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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9174976 No.9174976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't do it anymore, I am killing myself.

My wife has filed divorce. She has ruined me. Why would she even marry me when she hates me so much?

She is the worst person I have ever encountered in my life. She can't keep her anger in control, she can't ever be honest about something, she can never think about anyone but her

Now she wants half of my stuff, even half of my Bitcoins, even though she always told me to sell them back in 2016 and called me retarded for investing in internet money! Now she wants to have it!

Fuck this, /biz/. I will send all my 112.57 Bitcoins to the first person who rolls dubs. The second person will get 8.4 Eth.

Never marry.

>> No.9174999


>> No.9175018


>> No.9175020

complete BS lol. Also if you have that much money find a lawyer who takes btc and has a phenomenal record and fuckin crush her in court. Also I'd look in to if BTC can even be considered an asset in a divorce.

>> No.9175034

I'm sorry OP, but I'll hold that BTC for you

>> No.9175035

rolling rip op

>> No.9175037

Give me one BTC and don’t kill your kys

>> No.9175050

Please don't kill yourself, but please send me the coins.

>> No.9175057

meh, what do i have to lose?
also watch divorce corp and talk to a tax attorney to avoid having this happen again

>> No.9175062
File: 368 KB, 480x3475, IMG_902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, I remember these threads

>> No.9175064

lol quickest roll ever. though do trips count as dubs?

>> No.9175084
File: 74 KB, 1200x1200, 1512677255508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry this happened to you op

>> No.9175085

just rolling did i score?

>> No.9175087

not worth it op. don't want your coins, just be well.

>> No.9175090

Women are SERIOUSLY never worth killing yourself over.


>> No.9175093

roll for life changing money


>> No.9175097

I'm in Canada, she can't get em here, OP

>> No.9175103

rolling, also don't kill yourself

>> No.9175105


>> No.9175107

Keep it all and stay alive you absolute dipshit.

>> No.9175112

This too shall pass...bad things and good ones...it all passes...

>> No.9175115

just want your eth bro thanks


>> No.9175119

you can move past this, don't kill yourself

>> No.9175120

No, idiot

>> No.9175135


>> No.9175142


>> No.9175144

epic thread roll


>> No.9175151




>> No.9175158

Think of it this way, you can now party like a madman, fuck all the babes you want, and shower strippers with money...I mean you can have a great fucking time finding a newer better wife...

>> No.9175159

listen up op. wives do this. divorce her and move on, she sounds toxic for you anyway.

>> No.9175160


>> No.9175171

Don’t do it anon. Just xfer it all to xmr, send it to a cold storage key, and claim you lost it all day trading.

>> No.9175172

wow i got dubs. hey Op don't kill yourself, but do gimme some btc, thanks

just become a monk or something. start meditating. enjoy nature and beauty. you don't need money, it's a lie the world tells us. now you can start your journey.

>> No.9175181



rolling for one thing decent this time please

>> No.9175186


Give me a few minutes to charge my phone so I can log in on Binance to send you the Bitcoins.

Next dub gets ETH. I also have some other coins but I will sell them for more ETH give away.

>> No.9175188


>> No.9175190

never understood why kill yourself when you could kill her then maybe yourself??

>> No.9175192


>> No.9175193

This...listen to us.

Keep you bitcoins and send us 1 each for good advice and go party like a rockstar

>> No.9175204

>Killing Yourself over a stupid slut
Quality larp

>> No.9175206

>my wife blah blah
report all giveaway threads

>> No.9175211

Ill post eth adress soon op anon

>> No.9175214

We love you and want you to live and win!


>> No.9175216

Sorry man! Rolling

>> No.9175223

hahahah holy fuuuuck

>> No.9175226



>> No.9175230

just dont kill yourself OP, my portfolio is worth 300$


>> No.9175237

Don't do anything stupid op, you can always launder crypto and say you lost on a risky investment.

>> No.9175238


>> No.9175240

damn anon godspeed, do my trips count for anything>>9174999

>> No.9175239

Well, roll.

>> No.9175251


>> No.9175252

Do NOT kill yourself hombre

>> No.9175257

Thanks everyone but I don't care anymore. I am ready to die.

>> No.9175268

Funny thing is, I'm doing a custody battle with a horrible monster ex right now who is trying to make it so I never see my kid. Her hates his mom and begs me to "save him"...

1 btc would hire me a lawyer who could win it for me. All your btc and I'd own a house to put him in, but I still would rather you keep your bitcoin and live OP.

>> No.9175273


>> No.9175279

Roll kek

>> No.9175280


>> No.9175282

damn it at least send me a single ETH please OP


>> No.9175284

keep your money. i love you anon. just don't an hero.

