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9186172 No.9186172 [Reply] [Original]

If you think BCH flipping BTC is a good idea you're crazy, that will shake all the faith people have in crypto. Every coin will be hurt and the industry could even die.

>> No.9186188

yup, if bitcoin dies, it all dies

>> No.9186260
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nope, it's happening before your eyes
btc sub 10% market share this year

>> No.9186262

Don't be fucking ridiculous. People's hope in Bitcoin was stifled when it was no longer usable for the average person.
What industry?

Stop being such a pussy. I bought Bitcoins in 2013, and now I'm just short of being a millionaire, after selling all of my BTC, but holding my BCH. The reason I made it is because I took a huge risk on something which was completely new and almost unheard of.

If you think volatility is going to kill crypto you are retarded. Volatility is what has gained it so much attention in the last year. A whole lot of the new investors are going to bed dreaming of an ETH flippening (which probably will happen.)

I have heard so many Normies saying "Oh yeah crypto is great but I think itll be a different coin than bitcoin, or nations will make their own etc.." So normies are completely open to the idea of BTC falling from number 1 spot.


>> No.9186278

how would this shake all faith?

in a decentralized market, this is what is expected.
new coins rise to unseat old coins,

do you really think folk's won't sell off their BTC to jump into BCH?

You forget that when the hash rate war was raging, BTC miners pulled hashing power from BTC and put it into BCH then reversed course and jumped back into BTC only after BTC become more profitable to mine?

>> No.9186297

These are the right answers
BTC missed ICOs, smart contracts, micro transactions and a dozen other use cases. It wasn't even usable as a slow expensive currency during it's run.

>> No.9186319

Exactly. When BCH starts getting close to flipping BTC, all the "not sures" are gonna just jump over to BTC and probably end up with about 5% more BCH than they had BTC and can finish in a happy way.

This is at detriment of the (frankly) morons who are BTC4LYFE LUL

>> No.9186325

jump over to bch* i mean

>> No.9186355

Nobody even understands how the technical debate let alone heard of BCH, if you think another crypto could come out of the woodworks and replace what's known as "Bitcoin" to the general crowd you're wrong.

>> No.9186359

Or maybe market forces will differentiate the many different coins and make them compete on a global stage.

>> No.9186379

You cradle Jihan and Ver's balls for free like a sucker not knowing they created BCH just so they could use asicboost.

>> No.9186381

bch=btc eom

>> No.9186405

>how would this shake all faith
obviously people would lose faith in bitcoin and when they find out bch is a scam from the start there won't be much trust left

>new coins rise to unseat old coins
based on merit, not scams and propaganda

>> No.9186473

Once BCH pumps beyond a certain price threshold that pulls miners over, BTC chain death will begin. BCH can attempt to do this as many times as it needs, but once it succeeds, the death of Bcore is a done deal.

The media will report flippening & possible BTC chain death, normies will just fomo in and accelerate the process further.

>> No.9186515
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It will be the single most trustworthy thing to happen to Bitcoin, the moment they shed the banker controlled developers.
You are stupid OP

>> No.9186855

Why are you so angry?

I'm not defending either BTC or BCH,
but I am arguing the logic OP applied to his opening statement which frankly doesn't make any sense.

But whatever, enjoy your day angry anon

>> No.9186884
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It wont happen this years at least. Just look how many trading pair and vendor, fiat gate way it have. Bch wont able to do that if they dont pass any of those thing above

>> No.9186903

>obviously people would lose faith in bitcoin and when they find out bch is a scam from the start there won't be much trust left
Please explain how BCH is a scam?
Are you even using the correct terminology for your dislike of BCH?

I do not think anything shown in BCH's past performance or workings can verify or confirm it is a scam. so if I'm missing how this is a scam, please inform me.

>based on merit, not scams and propaganda
"Merit" is defined as,
>the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

So, from observation, Many users of BCH have claimed less Mempool accumulation, quicker transaction times, and recently alot of countries have been adopting the usage of BCH over BTC. so if anything, BCH has definitely earned the "Merit".

and again, what Scam has BCH pulled?
Propaganda? everything is based on Propaganda, either something is shilled or it is fudded.

I don't care one way or the other which way this pendulum swings, if BTC remains King - I'm not mad, if BCH becomes new King, I'm not mad.

But I seriously think you're looking at this entire situation through emotion and one-side observation.

>> No.9187153

but BCH is the Bitcoin, so nope it won't die.