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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9179731 No.9179731 [Reply] [Original]

I bet today was pretty tough eh wagie? Did you tell all your fellow wagie slaves what you did with your brief stint of freedom on the weekend?

>> No.9179754

Yeah i did. I told them about my weekend trip to puerto rico. Was fun :^]

>> No.9179782

The shelves were a little disheveled at the store I bought my grass fed beef at. I might have to contact corporate.

>> No.9179798
File: 107 KB, 1697x1131, 0EC43AD3-8C8F-46C2-89A0-5E02016A7ECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to corner store every monday, wednesday, friday for a coffee and to remain socialized
>get tailgated every time while speeding
>do the limit
>they get so mad
>watch the looks of stress and desperation
>see at least one person pushing their hair back each time, pic related
My favorite time? 8:30am. It’s early enough that people still think they’re getting to work on time, but not late enough that they’ve accepted their fate.

>> No.9179855

Yeah, I went home to buy five room house that is ten years from being paid off. Spent the weekend with my wife and two beautiful kids (4 and 2). We went to a farmer market, watched the newest episode of westworld and that night I sold eos at 21.5. So it was great.

>> No.9179865
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I love fucking with people that try and tailgate me.

>> No.9179874

Lmao I'll have to do this. I have a sportscar so it'll be extra frustrating for them

>> No.9179893
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Its just hard to wakeup that early. Maybe I'll do it on their lunch break aka my breakfast.

>> No.9180013

Save me

>> No.9180070

This lol
this is not a meme, I've been shouted at by buttmad wageslaves multiple times when driving. There so fucking mad and stressed it's hilarious. I drive the limit

>> No.9180087
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>slow down so we have to wait at the red light
>butthurt wagecuck overtakes at hihg speed when it turns green
>suddenly bright flash from the side of the road
>roll up to him with a shiteating grin

>> No.9180116

Had an Adderall XR handy today, so I got a crapton of work done and they day flew by. That's all I had though, so tomorrow is gonna be a nightmare.

>> No.9180128

14 hour day it was long have to back in at 5am too

>> No.9180284

Saved my company $35k today. Customer speced a fucking ultra high precision THK-Lambda power supply for every station on the assembly line, when really they only needed one big enough to run one cobot on each station, so the rest of the shit could be run off a regular ole $300 power supply. 60 percent smaller precision power supplies are way fucking cheaper multiplied by 9 stations with cobots. "Great job keeping the company's bottom line in mind anon."

>> No.9180375

If you're being tailgated in the left lane it's because you're a piece of shit. If you aren't at least doing 7 over in the left lane get the fuck out.

>> No.9180428


wake up earlier, normie scum

>> No.9180763

> If you aren't breaking the law in the left lane you're a piece of shit

lol. the mental gymnastics wagies go through...

>> No.9180792

Being in the left lane doesn't give you the right to speed.

>> No.9180913

t. khv living off mommy on the brink of going supreme gentleman.

>> No.9180929
File: 86 KB, 720x654, _20170914_194844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to anyone ever

>> No.9180942

I was smoking a joint on my patio which overlooks an office. They looked goddamn miserable and tired.