>> No.9175285


>> No.9175289


>> No.9175291

What's the point in that? Might as well go full hedonism. Life is a playground.

>> No.9175299

Water is fluid, soft and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.
Remember this anon, our strength lies in our ability to make way with our situations and overcome them.

>> No.9175303

Fuck sorry to hear anon. Put it in Monero and hide that shit.

>> No.9175312

good guy suicidal anon saves the day. if you really do keys (don't do it), the deeds you've done today show that you are a magnificent bastard

>> No.9175313

Anon, better give me a solid advice. It seems you are rich so where should i invest right now if i have only 300$ and living in 2rd world slav country?

>> No.9175314

OP, please listen, I felt like that and ALMOST did it too. She isn't worth it and I promise, it DOES pass. You need to live, keep your coins, except the one you send me to help me save my son, and show the vindictive cunt that you can rise above this, and I promise you...you will...

>> No.9175315

Ah another mgtow virgin larp

The incels herr are eating it up

>> No.9175317

Bump. OP is full of shit. 0 proof so far, gg boyz.

>> No.9175318

Inb4 he doesn’t anhero and then a week later he actually does after realising he gave his only wealth to anon

>> No.9175319

Trips and now dubs OO

>> No.9175327


>> No.9175358

BTC 1B4oZFYX7xY2yD238MXWHYZgo51Zpb8z7z


My son loves me, and my ex still tries to turn him against me, but he still loves his dad. She's a fucking monster, and she held him away from me for like 7 months....

>> No.9175366


>> No.9175367

Ex-wives are the worst, anon. I got divorced 3 years ago and almost lost everything, totally fucked by her and the system. I feel some of your pain

eth: 0xaa23f886e161c63c9854cAcDDe15808058f94f39

>> No.9175373

fuck dude, sorry to hear that, were you lucky enough to not had a kid with the bitch?

>> No.9175380

All women are whores,wish I was gay.
Don't kys over a crazy succubus.

>> No.9175381


Help me get my kid OP, fuck these women

>> No.9175386

Me not want your coins, would make me just like yo wifey

>> No.9175389


>> No.9175392
File: 22 KB, 200x317, 22A0D312-9472-4158-8A6C-FDF045886538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are none of you fucking assholes using segwit addresses. For fucks sake.

>> No.9175394

MOOODSSS. They're dating mining again!

>> No.9175398

what about me

>> No.9175402

No matter how good your lawyer is you’re not gonna so get more than half (minus fees!).

>> No.9175421

I almost did it OP...I seriously was close, and then I realized that her winning is not good for me. Me dying doesn't help anything and she will fucking gleefully get everything I own...

I lived and I'm fighting and I seriously promise I'm glad I'm alive.

If I could fight her in court and save the kid, it would be an absolute win.

And you CAN do the same OP...you can rise from your own ashes.

>> No.9175434


Hey man, I’m also going through a nasty custody battle after my wife basically kidnapped my son after she decided to move in with her boss from work, I know how fucking painful this shit is man.

I really don’t want you to kill yourself, but if you want to help me out I could really use some funds so I can at least afford a lawyer to put up a fight and MAYBE get partial custody from my ex. Last week was my son’s 2nd birthday and I wasn’t even allowed to be there, this pain is too much to bear.

>> No.9175443
File: 154 KB, 945x1500, ghost woj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed anon. My parents divorced when I was young and it's a terrible thing, but she sounds like a monster so hopefully it will make you happy to get her out of your life


>> No.9175444
File: 8 KB, 160x160, a26d7d43-0da8-423f-99d7-9f67c6c8f3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is my ex wife
>woman who ruined my life
>took all my money
>fucked a co-worker
>im still in love with her and depressed

>> No.9175459

How hot was she?

>> No.9175461

i really don't believe you lol

but seriously don't kill yourself.

>> No.9175463


Here’s my address, if I get to see my son again because of you I promise I’ll never forget you anon.


>> No.9175489

Trips for posting my bitch of an ex wife. How funny

ETH: 0xaa23f886e161c63c9854cAcDDe15808058f94f39


>> No.9175494



where's the 1 million dollars, op

>> No.9175497

ETH- 0xcc6667c7bbec024a250aa585c7bb9338972841f8


>> No.9175498

Whether the coins are for real or not...please bro, promise me you'll stay alive for a while and at least see if you can rise above this...don't let the feeling that the depression is forever, make you actually believe it is...because things do change and This Too SHALL Pass.



I want to save my son, but I seriously will forfeit the coins and work my ass if you promise to live.