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9166618 No.9166618 [Reply] [Original]

How high holo price eoy ?

>> No.9166639

1 holo = 0.001 ETH eoy. easily.

it's the first actually infinitely scaling chain.

>> No.9166670


>> No.9166684
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>> No.9166689

Gtfo pajeet

>> No.9166705

Get the fuck off this board you brainlet.

>> No.9166714
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>> No.9166732

Why do you think eoy? Think next 5 years holo 30-50b, and retired.

>> No.9166753

$1bill cap within 6 months

>> No.9166801
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>> No.9166842

How absolutely buttdevastated do you have to be to feel the need to post this shit?

>> No.9166858
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don't concern yourself which such simple minds anon. they will bear witness to our ascension into the stars

>> No.9166863

I thought the CEO sounded pretty intelligent until I read this beautiful snippet of stupidity

>In fact, the whole crypto community understands currency design so poorly that they have practically redefined the word “fiat” (from Latin, meaning spoken into being from nothing) to mean national currencies. This fails to notice that every cryptocoin so far is also spoken into being from nothing. (Hint: Here’s how you can tell, ask yourself, “Who gets debited when someone is credited with newly mined coins?” If the answer is “Nobody,” then you know it is fiat.)
He doesn't realize what fiat means, and he doesn't realize that most fiat currencies today is debt-based. What a fucking retard.

>> No.9166871
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explain pls

>> No.9166889

he's a keynesian retard who doesn't even understand his own concept of currency

>> No.9166899

Thanks, just sold 1b

>> No.9166929


it's deeper than that Mr Bear : I looked at the technology faq and basically I took this away

>the order of events doesn't matter

The order of events is what defines a ledger. I can't give you money I don't have. I can't magic it out of nowhere.

From what I can see the dev team is really quite talented and I like the look of the codebase and the idea. I'm actually thinking of spinning up a holochain talking app for my website because it solves some of the issues blockchain has. As a token though? I'm staying well the fuck away from this.

>> No.9166947

Yeah wtf is the point of the token? So you can participiate in his mutual credit economy? fucking kek

>> No.9166972

He's right, you're wrong. He's saying that people are using the word incorrectly according to its literal translation.

>> No.9166985

The token kinda works similar to SKY coin hours: you contribute to the processing/bandwith of the network and receive tokens from the ones consuming it, thus the name HoloFuel. Similar to mining ETH but done properly.

>> No.9167002

50b cap

that would be like 30 cents a pop

not bad desu

>> No.9167013

lol, you're not serious right?

>> No.9167016

hes basically saying you shouldn't port something like the entire bitcoin or ethereum code into the holochain, as that would be inefficient etc.

better to use the HOT tokens for currency instead

>> No.9167025
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there's no mining though.


quote : "There's no mining on Holochain. Blockchain's proof-of-work system provides a hefty incentive for thousands of people to spend the processing power of their CPUs and GPUs using up huge amounts of electricity on solving a meaningless cryptographic puzzle. Holochain doesn't have mining." so what would I be contributing to?

He even says getting rich on HOT doesn't make sense in the screencap because we'd all be credit swapping.

>> No.9167038

>>9167013 / = 0.37$

or around 30-33 cents if you use total supply

i just calculated the price, i didnt say it was a reasonable target to reach

>> No.9167054
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Circulating is 177.6B

>> No.9167056


tbqh I don't think you want to use ANY token of exchange on this platform. It's not a distributed ledger AT ALL. It's really just taking the block-chain as a database idea and extending it to the situation where you don't need completely trustless agents.

It's interesting from the point of view of voting registers or chat apps, but not currency.

>> No.9167068

every decent crypto developer says you wont get rich of his chain

first of all, its fucking illegal to say otherwise

second of all, it attractis normiefags like the verge / tron faggots to spend all their money on it and sell at a dip, its just bad marketing

>> No.9167072

brainlets posting like they know shit. I suggest you do more reasearch, friendo.

>> No.9167078

There is no mining, like in skycoin there is no mining either: you contribute to an economy with something and receive other as return.

>> No.9167094

You're a retard too. Fiat means let it be done, make it happen, by decree, come into existance. The term fiat money has been used for hundreds of years to mean money created by government fiat. He's an autistic retard if he thinks his only definition of the word is the correct one. If you want to be like that you can say if you programmed some software you created it through fiat. It's retarded.

Also he says that if debt isn't created when the money is created then it's fiat. What a fucking retarded thing to do, literally every single fiat currency (government currency for you spergs) in existance nowadays is always created with debt, that's on the biggest critique people have against our current monetary system.

>> No.9167098

you dont need to use it as a currency

its just like ethereum, it was never supposed to act like a currency either, it was basically fuel/gas you bought to make dapps with etc, but it works well as a currency too

same thing could happen with holochain

>> No.9167099
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So in their whitepaper, they state that the initial price of Holo Fuel was based on it being 10,000 times more efficient than Ethereum. The last sentence states they project 10 million times the efficiency of Ethereum.

Thus by logical deduction, that is 1000x from it's initial price

>> No.9167103


give me reading to convince me then man, I mean I'm the one who's here in the codebase and looking through the whitepaper.


He's not just saying you won't get rich. He's saying getting rich doesn't make sense on this chain.

>> No.9167116

>there's no mining though.
He meant it in the sense that you contribute to the network and get paid for it.

>so what would I be contributing to?
Your resources to the network.

>> No.9167119



If the entire market is doing well this should be conservative. DBC had a market cap of 600 million a month after launching. Dentacoin went to 2.3 billion within 6 months. So who knows.

