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9181956 No.9181956 [Reply] [Original]

When Link is quite literally unironicallly the only crypto in the green as of this current moment in time

>have you Fomo’d in yet, anon?

>> No.9182040
File: 545 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180430-222544_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On this day, you truly are my brother OP

>> No.9182057

You’re my older brother anon
I have 20 Litecoin waiting to clear on coinbase right now though, with the express purpose of buying more Link hahaha

>> No.9182068
File: 184 KB, 680x663, 1510263937087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the link marines

>> No.9182071
File: 136 KB, 750x1334, 096E12CB-0E2A-4E15-84F0-531F116E0D56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /all-in/?

>> No.9182085
File: 11 KB, 492x299, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tried to buy back at .47 and lost 10% of my stack.

should I keep trying or just learn my lesson and hold?

>> No.9182086

God bless you anon

>> No.9182104

I was all in until 2 months ago when I decided to put a bit into other projects and trading just to pass the time until LINK lets me retire

>> No.9182110

Every time I see the price jump up I contemplate selling but the thought of missing out on the singularity always prevents me from selling even a single link.... I’m not sure if I’m being an idiot or not but man if link mooned 20 cents and I sold then it rose another 20 cents I’d fucking kill my self for losing 10%+ of my stack. After this week I’ll have close to 10k linkies and if that’s not enough to make it then I’ll just have to wagecuck for life

>> No.9182121

Im 50/50 LINK and BTCP. Shitfolio ftw eat my ass "investers"

>> No.9182128

This has happened once before. Luck of the draw. Let's hope it get's a real pump when markets recover

>> No.9182138

What a fucking chad

>> No.9182139

literally what I did, lost 10% and fomo'd back in

and it plummeted down again. Fuck me Link always makes me irrational I rarely buy high sell low with other coins

>> No.9182142

I’m hoping it stays low before saturday (when my 20 LTC clear).... if I miss a moon mission after 4+ months of bagholding I’ll shit myself

>> No.9182158

Ummmm.. It's in the green because it's manipulated and ran by bots, dummy.

>> No.9182172

Here’s the only (you) you’re getting for this weak ass FUD

>> No.9182207

at this point i seriously could give less of a fuck about any other token because everything else is literally a pile of shit compared to what this stinky does.
seriously considering going all in to leave me with a massive stack of links

>> No.9182227

Do it dude. Fuck refreshing Blockfolio every 15 mins trying to see if you’ve made 4% gains since the last time you checked it. Buy fucking link, delete Blockfolio, wait 6-12 months and surf /biz/ for the memes in the meantime


>> No.9182263


So far I’ve put in 2 bonuses and liquidated 401k (small amount but still). That’s how much conviction I have in Sergey, Steve, Dimitri and co. Under budge and ahead of schedule is a rare thing to behold

>> No.9182284

How much faith do you put in the word of the prophet Assblaster? (PBUH)

>> No.9182292

Do it brah. As long as you have high conviction, once you go all in LINK there will be a strange calmness fall over you

>> No.9182300

fucking anon ur supposed to FUD me, this is just ridiculous considering the amount of money i play with. For a pajeet like me, its really surreal. you can see my 11k buy order right now on binance LINK/ETH lol

>> No.9182317

A decent amount could absolutely still be a LARP. But even if he is larping he understands finance and global markets t.investment banker here. He mentioned shorting IBM in one thread which has been a popular short for a bit so at the least I trust his understanding of financial markets. Does he have real insider information? Maybe, maybe not but he’s one of the few that’s been paying the fuck attention in crypto.

BTC - solves the double spend problem
ETH - solves trustless transactions
LINK - enables those trustless transactions to affect real world contracts
XMR - one huge decentralized mixer

>> No.9182358

XMR is actually one other coin I was debating buying besides link with this $3k worth of Litecoin I’ve got coming. Maybe I’ll pick up a few bucks worth of monero too. Do you hold any?

Godspeed anon. Those dubs should be assuring

>> No.9182496

This thread needs a get

Smile upon us o kek

>> No.9182532

No like I said fren /all-in/ chainlink. Although I’d like to start mining monero just to mess around with it

>> No.9182557

Kek here. Sorry I was busy watching The voice. I love me some Kelly Clarkson. Link $1000 eoy.

>> No.9182581

You’re right. Fuck it forgive me for even thinking about owning anything besides Chainlink