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9185360 No.9185360 [Reply] [Original]

oh wagie, dont tell me you're already worn out after one day of work? time to get ready for another big day of wagecuckery :)

>> No.9185435
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>> No.9185464

I really dont get the hate against wagecuckery on this board. I work a classic 9 to 5 Job in IT Management and get about 50€/hour for shitposting the entire day while trading cryptocurrencies.

Luckily I bought 500 Ether, when it was at like 12 Dollar, so wagecucking really did good for me

>> No.9185598

>Makes >100k
>Gets to fuck around at work all day
>Wonders why everyone hates their job

Are you that deluded?

>> No.9185612

14 hours yesterday another 12 or so today feels good being a productive member of society

>> No.9185618
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>tfw living off grandma's trust fund

>> No.9185639

But I like my job.

>> No.9185642
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jej its 4am and im prepping for my 4:20 AM dab

have fun at work today wagies

>> No.9185647

oh wagie, theres no need to cope like that. its not good for your mental health :(

if it helps you sleep at night my little wagecuck :)

>> No.9185649 [DELETED] 

I make 100k but I'm killing myself at work. Good for you if you found something that enables you to goof off.

>> No.9185657

OP, I usually don't say this but seriously stop it man. I work retail and bust my ass everyday and put up with shitty people for 8 hours straight and the least you can do is sympathize while you sit comfortably in your NEET lifestyle....just have some fucking compassion man. not everybody has rich parents or people that would still provide for them if they are experience mental issues or breakdowns in life.

>> No.9185930

Maybe try becoming a productive member of society on day im stacking shelves at walgreens and might be up for promotion soon you have no idea what accomlishment feels like you leech

>> No.9185978

Its an anonymous anime forum. Relax.

>> No.9185988

Beats staying at home, thinking about niggers and kikes all day, like you do, loser.

>> No.9185999

its pretty chill so far, changed 2 card terminals and did some backoffice management of our payment framework. Currently taking my 5th or 6th 15 minute coffeebreak.

Also double pay since workers holiday

>mfw 400eur before tax for one day of slacking off

>> No.9186013
File: 193 KB, 840x560, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u pussy. i feel you but this is the real world, there will be people who will laugh at you no matter your circumstance. Just know that you will make it soon

>> No.9186056
File: 418 KB, 1000x1200, 6C2F2A16-B9C4-40E8-9295-7765F15F9F7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not start with me until I’ve had my coffee NEET

>> No.9186070
File: 25 KB, 623x160, 61EDF26F-9867-4510-B2A8-4D711E557DFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will be people who will laugh at you no matter your circumstance.

>> No.9186076

>making money working with and helping others is bad
the absolute state

>> No.9186256

Neetbitch was to dumb to ever be worth anything to anyone in his life.

So he has to stay at home becauae he has no money and copes by making threads on 4chan.
What a pathetic live people like you lead.

>> No.9186282
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if i love my jobs and working for it will that still make my a wagie i mean i could quit it since i made a lot from the last bull run but i love my jobs and i dont wanna quit it and y guys make it sound like sth bad.
I'm a back-end developer anyway.

>> No.9186323

If anything. Working and getting out of the house helps with social skills. I work at a grocery store during weekdays, bartending at weekends. Both jobs involve a ton of customer contact, and one of them helps me get women, so I'm fairly happy with cucking OP.

>> No.9186583
File: 142 KB, 720x764, Wagecucks BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree OP. why is being a NEET so damn comfy?

kek. saved.

>> No.9186919
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>> No.9187357


>> No.9187389

I just got my first corporate job and so far legitimately enjoy it. Being a neet is cool too but i hope you do more than just jack off all day, fren. :^)

>> No.9187633

What country and what is your education?

>> No.9187761


Spending time outside my cave is an imposition - as is taking orders.


You're a codemonkey. It IS a shit job. All jobs are shit, and coding is up there with the worst.
t. Fellow codemonkey.

>> No.9187788

There's nothing more pathetic than posting on biz just to shit on wagies. Literally nothing.

Thanks for the (You)

>> No.9187887

I love seeing the wagecucks triggered in smug pepe threads. Unless your job actually has an impact in the world (doctor, scientist, inventor), you have no reason to be proud of it. That goes for stacking shelves, flipping burgers, fixing pipes, etc. You just chose to get money the hard way

>> No.9187919

You're so stupid. Without people doing menial jobs the system stops working, so of course they have an impact on the world. Primarily, keeping the human race functioning.

>> No.9187950


>> No.9187968

Wagie with 250,000 LINK. Here's to hoping I'll be a NEET before 2019 rolls around.

>> No.9188251

Iam techically wagecuck but i only work for 3-5 days a month. Nice to have a job where you can decide days you want to work. I just milk the social security for the rest of the money i need and chill for the rest of the month. Been doing this for 4 years now.

>> No.9188272

The thing is those people are disposable because their jobs are so easy. If one of them quits, another will fill their place next day or worse, a machine will replace them all.
By impact in the world, I actually mean an impact in the world. The scientists at NASA trying to understand the universe, researchers trying to look for a cure to diseases, that sort of impact. Something that might write your name in a history book or at least you contributed directly to some historical event.

>> No.9188286


So basically .000000001% of the population