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9166508 No.9166508 [Reply] [Original]

Is the female version of /makingit/ different from the male version?

>> No.9166521

No. The problem is just that women hang out too much with women, who have a very wasteful culture.

>> No.9166526

yes, women need need far more money to feel satisfied

>> No.9166532

womens idea of making it should be pregnant stomach and having a solid family man who is going to take care of the bills while she raises the kids and cooks nourishing food

>> No.9166534

but I see women earn about the same if not less than men. I definitely feel they want money just as badly.

>> No.9166542

Ah a man of the 50s, take me back to the golden age lol

>> No.9166580

>I definitely feel they want money just as badly.
Wow, you are so right anon! That must be the reason that 99% of this board is male! Wow!

>> No.9166606

But he is correct both historically and biologically. Your feels won't change genetic facts.

>> No.9166613

Wow, I've literally never asked myself this.

I'd always just assumed women would like a guy who would be able to provide for them in some manner (whether or not they like to admit it).

Do you want the freedom to do buy anything, without worrying about the price? I guess that'd encompass most people.

>> No.9166614

there's no making it with women anon

>> No.9166616

that's why im asking man
we're putting 100% of our effort into making money
what are women putting 100% of their effort into (their version of making it?)

>> No.9166624

The family at literally any point in history except the last 70 years*, after feminism has taken hold.

>> No.9166630

There's no genetic facts saying that women shouldn't pursue a career and try to earn a lot of money herself.

>> No.9166631

wait, I just had a thought
is the women version of making it = attention?
1,000,000 instagram followers?

>> No.9166650

Yes. You nailed it.

>> No.9166651
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>mfw one of those legit 1+ million blockfolio screenshots is probably a woman

>> No.9166678

There sure is. Most don't have the brain setup to focus on career, they give into instinct and want a family.
Go talk to some actual women, observe what happens when another woman with a child walks past.

>> No.9166682


>they want money
in sense of entitlement gibs
they dont really want to *make* money
if they do they just parade a pussy and rake the cash so no need for underwater basket weaving forum

>> No.9166685

>what are women putting 100% of their effort into
God..you need to learn a lot more about women.
Look at the state of the west. Single mothership is rampant and ever increasing. In some areas closing into 70%+ of single mothers.

Women don't think, they are illogical. Open an woman's magazine one time it will become obvious immediately.

A women, AT BEST is the most responsible teenager in the house. Even psychometricaly they are built for having and raising small children.

Women aren't into abstractions and reason. They are into feelings and validation of their social circles.

There is the bell-curve ofcourse but 99% of women are completely deluded about what it means to be a women and what is means to be a man.

>> No.9166687

The golden age of biology having a meaningful effect on life choices. The problem is we cant fight these kinds of stigma if we decide to become FUCKING SCIENCE DENIERS.

As a proper progressive I fully understand and accept that until we can change biology the 1950s are probably correct for a healthy society where birth rates are not harmful to the future of civilization.

>> No.9166691

Finding a Chad and making kids for him, then raising them alone, when he leaves her.

>> No.9166695

Or just observe how retarded the trend for women to have little lapdogs and cats has become. Dressing them up, baby talking to them, etc.

It's depressing cope, and it's sad when you realize what's happening. That these women have been brainwashed into having a furry pet replace their maternal instinct.

>> No.9166709

whats an actual women, anon?

>> No.9166715

I live in the US. A girl I know who lives here and is from Asia had a friend from overseas who came to visit her. They both enjoy food but what they did was go to many different restaurants, buy a dish or two, nibble it, then leave it behind to go sample another restaurant. I understand wanting to try things and having a limited amount of time to do so but It was so wasteful it blew my mind.

>> No.9166716

raising successful kids
having a strong and loyal husband

cant think of anything else. For guys it's very straight forward - guys need to provide. However I imagine being rich won't feel the same for a grill

>> No.9166719

I 100% agree that it's female nature to want children. However, I don't agree that there's any biological reason why women shouldn't pursue financial succes to support their children and improve the probability of the children being succesful in life.

>> No.9166725

Women still must have SOME goals.
What I'm wondering right now too, is, is sleeping with a lot of guys their goal?
None of the women I know want kids.

>> No.9166739

Separate discussion.

Pets give unconditional affection to their provider irrespective of circumstance

>> No.9166741

The thing is, do they feel the same sense of accomplishment we do?
I can hardly compare eating a tasty dish to the feeling of earning $1,000 in a day.

>> No.9166745

One w/o a penis.

>> No.9166746

The problem is, the woman who doesn't want to go to work, wants to be a stay at home mom. She literally cant. Both parents have to work. That's a problem. Womens liberation did the opposite of liberating women, it made them all slaves and now only the very lucky few women can actually land a man who is capable of supporting them both.

