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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9168079 No.9168079 [Reply] [Original]

>has the partnerships
>has the product
>has the team
>price tanks

literally what went wrong? someone please explain without memeing

>> No.9168133

price being held by whales..

accumulate more, so once it takes off youll be flying to another galaxy with it.

>> No.9168151

It's from India so nobody trusts it. At least China has the meme of challenging the USA, India has the meme of pleading the USA for employment gibs of its IT guys who can't write basic programs.

>> No.9168161

I have 27k bought under ICO price, should I sell my VEN and buy more?

What are the proofs of price manipulation by the whales? Seems like there's little to no volume

It's french you autist

>> No.9168190

Tell that to everyone calling it a pajeet coin. If it's not even from India and still associated with India in all the memes then it's deeply and truly fucked. At least Indians would have bought it before.

>> No.9168220

Don't worry, just keep FUDDING like the retard above and the gains will come before you know it

>> No.9168297

Some guy with multiple million REQ proved that he could manipulate the price by barting REQ when people started shitposting in his thread. He then said he would keep REQ at around $0.20 until 2020

>> No.9168399
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everything on biz that got shilled is called pajeet coins tho....

>> No.9168456

link to archived thread?

>> No.9168460

Coinbase Commerce killed it.

>> No.9168479

he's lying. that's the retard who thinks 1 million req can supress the price. it has been steadily increasing for weeks now

>> No.9168545

I'm the whale. Can confirm I plan to keep it around 20 cents until the adoption happens. You should sell if you want quick profits. You won't make any money for 2 years.

>> No.9168576

People are incapable of not memeing this, that’s the issue.

>> No.9168579

What are you talking about?

I AM in fact the whale that made the thread. I will pump REQ to $1 tomorrow afternoon. Watch out.

>> No.9168589

I found it.


There were also other threads where multiple people showed big stacks (500k and up) confirming that they also suppress the price.

>> No.9168654
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*blocks your path*
nothin personnel fag

Have over 10 million more on my Ledger.

>> No.9168813

Holy shit a screenshot on 4chan! must be legit

>> No.9168827

the product is fucking useless

>> No.9168848

interesting. then again 40 BTC is not that big and it could get eaten when actual bull run starts

I said no memeing

>> No.9168867

what are you guys talking about

>> No.9168895

its the ghonest truth, its worthless middleware for extra cost that offers almost no benefit

>> No.9168919

When you learn to spell we will believe you. Until then, you just look like a retard with inspect element.

>> No.9168921

this. get REQt REQfags

>> No.9168971

It's a decentralized payment and auditing solution, how the fuck is that worthless?

>> No.9168972

I have an honest question.

Does the FUD make you all feel good? Knowing that you’re keeping another random anon from wealth who happens to believe your FUD, does that give you joy? I thought we were actually supposed to help one another out here.

Get into REQ, you’re going to regret it in 6 months if you’re not in.

>> No.9169034

REQ has nothing desu

>> No.9169190

>i need an additional payment system for my digital currency that i can already send to anyone anywhere in the world basically for free
you fucking brainlet

i dont know much about auditing but i dont understand whats the point of "decentralized auditing" would be

>> No.9169243

OK I'm going to actually help you because you do seem just uninformed and not intentionally retarded. Here is a real business who have integrated Request into their payment solutions talking about why it's not 'useless middleware'.

>Projects like the Request Network (REQ) are a dream come true for merchants like us.


And you should also google triple entry accounting. Request is one of the most important projects in crypto right now, potentially bringing blockchain to the masses and showing why this tech is revolutionary.

>> No.9169294

>>i need an additional payment system for my digital currency that i can already send to anyone anywhere in the world basically for free

Yeah man you should convert your random shitcoin to BTC, then convert that to fiat then send it to the other side of the world for that anime figurine that you want so much. Don't forget to get raped by fees, waiting times. etc. in the process!

>> No.9169297

Just stop helping them. Honestly at this point if you’re on biz and not in REQ you don’t deserve to be. Moon happens when it happens, my bags are already packed.

>> No.9169341

Anyone seriously listening to anyone on here and blindly selling or buying as a result of that deserves it.

I learned, people learn, some don’t.
Zero-sum game.

>> No.9169397

i have a thousand of these shitcoins in case it really will explode like you deluded fanboys believe. But a hardware wallet company using some novel crypto solution for their payment solution is not very convincing

>> No.9169428

Nah I'll just use BCH 0-conf transaction. Instant and costs less than a penny.

>> No.9169445

the sentiment in this thread tells me it's almost time to buy but the chart tells me I'm a little too late

this is some meta shilling imo

>> No.9169532

Don't worry REQ won't reach $0.30 before 2020 due to whales.

>> No.9169642

lel wasnt that the same shit deluded linkies said for 6 months

and even then chainlink has a lot more promise than this paypal wannabe

>> No.9169834
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>> No.9169870

Haven't even touched 3k sats. See that sell wall? :^)