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9170622 No.9170622 [Reply] [Original]

I have a condo that's fully paid off, about 125k in cash, 300k in other investments, and as of today 890k in crypto. I'm 32 and have a great job that pays 160k/year

The problem is that I've gotten fat and I can't lose the weight as easily anymore. I'm not obese, but I'm probably 30 pounds overweight so I'm cutting it close (I'm 6'2).

I lift weights regularly and am decently strong (squat 275, bench 225, overhead press 155), but my body fat is too high. The other day I was walking to meet some co-workers for a drink and I felt my breast "jiggle" slightly. I knew I had to make a change.

How can I lose weight and enjoy my crypto gains? I'll probably be worth over 1-1.5MM USD by the end of the year so I want to get shredded, but it's so hard. I love food and eating at nice restaurants. Help me lose weight, biz. You can't enjoy being rich if you're fat

>> No.9170657

Start running, bitchtits

>> No.9170663

I hope you die of a heart attack you rich piece of shit

>> No.9170677

running, biking, any cardio. go to /fit/ and look at the sticky

>> No.9170682

Test and Tren

>> No.9170683

German poorfag here.
Transfer your assets to my Monero account as a reparation for the american betrayal of white people in both world wars and then kill yourself.

>> No.9170690

Count calories, do cardio everyday, keep lifting and start TRT since your test is probably suffering from being overweight. Test will help you maintain muscle and burn fat during this process.

>> No.9170697

also if this is not larp your portfolio is very stupid

>> No.9170702

It's pretty simple. You fix your diet and carry on lifting. You can add in some high intensity carido if you are a fat fuck but for most people just eating clean and lifting is the simple solution, watching your calories and macros if you have to.

It's said a lot but it's true. You can't out train a fucked up diet.

>> No.9170707

It's the easiest thing to do in the world, I honestly dont know why people have so much difficulty with it.
Step 1: buy a fitbit or anything that has a heartrate monitor on it. This will show you exactly how many calories you burn a day.
Step 2: Count the calories of everything you eat/drink. There are so many good apps out there to make this easier but it honestly takes no effort.
Step 3: Make sure that every day the calories you eat is less than the calories you burn. To lose weight faster, increase the deficit by either eating less or exercising more.

>> No.9170741

>get bloodwork done
>250mg test/week
>HIIT twice a week
>full body workout three times a week
>eat around maintenance
also browse /fit/

>> No.9170755

Ease yourself into fasting with IF, then do periodic water fasts until you reach your desired weight. You literally can't fuck this up.

>> No.9170760


I think the problem is that I'm addicted to food. I know how to lose weight, I just lack the will power honestly... fuck :( my job is really stressful sometimes so I eat the pain away.

>> No.9170769

then switch to crack idiot

>> No.9170782
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stop whinging about it then you fat useless cunt

>> No.9170803

Listen to the body builders amd weightlifters when it comes to test.

Dont do test until you have 2yrs of lifting under you belt

>> No.9170806

can't you just get surgery? its the american way

>> No.9170808

use drugs to suppress appetite. caffeine + ephedrine does wonders.

>> No.9170822

So you don't actually want to lose weight then. Quit being a pussy.

>> No.9170824

You're fucked then. You have to make the change. Cut out the processed shit and all the sugar. It's hard at first but once you are through the cold turkey stage it becomes easier to the point where junk food disgusts you .

>> No.9170851

That's why I'm telling you start with intermittent fasting. Literally, skip breakfast. Get used to dealing with hunger, and work your way up to smaller eating windows, until you feel up for a full on 24 hour water fast. Then 48, then 72, or whatever. Do a basic amount of research about fasting to ensure you're safe about it, and you absolutely can't fuck this up. And as a bonus, you'll build will power. It's like a muscle, use it or lose it.

>> No.9170872
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>I need suggestions on how lose weight
>I exercise a lot but I also eat too much
>Suggesting I eat less? Haha no, serious suggestions only please

>> No.9170905

>am decently strong (squat 275, bench 225, overhead press 155)

I hope you mean kgs not pounds, otherwise you are weaker than you think

>> No.9170915

this approach absolutely fucked me with GERD acid reflux and i'm just now getting it under control almost 9 months later

>> No.9170934
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-03-30_00-20-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.9170950

That's a decent OHP in pounds. Bench is average, and squat is pretty low when compared to the other stats.

Really? I've been doing IF (not super strict) for years now. I started trying fasts about a year ago and I haven't had any issues.

>> No.9170963

Just do leangains IF protocol. Disregard other bs. Your lift are shit except if you trained less than a year, then they are ok. Get a good program. Good job on the crypto gains.

>> No.9170990
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If you don't have the mental discipline for it you need to spend the cash. Let's face it, there is a limitless amount of information about how to lose weight and get in shape. If you cant follow these instructions then you need to hire a personal trainer with a dietician kicker.

>> No.9171023

Actually there are professionals that can help you to lose weight. It maybe cost abit money, but guess it's worth it.

>> No.9171070

If you have the money and it's worth it to you, this is actually a great idea, especially in time-cost savings.

>> No.9171075

I've actually done this before with great results. Fuck, I need better discipline.

Yeah I absolutely hate squatting, so I found a weight that I can just do 3 times a week, I haven't gone up in weight in months. I used to bench a lot more too, but recently I've been trying to incorporate more cardio and keep my weight lifting at maintenance levels. When I lift heavy I literally cannot control my appetite.

>> No.9171094
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Hey retard, you know what to do, but you like to eat that delicious trash you call food too much. Eat better... if you want to lose weight you need to be eating WHOLE FOODS, nothing processed. You'll feel satiated and even if you eat more, you won't feel like shit at least.

>> No.9171161

yeah it sucks because it was the only thing that immediately started working for me and really melted fat. i just ate 1 meal a day around 4PM. it was so easy. and then suddenly i noticed i was coughing a lot and getting hoarse. then my throat started fucking up and eventually i couldn't fucking breathe right because my acid reflux got so bad. every time i try to do it again i start getting hoarse and realize i'm going to fuck myself up on it.

>> No.9171168
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Buy 0xBitcoin.

When you hit $100 million, then just pay people to starve you into submission.


>> No.9171191


>> No.9171204

Ok. Serious suggestion:

Walk. A. Lot.

Walk 4 hours every other day. Walk 2 hours on the in between days. You need to be vertical more.

Additionally, stick to meats and greens. No cereal. No pasta. No pizza. This will also allow you to eat less without your reflex fucking you.

Also, buy 0xBitcoin.

>> No.9171545

this is the opposite of what you're supposed to do. running or any cardio exercise is mostly for heart and lung health it isn't for losing fat. cut as much carbs from your diet as possible and lift more weights especially the big 3 compounds. low intensity running or biking AFTER

>> No.9171646

Try veganism for a month. Combine grains/nuts or nuts/beans or beans/grains for protein. Potatoes, pasta rice go wild bro. The rest of 1000000 edible plants you have as mixture.

You will see results.
Remember to eat avocados to get testosterone.

Good speed anon.

Chad vegan since 2015.

>> No.9171704

>german humor

>> No.9171782

OP, I used to be almost 300 fuckin pounds, lost 100 my first year and 25 so far this year with almost no actual exercise.
Literally eat like an asian boy, rice bowls, sauteed veggies, and try to keep meat very lean, chicken, fish, etc.

On top of that, any time you are hungry but it is not actually a meal time, drink water or tea.

Also smoking a fucload of cigarettes helped, but idk if you are a smoker.

Hope you lose some of that gut, OP. It's easier than you think!