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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9178463 No.9178463 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think this will do on 5/1/18 ? why did it just price correct downward?

>> No.9178479

Because people who don't want to hold EOS are taking profits. Then we journey upward again.

33 days to launch. It's going to 2x again to 30-40

>> No.9178536

thanks senpai, this is similar to what I had been thinking

>> No.9178666

Because it went up for no reason.

>> No.9178684

>no reason

why you liein satan?

>> No.9178720

EOS is literally the perfect pump and dump.
Anybody who doesn't believe that needs to believe that a certain Canadian holder of large wallet of EOS will be enjoying a 10 million dollar vacation home already paid for as of 16 days ago.

Whether you like it or hate it, EOS buyers are literally buying the bags of people who think this is it's ATH.

This is true by the way, I was holding until I found out and dumped out at 16$

>> No.9178748

idk I think I was talking to an industry insider on twitch who was hinting at something

>> No.9178789

>10 million dollar vacation home in Canada

Oh so you mean a shack?

>> No.9178805

Alright, I hate this stupid coin as much as anyone, but who else knew the Jon Oliver fud was a buy signal?

>> No.9178858

lol, I can tell you're a burger.

We wouldn't let you into Canada even if you tried marrying a gay syrian refugee with a degree in transgender studies, and had tattoos of progressive shit like lgbt flags and "peoplekind" slogans all over your body.

Canada is unironically, and statistically proven to be the greatest country on this planet.

>> No.9178887

when did jon oliver cover crypto? wasn't that months ago now? didnt h3h3 do the same ?

>> No.9178896

The team ran out of ETH that they were using to pump their own coin.

>> No.9178996

Only reason i bought

>> No.9179037


Why may 1st? it goes live june 1st.... sell in the pump before mainnet, rebuy 1 week later and get ready for airdrops.

>> No.9179060
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lol how many EOS are you talking about here

>> No.9179294

EOS is overly inflated right now and anyone with half a brain would realize it's in a clear cut buy the rumor sell the news phase.

Shilling the "Main Net Launch Soon" and the "Ethereum Killer" meme, and all the normies are rushing to buy it only to get bags dumped on them soon after.

It's fucking sad that people actually think this shit is going to kill Ethereum when the two projects aim to do separate goals.

>> No.9179765

any /biz/tard gonna hold this EOS coin? tell us why u stupid

>> No.9179793

Buy now sell on mainnet for easiest 2x in your life. Dan needs the coin in that #3 spot for legitimacy, make him drag you up with him and then sell on June 2.

>> No.9179997

Just make sure you dump your bags before the exit scam.