it or find out exactly how much... it's somewhere in the 35~40k range, at best finna kms

>> No.9188483


I have 6 million holo. Does that count?

>> No.9188494

The regret will never go away. I should know

>> No.9188724

It's cuz you sound like a prick

>> No.9188810

>Idiot gives wife access to crypto
>cuz muh religion

>> No.9188848

Its the law. When you marry you sign a legal contract making you a joint financial institution

>> No.9188862

giving you a second chance:
buy shipchain with all the remaining money you have

>> No.9188877

>half a billion mcap

>> No.9188941

actually $24m

>> No.9188952

I was a crypto millionaire. Take my advice . Its a shitcoin

>> No.9189025

I had 2.4 million REQ. It was $3,000,000 at its peak it's now about 650k

Yeah I should have sold and I am a fucking greedy dumb fuck.

>> No.9189106 [DELETED] 
File: 816 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-05-01-17-07-18-003_com.miui.gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only second chance if i am given 400 btc for my life to start over

>> No.9189114

What's happening in the West. Other day I read about an indian guy who did top quality studies, job etc. and settled in America. There he tried looking for a wife on a matrimonial site and the one he found strated torturing him post marriage.she would tell him to call his parents and abuse them or shell cut her wrist. Her father too died from heart attack because of her and her mother's behaviour

>> No.9189147

Dont sweat it. The inheritance i was cut out from had nobility and old wealth mixed together. I lost it all for a roastie. Now she is fucking a mulatto wrestler

>> No.9189163

>The whore convinced my parents to leave their millions inheritance to her kids
Your parents trust your ex-wife more than they trust you?

>> No.9189184

Old money never got street smart. My ex was of working class so she had street smarts thanks to mixing with all kind if garbage co workers

>> No.9189187

Oh it's just a pajeet. Thread reported.

>> No.9189223
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, sayori crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.9189356

Only pajeets use xiaomi? Everyone on /g/ uses xiaomi. Endless shilling for it

>> No.9189484

>wife convinced my parents to write me out of their will
>wife is stupid
Uhh, pick 1, and only the top 1

>> No.9189512

How on earth did you get together with her? You sound like two people who would never meet.

>> No.9189546
File: 29 KB, 345x614, IMG_3329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women should be secondary and at the same level as the man's pet dog.

protip: marrying women is for cucks

>> No.9189553

Oh boy. Ever heard of d meme how rich people end up isolated? Well i tried to change that for me and now i am poor and isolated

Now i realize why rich children should only be sent to rich people schools

>> No.9189572

Try not marrying in your 30's. Good luck. Also see >>9189106

>> No.9189575
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>> No.9189594
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My millions were lost to roast

>> No.9189598

>having kids
>become poor
>now begging
Try life again m8
I can present you a nice pistol with ammunition, all free including shipping.

>> No.9189608

Thanks for the advice OP. Will make sure never to become anything like you

>> No.9189632

This is a LARP, I refuse to believe there is some as pathetically cucked as you in the world.

>> No.9189730


>> No.9189737

you don't have parents and never had a wife, just the illusion of it

>> No.9189761

I always tell my wife "to death do us part" meaning if you leave me the contract will be fulfilled. She thinks it's funny when I say this, but that's because she'll never leave me.

>> No.9189767

ath was 150k

at 120k now. not too bad for a 21 yo

>> No.9189862

Wish u all d best

>> No.9189875
File: 164 KB, 780x836, Breakfast in Bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in christian marriage after you become husband and wife you become one financial institution
>not being the head of your household in all things, as defined in the Scripture
>getting divorced
You've fucked this up on so many levels.

But then again, this is just a terrible LARP from an /r9k/ incel, so meh.

>> No.9190017

Beggars get deported.

>> No.9190064

Hold REQ brother these ghetto niggers don't understand.

>> No.9190211

kys you fucking pussy