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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 355x180, javascript_programming-language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9169876 No.9169876 [Reply] [Original]

What ever the fuck language it is. Anything.

>> No.9169893

I can write english, thats a language.

>> No.9169898

i only code in command prompt

format C:\ /Q

>> No.9169927

I'm a pythonhead that knows how to build blockchains in practice but instead of using that to earn shitloads of money I invest into eos


>> No.9169926
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txt html xml css javascript asp php lua java c#

java is king

>> No.9169973

> java is king
there is literally no java-based cryptocurrency since that shit is slow as fuck

>> No.9170191

why won't someone write a cryptocurrency in assembler? it would pick up on the sole fact of being written in assembler even when it's shitty

>> No.9170193

>txt html xml css

none of them is a programming language you fucking retard

>java is king

more like a retarded prince

>> No.9170218

>What is ARK

>> No.9170219

if I wanted to create a MMO, what code would I need to learn? Also, other than unity/unreal, blender, photoshop, what other tools would I need too?

>> No.9170253

> can't tell the difference between javascript and java
average IQ of /biz/ nowadays

>> No.9170267

you don't need assembly
C/C++ is already 10x faster than java in most of cases

>> No.9170317

Would you suggest learning python or Java? I've considered getting into coding and don't want to waste time unlearning shit that is not widely used.

>> No.9170341

I thought I'd learn Lisp, just for the fuck of it.

>> No.9170350

Just scripting... mostly with powershell... some python stuff. of course cmd/batch as well.

>> No.9170402

>hasn't googled javascript monero miner

>> No.9170412

>txt html xml css

C#/java blow. I'm going to take a stab and say you're fresh out of school for your degree considering they taught us that garbage.

React/Elixir/GraphQL masterrace currently.

>> No.9170429

another dumbshit like >>9170218
can't tell the difference between java and javascript lol

>> No.9170433

Java != JavaScript you fucking brainlet.

>> No.9170450

I write both object oriented and recursive. I can handle my functions and recursions and is not afraid of matrixes. Please stop with this "I can this and this language".
You either can or can't code.

I prefer java tho couse I'm a lazy bastard but I really like C too since it's fast af.

>> No.9170454

I code professionally, but I wish I could be trading full time.

>> No.9170456
File: 3 KB, 595x45, forwhatnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for enlightening me

>> No.9170462

all i do is c + + no matter what

>> No.9170463

who said need, I said as marketing strategy

>> No.9170467

I only code haskell

>> No.9170472

C, Solidity

>> No.9170479

Java developer or full stack web dev master race. So many jobs

>> No.9170480

So what language should I learn to get a job? I'm getting sick of dealing with people all the fucking time

>> No.9170497

Python is very easy to learn and very fun to code in, but in webdev it gets outclassed by JS (and by ruby in some fields) and is only really good for CLI & bots.

Generally speaking, Javascript has the most applications, but to understand JS at a development level you need to pour countless hours into it.

You can learn Python by developing small apps for yourself & there's only going to be some concepts (like decorators) that you need to read up on.

Java is ancient, but some people love it, I don't have a strong opinion but I dislike it.

>> No.9170499

Make a shitty Mario clone first, then come back to this idea in a few years. Do NOT attempt a huge project like an mmo until you are experienced.

>> No.9170512

oh and python is really good for machine learning if that's your thing

>> No.9170523

If creating a MMO is your end goal, 5-6 years of C# and/or C++ will get you there

there's literally no reason to use any other language for gamdev as of today. C# with Unity or C++ with unreal is the way to go.

>> No.9170555

no, but i write love letters to yer mum

>> No.9170566

Java and JavaScript. Pretty much set with six figure salary for life.

>> No.9170575

I'm 19, I have a shitty job at a retail store, fucking hate dealing with all these piece of shit entitled customers. I want to learn how to code and work from home or something, or even get a job at a firm if it comes to that, I just want to be at peace alone in quiet, but anything to get out of this shithole. Where do I start?

