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9169941 No.9169941 [Reply] [Original]

>Warren Buffet Says Buying Bitcoin is Gambling, Not Investing
>Investment guru Warren Buffet remains unsold on bitcoin and crptocurrencies. He doesn’t even consider buying bitcoin as investing and compares it to gambling.

"“There’s two kinds of items that people buy and think they’re investing,” he said. “One really is investing and the other isn’t.” Bitcoin, he says, isn’t.

>“If you buy something like a farm, an apartment house, or an interest in a business… You can do that on a private basis… And it’s a perfectly satisfactory investment,” he said. “You look at the investment itself to deliver the return to you. Now, if you buy something like bitcoin or somebcryptocurrency, you don’t really have anything that has produced anything. You’re just hoping the next guy pays more.”

>This, according to Buffet, is not investing, but speculating.

>There is nothing wrong with speculating, he said. But speculating, in his view, is like gambling. If you want to gamble, someone else might come along and pay more tomorrow. But this is gambling, not investing,

>A Longtime Bitcoin Skeptic
Several years ago, Buffet called cryptocurrency a “mirage,” arguing that it was a “joke” to assign a value to something just because it can be used to transmit money. "Are checks worth a whole lot"of money just because they can transmit money?,”

“In terms of cryptocurrencies, generally, I can almost say with certainty that they will come to a bad ending,” Buffet said. He went on to say he’d bet on “every one of the cryptocurrencies” falling over the next five years. “But, I would never short a dime’s worth,” he added.

>> No.9169960


>> No.9169984

Ofc its gambling. Why the fuck do you think we are doing it?!?!

>> No.9169999

>in other news, the sky is blue

Ofc crypto is speculative bs, doesn't mean you can't make tons of money off the volatility in the short term tricking young, moronic 20 something's into giving you their money cause they wanna 'make it'

Still though he's right on, this shit ends in a Trainwreck, smart money gets off the train before then

>> No.9170000
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When will he die?

>> No.9170007

>you don’t really have anything that has produced anything. You’re just hoping the next guy pays more.”

so stocks?

>> No.9170015

> "Are checks worth a whole lot"of money just because they can transmit money?,”

Yee, imagine what people would pay for them if there weren't trillions printable at no cost.

Now make the printing entity or settlement entity required no longer exist.

>> No.9170016
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And thats why utility coins, nit monetary coins are the future.

Iexec blockchain based cloud. Ya dig?

>> No.9170018

LMAO this guy. he is jelly of our massive link stacks trying to FUD

the future is now old man and there is nothing you can do to stop it

>> No.9170019

Stay poor faggot

>> No.9170021

>old ass boomer piece of shit that was born at the right time where you could throw money at literally everything and get 1000%+ roi is telling people that something is not investing

the equivelant is some normiefag that stumpled over bitcoin back in 2009, bought 200$ worth because yolo, and thinks hes a massive fucking financial guru in retrospect because of it

>> No.9170024

this coming from the corpse that repeatedly said you shouldn't invest in things you don't understand.

>> No.9170080

Stocks give out divident on profits. Good company will reward people helping the company. Price going up is a bonus. Also, stocks usualy have underlying value they are providing that people see as beneficial.

Alltho bitcoin provides value, it does not pay dividens and its very speculative.

Also remember that any company that doesnt pay dividens is looked as a gambling by Warren.

He also doesnt invest in gold and will talk whole day about how gold is bad _investment_. Because you are only hopeing that the next guy will come and pay more for that gold. If gold was largly used as raw material in something and was needed, he would probably invest in gold as well. But gold is mostly stored and hodl'ed as value.

He likes farms. Farms produces food that people need and will allways need. Also, good farms gives back dividens.

>> No.9170082

Checked for tetradigits of truth

>> No.9170087

buffet, is what we call, a retard who cannot conceptualise the future isnt he 80 years old or something? bitcoin is a cultural movement not a tradtional asset
OP is also a visionless retard whose not going to make it

>> No.9170102

he also likes cheewing gum and coca cola

>> No.9170130

Actually a very insightful comment with far more context, thanks anon.

>> No.9170138
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Quads of sour truth

>> No.9170150

>i don't know anything about crypto currency
Also Buffet.

>> No.9170158
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>NEO generating GAS is different than getting dividends

>> No.9170161


>Man who sells a product disparages alternative

The absolute state of the news in 2018.

