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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9167946 No.9167946 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9167979

I need one thing and it's for this coin to hit 5.50

>> No.9168030


>> No.9168286

$0.20 until 2020

>> No.9168466

REQ pajeets are getting desperate

>> No.9168562
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This. I'm the whale keeping it under 3k sats. REQ isn't going anywhere. If you want quick profits, look elsewhere.

>> No.9168581
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but why

>> No.9168608

I would have to thank you. Doing god's work. Also, good luck if you think 1 million is anything in the grand scheme of things. All it takes is a bullrun like december and your 1 million will disappear into all the fomo that buys into your walls.

>> No.9168609

If the price is low, more tokens will be burnt in the long run.

>> No.9168616

That's only my binance stack. Have vast majority spread over multiple addresses on my Ledger.

>> No.9168622

Nice larp loser.

>> No.9168628

I bought 1,000 REQ yesterday and this morning I only have 999? What gives?

>> No.9168627

Sure thing, nervous bagholder.

>> No.9168649

Good for you. Nobody cares. If you're invested in REQ I would assume you know this is a winning ticket. As if one person, however big a stack you might claim to have, could suppress the price of 1 coin forever...

>> No.9168661

Don't and never have owned Req. Just like to call out pathetic clowns who larp as big boys with Inspect Element. Sad.

>> No.9168679

REQ is a winning ticket but you'll literally have to wait 1-2 years for it. Me and several other wales will make sure it stays low, so that all the moonkids sell.

>> No.9168699

>hurr durr we're going to miss out on gains from every other project that moons while we keep req low
nice larp

>> No.9168700

Again, thank you. If that's your strategy, it's a terrible one. The point of being a whale is to create huge swings where you make people lose money, not to keep the price low forever. People with half a brain will just accumulate.

>> No.9168719

>its another 'let me LARP as a whale by using Inspect Element' episode
>people fall for it hook line and sinker

>> No.9168721
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>le future bagholder

>> No.9168733

is that so? seems to me, that I'll double my post-correction position any day now...

>> No.9168782
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*nervousness intesifies*
Just watch fags as it keeps bouncing off 3k sats for months on no end.

>> No.9168821

>"hur dur nervousness intensifies"
You're a larping faggot. Whales don't come to 4chan to say the retarded shit that you're spouting. You honestly sound about 15.

>> No.9168872

kek. Literally nothing stopping this from moving except volume. I think you’re hoping someone pumps it with your child’s play. Holding bags, anon? What do you have maybe 500 REQ you bought above $1? Sorry for you.

>> No.9168898

>he fell for a working product meme
being a working product is a curse because then everyone will see that your crypto is useless, you should advertise what you will do in the future to have gains, not work

>> No.9168942

>40btc == whale
am i missing something?

>> No.9168958

A brain.

>> No.9168965

You people are so fuckin stupid its unreal

>> No.9168977

I'm not sure if that guy is the real whale but >>9151204 implied that the 40BTC stack was only his pile on Binance and that he has a lot more spread across other exchanges and private ledgers. He also implied that he already spent about 1 million REQ just to keep the price below $0.30 the last couple of months

>> No.9169009

If btc crashes and it goes sub 2 cents I'm buying everything you guys have

>> No.9169087


Remember. .05 this summer. .01 by Septemeber 28 2018.

Can't even pump during a BTC Surge, just look at the coinmarketcap graph for this coin it's a flat line with one peak. Texbook definition of a pump and dump.

>> No.9169101

you're doing it wrong, larpy

>> No.9169114
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>> No.9169143

Theyre burning the coins from peoples wallets. Its one of the minus sides of this coin. People will be losing coins from their wallets everytime REQUEST is used. If you have bad enough luck they might end up burning all of YOUR coins.

>> No.9169211

>sold 1 million req under dollar
>1 billion printed

>> No.9169447

WTF my wallet is burning away as we speak. What are the devs doing? Random coin burns like WTF!

>> No.9169695

>t. Larper

You do know that if you suppress it hard enough, all you do is give my bot gains as it trades the retracements from your artificial dumps? And over time you can't keep that up or you'll have simply transferred all your wealth to me? And that if it never moves, you'll never get the normies to FOMO in enough to compensate for the time and money spent? And that me looking at the suppression means I'm deliberately accumulating this - and I'm VERY patient?

>> No.9169734

what a gay ass larper, oh btw req just went over the 3k sats supression you "had" going on

>> No.9169787

First of all, the term is “downsides” you degenerate third worlder. Second, this fud is stale as fuck, find something original.

>> No.9169883

Literally take a break from the internet and take that plug out of your ass.

You people did this on /g/ to BTC and early on /biz/ with ETH. Seriously, stop. Get help. You don’t gain anything by helping your fellow anons.

Anons, one last time, get into REQ.

>> No.9170032

>b-but you are larp
What's happening, moonkids? Can't even touch 3k sats?

>> No.9170104

I’m not even thinking about selling until 2022, but your FUD is weak, and you should stop keeping clueless anons from wealth. You pieces of shit did the same thing with BTC on /g/ and ETH in the early days of /biz/.

Stop holding your brothers down. Buy REQ and hold on to that shit.

>> No.9170149

The only one keeping others from wealth is you. Those who listened to me sold and will be buying back at 2.8k sats.

>> No.9170245


don't forget to join ReQkings :!!!!!!!
disc(0)rd code : FXfJqwW

>> No.9171055

going up!

>> No.9171069

Is this breakout? Whales have you been meming this board? Is this it?

>> No.9171079
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What now bitch nigga?

>> No.9171085

that retard isnt a whale lul, just a spiteful link holder

>> No.9171088

I think we can to the end of a descending triangle on the btc chart. This is probably breakout, pretty good news

>> No.9171153

This isn't breakout, someone's manipulating it. Look at the actual coins being moved, all sub-200 buys/sells. Same shit that's happening to ELEC the past few days, it's fake volume.

>> No.9171190

you're probably right

>> No.9171216
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wheres the Request™ button for more anime like this

>> No.9171233

I mean if you got in at 2800 sats or earlier you're still making money but I wouldn't expect it to go up much higher if any significant sell walls show up. Soon as a 800k+ sell wall popped up around 1707 on ELEC it dumped to low 1600s, and there's still some bot or something buying/selling tokens in orders that aren't showing up on screen, so it's likely the exchanges being screwy. I'd wait and see if REQ goes down again instead of FOMOing in, otherwise you'll probably end up holding bags.

>> No.9171248

Might be true but it is about time. Paint a decent picture, throw a bit of volume and get it going. Req hasnt had a mooning in a while and it has been a couple day since decent news, perfect recipe for a good rise. 3400 sats ish and we will probs start mooning, just remind the reddit fags to put their money in a bit late as usual

>> No.9171285

So how do they decide which wallet to burn coins from? I got like 5 tokens burned this week. how is that fair?

>> No.9171563

How's that 3k going larp nig

>> No.9171775

going up

>> No.9171795


>> No.9171804

My dick is going up your ass.

This will NOT reach $0.30 before 2020

>> No.9171838


Real whale here

Will reach 30 cent next fifteen min :)

>> No.9171855
File: 1.74 MB, 776x969, req.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell now and rebuy

>> No.9171883

$5-15 eoy

>> No.9171927

binance whale group BTFO