>> No.9170610

Use google, without this skill you wont get anywhere. You unfortunately have to use your brain muscles to do anything in programming

>> No.9170630

Learned how to code with Java, got disgusted by it and stopped for a year. Then I focused on full-stack web development and found myself enjoying it.

>> No.9170635

Unironically how I became a python dev in 3 months:

>learn the basics with udemy.com and written tutorials, invest 50$ in yourself if you're so deep into crypto dude
>look at very simple open source apps and try to mimic their behavior with your own code
>finally develop an app that has some use cases for you or other people - I made a dapp on steem in 2016 that is now extremely popular in the community
>open source it so other people can point out your mistakes (or dont if you have no audience, doesnt change that much)
>keep supporting the app and replacing the old shit code with new code that you've learned over the course of this journey


But most importantly, you need to enjoy coding and feel like you're creating something, perhaps a little bit like art, otherwise you'll burn out instantly. If you try it for 1 month and you hate it with all of your heart just quit

gl anon

>> No.9170646

What language are smartcontracts developed in? Why? I want to start learning it.

>> No.9170658

Full stack JavaScript cuz I’m a degenerate

>> No.9170772

depends what platform you will use , if ethereum then you have to learn solidity, if neo then c# ...

>> No.9170791
File: 157 KB, 1200x1156, 6ksorAs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about eos

>> No.9171312
File: 42 KB, 123x163, 8839f43b-240d-44b5-8ae8-c79c63f0a21e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's eos?

>> No.9171428

not unless you want to make a web game, check this out http://hexgl.bkcore.com/play/

>> No.9171432

http, don't click anons

>> No.9171534


>> No.9171564

you're a brainlet

>> No.9171610

Elixir is currently in high demand, functional programming is making a huge comeback with multithreading and most notably web apps with scalability built in as we usher the new age of IoT.

>> No.9171747

currently making gaem, that compiles into native c++ for desktop, or html5 stack for web, from a single (haxe) codebase. check it out haxe.org

>> No.9171812

or you can write haxe, which compiles into c++ for desktop (opengl), or html5 standalone stack for web (webgl). this is what im doing, with a html5 demo planned (think those free online portals a la kongregate, armorgames, newgrounds, etc) then in the demo, shill full steam version for desktop. this way, I have covered marketing and exposure. haxe.org.

>> No.9171928

tell us more about your game anon

>> No.9171978

hey anon, with GraphQL how do you make sure whole database isn't grabbed with one request?

>> No.9172037

Haxe is promising but AAA companies capable of making MMOs are not going to adapt it for years if at all.

>> No.9172400

it is probably before most everyone heres time, but it is essentially a remake of Mordor: Depths of Dejenol, my favorite dungeon crawler of all time

>> No.9172425
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>if I wanted to create a MMO

trust me; you don't

>> No.9172444
File: 55 KB, 719x960, 30703796_933868523445753_802791437881054804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every kind of language that y think is interesting enough m8. In this CS world the better y are the more money y made m8

>> No.9172448

well, spiritual successor would be a better term. the lore will be very different (mine own game lore ive been workin on). but game flow, guilds, item system, difficulty and roguelike aspects will be largely the same.

>> No.9172450

wait NEO's primary language is C#? legit gonna buy 100k lol

>> No.9172470

So many retard programmers on here. I can't believe I take financial advice from you people.

>> No.9172477

millionaire software developer here.
you'll be just as sick of dealing with CPUs all the fucking time.

>> No.9172507
File: 1.56 MB, 268x310, 687474~1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take financial advice from you people
no wonder why y still poor and losing money m8.

>> No.9172521

Yeah, I write rust and sql

>> No.9172570

I think it matters on experience, Java gets you used to the fundamentals or programming. Then going from Java to anything else feels like a goddamn breeze.

>> No.9172599

I know some english

>> No.9172604

Python, Elm, f#, HTML, css, javascript but to be fair elm transcompiles into the last 3.