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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 745x481, HOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9179507 No.9179507 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9179520

h-h-holochain master

>> No.9179523


>> No.9179524


>> No.9179531


>> No.9179541
File: 648 KB, 1247x790, commieholo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought a coin made by jewish communists
>it's their revenge for the holocaust
>goyim will be dumped on mercilessly

>> No.9179544


>> No.9179546

$1000 EOY

>> No.9179549

Dumb fucking scam coin. Could tell from that fake ass video. Watch the whole thing, scouted the website and i still couldn't figure out what it does. Legit scam

>> No.9179584


This is literally holocaust coin, except for us goy. GG Holofags.

>> No.9179634

thats master-race coin to you


HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA poor people ITT: 'pls sir very much open holo u bastard fuk ur mother'
stay mad at your new fuhrer curries

>> No.9179666

> tfw FOMOd in earlier
> tfw making hundreds of thousands of GWEI every little price increase

>> No.9179667

Never hit my 17m accumulation :/

>> No.9179709

Why is holo telegram moderated by a literal retard virtue signaling mongrel?
I mean in 10 minutes I've seen political chats, one admin sharing a photo of hers as this was instagram, 0 serioussness, meme spaming?
What the fuck? Now I appreciate coinmetro a lot, what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.9179727

It was like this in the WAN telegram, except the admins wasen't doing anything

>> No.9179748



>> No.9179883

i got 85,000,000 of these bad boys

>> No.9179954
File: 29 KB, 502x442, 1514946543995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet detected, stay poor

>> No.9179965

just started dumping literally the minute i buy at 114

>> No.9179977

found the guy that didn't do his research

>> No.9179989

Don't worry, volume is picking up again.

>> No.9180000

Meant for >>9179965

>> No.9180001

more autistic biz FUD?

>> No.9180035
File: 45 KB, 1182x560, hCblD9TZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how it goes. Still above the previous line of support.

Looks like some people wanted to take profit due to double top and it dropped. Longer term hold on this IMO.

>> No.9180042

does a quad-redirect count?

>> No.9180063

well you COULD wait for the dip. There's so much volume that IDEX is moving more like a real exchange when it comes to this coin. This is unreal.

>> No.9180099

in all my experience in crypto (only since march 2017) the 50 ETH sell wall honestly seems like a good thing right now.

might move some more ETH to idex and scoop up some HOT at 102 gwei

>> No.9180774
File: 672 KB, 1600x900, Pepenator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright you faggots talked me into it, I just bought 1.4 million of these at 0.000001, lets see how bad you fuckers burn me

>> No.9180920

You will make it because you have balls sir. Meanwhile the EOS kids will ride their tricycles downhill

>> No.9181522

Good luck!

>> No.9181550

it'll be 0.000002 in a few days np boss

>> No.9181557

nice just got 100k

>> No.9181571

kek'd way hard than I should have

>> No.9181661

Worth buying more at this price or is it running out of steam for now?

>> No.9181775

Holo is a huge gamble atm but with a huge upside if it turns out to be a success. After how long I've been following the project, I honestly thought it was dead but this surprised me. Their (lack of) marketing has been shitty, and they are lefty types, but the tech is solid. If you guys want similar projects to follow, watch Blockstack* Solid* and Urbit
* haven't put out tokens yet
lmaoing @ brainlets thinkng this is a scam just because it they haven't had a heavy presence, and just because its being pumped by pajeets.

>> No.9181844

anon, you you know you're not the smartest guy right? Here anon, let me help you.


>> No.9181892
File: 50 KB, 1182x560, 5-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like might be a good time to buy in. Watch the price. Volume is reducing while price is going up. Change in volume direction is my concern.

Nice thing is that price didn't fall much recently given the sell volume being as large as it was. Shows strong support IMO.

tl;dr - I'd buy in if it has an upwards trajectory ywhen volume increase. Only concern is the top orange line as a point of resistance. If we break past that, not sure where we'll move to.

>> No.9182045

They are not even lefty. They are some kind of esoteric cult.

>> No.9182051

They have a legit chat channel that's not for retards. The one in you're in is purely fo moon hype.

>> No.9182075

They're pretty chill though. I get zero malicious vibes at all..But of course, that's how they reel you in...

>> No.9182115

Its pretty cool seeing the convergence of some obscure esoteric tech, and the actual occult. Have you read any Urbit documentation by any chance? They're pretty out there to say the least lol. That being said its nothing nefarious, and from what I've seen the holo peeps seem pretty against the "machine" if you know what I mean, like I said early lefties.

>> No.9182140


>> No.9182156

Dude the founders are fucking awesome. Especially Arthur Brock. He sees more knowledgeable than the majority of asshats who talk about crypto. He's a genuinely brilliant man.

>> No.9182561


>> No.9182599

how many are circulating?

>> No.9182623

fucking hell go to cmc and look you absolute retard, no one on /biz/ can do their own fucking research.
fucking google it you cunt

>> No.9182664
File: 473 KB, 500x257, THINK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

177 billion was minted. 25% or some shit went to the team. Some people try to FUD based on this which is dumb because it makes more sense to have a large supply to facilitate micro transactions without silly amounts like 0.00000051243235. With a supply like this a macro transaction might cost 1-15 holofuel. Maybe even someday, a transaction might be as low as 0.05 holofuel once holo is worth 5 billion.

You gotta think big.

>> No.9182888

I am curious if having more supply gives a much more stable price too over time?

It is nice to deal with no more than two decimal points to the right of a point.

>> No.9182891


>> No.9182928

Yes actually, price stability is the other reason the supply is so large.

Just got done watching a video of a lecture by the co-founder Arthur Brock. The man is a genius and I have no worries now and have complete faith in this man.


>> No.9182949

y so mad? Only the total supply was listed, not the circulating supply. Turns out all (or at least 80%) are circulating. You should really do some breathing exercises.

>> No.9183084

He does seem brilliant but hes needs to buy himself a suit and stop doing interviews in a bedsit.

>> No.9183096

it's not on cmc you fucking retarded bitch ass monkey stop using steroids u sick fuck

>> No.9183100
File: 15 KB, 243x250, IMG_6006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i got 85,000,000 of these bad boys
imagine having 85mil ETH

>> No.9183112

He's from the silicon valley bro. Get with the times. He's talking to a small room of people as well.

>> No.9183129

uhhh that is like having not that many eth

>> No.9183132

I'm not the other guy, but it's on CMC.


>> No.9183146

I'm not saying it costs 85mil ETH, i mean imagine if you had bought 85mil ETH and held it

>> No.9183157

Well I have my right wing reasons for appreciating their ecosystem.
A decentralized peer to peer twitter\facebook would be a serious blow to 'hate-speech' and the left wing totalitarian shit coming out of silicon valley .
I guess they probably don't fall into the category of modern bats shit lefties.


>> No.9183169


The total supply of HOT versus the circulating supply of ETH is a 1791x difference.

If ETH equivalent is: 47,459 ETH.

And USD value per ETH is: 656

USD Total Value is: $31,133,104

Still nothing to sneeze at. A long way to achieving anywhere close to ETH's mcap *if* it does.

>> No.9183170


You'd control the entire supply and it would be worthless.

>> No.9183179

Nah false scarcity is so important

>> No.9183186

85 Million ETH would be almost the entire 99 mil supply. That'd be insane.

>> No.9183467

We broke past 120 Gwei.

>> No.9183476
File: 49 KB, 1182x560, trend_is_friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture.

The adage, "the trend is your friend" is true.