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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9172693 No.9172693 [Reply] [Original]

Are you triggered eth boy?

>> No.9172946

Move over Ethereum: New functionality for Bitcoin Cash makes it a Smart Contract Contender


>> No.9172971

So what you're saying is that EOS is also the BCash killer?

>> No.9173013

Why is every single EOS supporter such a cuck boy?
You'd be an idiot if you think that Vitalik would let that happen, especially with Plasma around the corner...
jeez the clueless ppl...

>> No.9173043
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>EOS The ETH Killer

>> No.9173066


Vitalek is already filthy rich from his ICO scam empire he literally gives zero fucks at this point. I'm sure he's dumped enough eth to be cozy for life.

And vitalek can't stop it. Eth design is flawed. You can only polish a turd so much (plasma)

>> No.9173117

>around the corner

>> No.9173146

I’m still on the fence about EOS, not sure how strong of a dev team they have.

>> No.9173164

I thought Bcash was the same but it won’t go away and the price just won’t drop.

>> No.9173169


Dan Larimer helped create btc and he created bitshares and steemit. That's the CEO of EOS

>> No.9173192

Vitalik is the most autistic autist ever, nobody will beat Ethereum you dumb faggot

>> No.9173231

EOS has nothing that eth can't add in 2 weeks if it wanted to

Name one feature, I'll wait

>> No.9173259

One coin to kill them all. King Larimer will leave no survivors

>> No.9173292

There are people just as autistic as vitalik, but without the social handicaps that prevent true economic understanding. Dan Larimer is one of those people.

>> No.9173315
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Well, the one thing I'm struggling with here on your resume is these few lines about BitShares and Steemit? You said you had much bigger plans but pretty much abandoned everything and walked away to go try a new project. Could you explain why you felt the need to include these things on your resume?

>> No.9173344

HOT the ETH, EOS, IOTA, NANO and NEO killer.

>> No.9173364

>why am I at a job interview when I'm rich as fuck and about to revolutionize crypto singlehandledly?
>also I fucked the interviewers wife last night for a couple eth, she didn't want eos, lol, dumb bitch

>> No.9173424

Dan is a turbo autist, leaves vitalik in the dust

>> No.9173679

> millions of tps thanks to interblockchain-communication & multi-threading
> free transactions will boost adoption
> more decentralized than ETH or BTC: 21 BPs vs a few mining pools
> dan larimer is a genious with 5 years of blockchain experience
> steem and bitshares have more transactions than all other blockchains combined

> first blockchain with a constitution
> first blockchain with built-in arbitration system
> account recovery incase normies loose keys
> security delayed transactions lower risk of theft

> 500 ms blocktime through revolutionary BFT-dPOS consensus
> 1 second irreversibility for cross-chain transfers
> 2-5% inflation will fund dapps & deveopement indefinitely
> no resources are wasted on mining but reinvested in the ecosystem

> eos storage will dominate decentralized storage because BPs have quality hardware
> many big players have already announced their BP candidacy: Huobi, Bitmain, Bitfinex
> dozens of projects are already being built on testnet (check eosindex.io)

> eos tokens are blockchain real-estate and represent ownerhip of a share of the network
> dapp developers need to lock tokens for bandwith thus decrease liquidity
> prevents forking by built-in voting
> easy bug-fixing for dapp developers

> 3 billion $ raised by block.one will be reinvested in eos ecosystem
> 800 million $ VC partnerships already announced to fund eos dapps
> 1000s of high quality airdrops hand-picked by VCs
> prominent billionaire backers like mike novogratz
> shilled by every big crypto-youtuber

> the chestahedron pleases the gods