>> No.9167124

>hes basically saying you shouldn't port something like the entire bitcoin or ethereum code into the holochain, as that would be inefficient etc.
He has specifically said that bitcoin or blockchain techonology is not fit for currency

>> No.9167125

10,000 more EFFICIENT doesn't equal to 10,000x or 1000x more expensive

that would not make it efficient at all

>> No.9167133

> you contribute to an economy with something and receive other as return
> you contribute to an economy with something
> with something
> something


>> No.9167138

nigger, you know we are in crypto right?

logic and making sense cant be applied here

>> No.9167140

What do you mean. 1 hot = 1 hot? I only messurr in hot sorry

>> No.9167149

Your fucking RAM, electricity, hard drive space, CPU cycles, etc you dense gentleman.

>> No.9167153


made me giggle, here's your (you)

>> No.9167166


but there's no mining. You get fuel just for using the application so it's worthless

>> No.9167175

Eth doesn't work well as a currency as you have to wait for confirmations for a payment. You're even more clueless on currency than the holochain guy

>> No.9167176
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Its not too late to get in anon

>> No.9167183

>You pay fuel for using the application
Ftfy. Now think twice before posting again

>> No.9167185

you do get to earn holofuel by contributing your computet power to the holochain, which is why they sold all those holoports

it must work like some kind of dpos node or something

>> No.9167190


I agree with your assessment here by the way. It's like ethereum with the gas system but it can't be used as a token founcation. If you really wanted proof, ask yourself "why are they using a blockchain to shill their coin if holochain should be great for tokens"? To be honest I think the projecct is really exciting and might be fun to work with. The holofuel/coin seems worthless to me though.

>> No.9167194
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nigger you are fucking retarded

>> No.9167209

Ok, get back to me when you can buy your hamburgers with ETH you fat fuck

>> No.9167216


But you get fuel by validating, and validation is free because there's no mining. So you also GET fuel by using the application.

>> No.9167230
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>mfw its not x1000 but /1000

>> No.9167244

>I'm the one who's here in the codebase and looking through the whitepaper.
>You get fuel just for using the application so it's worthless

no offense, but the more you post the more retarded you sound. Other anons already explained it to you, so I won't go into details again. Just read up on the tokenomics cause I'm sure you skipped something and your understanding is flawed, which in turn makes you sound stupid. I don't think you're stupid, but some of your posts are shitlord tier.

>> No.9167252

What does it even mean that binance will be on holochain?

>> No.9167263


The price of it is based on it being 10 000 times more efficient, i.e. that $1 HOT equals $10 000 of work on Ethereum.
That's a highly conservative estimate. Right now you could say the market estimates it to be 40 000 times more efficient, it being 4x or so from ICO. This is a retarded speculative market though.

Providers of the computing power will compete and drive their prices in HOT down, as so your HOT becomes more valuable and the price should tend towards True Value (tm).

>> No.9167264

>validation is free
There is a consensus, reduced and energy efficient compare to blockchains, but there is one. And no one here is talking about validation, I said for a third time bandwith, storage and processing. is what you consume or give (thus pay or earn fuel). Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.9167282

you have to go back

>> No.9167310

same thing can be applied to ethereum or any other platform you can develop dapps on

the cheaper it is, the more efficient it'll be

thats just not the case in this market though

>> No.9167312

>For a sufficient supply which can expand and contract, I only know of one form of currency issuance that fits the bill: Mutual Credit. One of the strange things about mutual credit is that the net supply is always ZERO. It uses double-entry accounting type transfers which always have an offsetting debit for every credit. Positive and negative account balances always balance each other.

How long until the CEO applies his funky monetary ideas to the token economics?

>> No.9167335

should be around IOTA marketcap, so x50 from here

>> No.9167338

I understood it to be One HOT buys you as much computing as 1 Euro buys you on Ethereum

>> No.9167340

What's your point? If it's that this market is retarded then this should do well too seeing how it's sort of kind of like Dfinity, Filecoin and so on.

>> No.9167365

>how long until
Holo fuel is mutual credit.

>> No.9167380

desu my point is that trying to make sense of the crypto market is a waste of time, if the market thinks 1$ worth of holo fuel is equal to 40.000$ ethereum compuete, then it is worth that

but as you said, it actually makes it less efficient and actually worth way less, but the market doesn't care about that

>> No.9167413

So anyone can create it out of nothing? how is that not abusable with internet and anonymity? Or do I have to provide KYC to use this shitcoin?

>> No.9167488
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92 gwei at the time of writing this & has been around the 90s all day.

This time yesterday it was hovering at around 60. The volumes picking up with smart money having brought in (pic related) & more coming in.

I'll be back tomorrow when it's in the hundreds.

>> No.9167522

>out of nothing
No, you get it for providing resources to someone. Please go do some research.

>> No.9167532

you fucking retard you dont know what mutual credit means

>> No.9167715

Great response you dense fucker.


>> No.9167776

I'm thinking all in this coin and hold for at least end of year good move ?

>> No.9167838

Never a good idea to go all in, fren.

>> No.9167876

dear sirs,

where can I purchase Holo tokens?

>> No.9167879

Thanks Anon

>> No.9167887

So basically it's not a mutual credit system. MUTUAL. In a mutual credit system if not anyone can create debit. It's not a mutual credit system if there is one single source that created all the credit. It's not a mutual credit system if you can't have a negative amount of tokens. If you can't spend credits you don't have it's not a mutual credit system.

The CEO of this project is an absolute fucking brainlet, holy shit. It might still pump though because the market is even more retarded than he is.

>> No.9168001

Arthur Brock probably fucking knows what mutual credit is.

I personally don't agree with everything about the project but I'm ultimately in this for profit and not autistic debates. So far it's going pretty fucking well.

>> No.9168416

People said the same thing about ETH lmao.

>muh no one is going to use this shit
>muh $0.01 eoy

Fuck off and kill yourself for discouraging all the newbies to 10x their money.