>> No.9170162

Good thing institutional money is coming to trick people into dumping tons of money into this horseshit.

I unironically hope he dies soon.

>> No.9170184
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Thank you anon, it's my birthday and you actually acknowledge me. Thank YOU!

>> No.9170268

>knowing how to read

>> No.9170292

>it's gambling
He is not wrong.

>> No.9170365
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>Warren Buffet
Are all Amerilards named after their favorite places to eat food?

>> No.9170382

The line about checks not being worth a whole lot is all you need to hear to know this guy can’t even phantom what blockchain technology is.

He treats it like it’s just virtual money, ethereum could possibly be the world most powerful computer in the next couple years.

>> No.9170524

Warren was born in 1930 and the oldest baby boomers were born in 1945. While boomers were still drinking milk off their mothers tits, Warren was already reading about investments. Yeah, he had a lucky start but increasing his fortune to billions is impressive. I doubt someone who invested in bitcoin back in 2009 and held until 2017 (almost no one) would be able to become the third richest person in the world

>> No.9170541

he is more sucessful than you ever will be,pajeet.

>> No.9170551


Meanwhile some crytpos actually have a use case for holding. Stock is no better, it's just holding a number that you hope someone will pay more for in the future

>> No.9170554

>tfw you realize roger ver is our generation's warren buffet

>> No.9170559
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>all stocks give dividends

>> No.9170563

Fuck this senile old cocksucker

>> No.9170579

And someone who invested in just gold would not be the richest person in the world either.

You need to invest into many fields with potential of growth, just like Warren did. It just so happens he doesn't like crypto, just like some people don't like investing in houses. It's all preference.

>> No.9170587

What generates the gas? Cash flow from transaction fees? Or do they just create it from nothing?

>> No.9170595

B&H doesn't pay out dividends. Never trust a word this guy has to say. He's only rich because he had established himself before they're was any real competition and had either been late to the party or missed the boat on multiple investments.

>> No.9170606
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Literal dinosaur can't into technology. More news at 12.

>> No.9170615

>government puppet Warren buffet

Eat shit and die OP. The media's attempt to FUD crypto is pathetic. Sorry this currency isn't able to be controlled by the Jewish federal reserve. Crypto will free us and there isn't shit stopping it

>> No.9170666

Fathom, not phantom.

I hope for your sake autocorrect fucked you up.

>> No.9170672
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What if i tell you that since crypto can hold value and since it can be programmable it can pay dividents if it wants

>> No.9170719

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Ignoring is over.

>> No.9170740

when dinosaurs were blooming buffet was already old, why the fuck should this nocoiner's opinion matter?

>> No.9170757

>isn't able to be controlled by the Jewish federal reserve

That's why it is so relevant for must of us, finally we're able to have descentralized money. If you're smart you able to figure out the meaning of this to banks, governments and meme investidors like buffet

>> No.9170948
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Go and choke on a cock griffith. I already won my freedom

>> No.9170965

disgusting boomer nigger

sell when btc becomes a investment

fucking boomer nigger kys old twat

>> No.9171018


decentralized crypto is a meme though just look at how the coins are divided amongst the wallets...

not even speaking about some coins underlying tech...

>> No.9171051

true nig

>> No.9171142

buffet doesnt even know how to turn a computer on. fuck this old faggot trying to protect his dying fiat. he'll be dead in less than 5 yrs. fuck him.

>> No.9171174

Not all stocks pay dividends

>> No.9171178

What I don't understand is why he keeps repeating himself. We got it, you don't think crypto has inherent value but I swear he has to keep talking about it every few weeks.
>bets on crypto failing
>unwilling to put the money to actually bet on it
Every time.

>> No.9171605

>80 year old man that still uses a flip phone weighs in on blockchain tech


>> No.9171711

fair comments.
having bitcoin isnt investing the way boomers did it, but thats becuase boomers were never faced with the possibility of a total fonancial meltdown and ww3

>> No.9172218
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bitcoin is a shitty ponzi yeah

but investing in a crypto that isn't a shitty scamcoin is the same as investing in any other company really

>> No.9172341

>“If you buy something like a farm, an apartment house, or an interest in a business
Expecting these to turn a profit is also speculating. You buy a house and remodel it to increase its value, but what if no one wants to buy it or rent it? Its a shitty example but investing in general is gambling to some extent.