Thanks kikes!

>> No.9166756
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thats where you're wrong, bucko

>> No.9166757

Age might matter. All the women late 20s or 30s I know want kids.

>> No.9166764

this. Women have access to tons of resources if they're willing to utilize their bodies.

>> No.9166765

>Women still must have SOME goals.
NOO..Women don't want to take charge. You have been deluded by the "strong independent women" media meme.

Consider this...Women are now completely 'liberated' they can vote, work etc they can do everything that an man can do...And now 50 shades of grey(woman being dominated by rich guy) sells better then the bible..DUDE! that is not an coincidence. That is biology.

>> No.9166781

A goal is specific to the person, not all guys want to have sex with lots of girls.

Most people want to be able to feel comfortable in life. I think that's one underlying goal most people have, unless they're more thrill seeking and proactive.

>> No.9166794

Girls just wanna have fun m8. Wether it be at a males expense or theirs.

>> No.9166803

Just because you're not into trying to take the biggest shit in the world doesn't mean it's not a goal.
I mean a goal as in a feeling of accomplishment and admiration from their peers for hard work. Do they just not care about it? They only care about being beautiful? But that hardly seems like a goal, since it's something you're born into. Weight loss?

>> No.9166848

>I mean a goal as in a feeling of accomplishment and admiration from their peers for hard work
1. Social acceptance
2. Being desired

There you learned everything that drives 99% of women.

>> No.9166855


>> No.9166872

duudee.... that makes so much sense.
That's why guys like Trump can be assholes, and those richfag (LARPers?) come here to brag; they don't care if you hate them, as long as they're better than you.

>> No.9166878

Women primarily desire social validation and thus want to flaunt their wealth not simply have it.

>> No.9166884

Your dakimakura of course.

>> No.9166961

When I make it there are some things I want that I imagine are common to everyone here.
>World travel
>taking care of those I love

But probably the one thing that would be different is my desire for high end beauty therapy services and non-invasive plastic surgery such as Botox and fillers. If I had unlimited disposable income you bet I would get my hair blow dried every other day by a professional stylist, and I would start getting Botox for sure once I hit 30. Stuff like waxing, mani/pedi, facials and massages are extremely enjoyable and make you feel amazing but they’re a bit expensive. I don’t imagine men would care about this stuff so much.

That being said, even women who haven’t even made it already spend loads on their nails and hair. Apparently it’s a recession-proof industry. I find this very odd. I wouldn’t indulge in these things regularly unless I had made it. Hate to say that I’m “different to normal girls” but the fact is that women who brows 4chan and /biz/ are likely to be a very biased sample, not representative of general pop.

t. woman

>> No.9166971

are you ugly?

>> No.9167006

>I don’t imagine men would care about this stuff so much.

They care an awful lot about this stuff when they visibly see the girl who has this kind of treatment.

Also, are you trans? I get that vibe from how you wrote your post.

>> No.9167009

>female nature to want children
Dude no it isn’t.

While there are lots of women who have a biological urge to have babies, and literally go crazy whenever a BAYYBEEEE is around, there are equally women who are really disgusted by the idea of pregnancy, breastfeeding and having a child. Check out the subreddit /r/childfree and see that most of the posters are women who are just sick of everyone asusuming they should want to drop crotch fruit as soon as possible.

(Inb4 you need to go back)

I’m the same. On the one hand, the idea of giving up my career, my freedom, for a disgusting child makes me feel sick. I never liked babies or small children. Pregnancy would ruin my body and there is a REAL chance that childbirth can destroy your vagina/asshole permanently. On the other hand, I feel like having grown up children could be ok. Plus I would like to pass on my genes and make my future baby daddy happy. Imagining my boyfriend teaching our child how to play darts or ride a bike makes me feel a bit broody. But babies in general make me feel sick and I hate women who love babies.

>> No.9167027

Unironically the first thing I want is plastic surgery. I wonder if the 1% of women in crypto is because they’re trying to compensate for it.

>> No.9167046

>I don’t want babies but I do think that raising a baby would be awesome

It sounds like you’re deathly afraid of the damage a baby could cause but also still desire raising one.

>> No.9167060

You mean men care about their partner getting this stuff done? I dunno, I guess it depends on your taste. If you like the extremely overdone high maintenance look then sure. What I meant was that I can’t imagine that when a male Anon makes it he’s gonna start getting facials and pedicures every week.

The thing is, it’s possible to maintain your groomed appearance WITHOUT paying a professional for it. Take hair dye for example. I dye my hair myself using professional products I buy online. This costs me around £10 a month. If you go to the salon it could cost £50-£100 to get your hair dyed. Getting your eyebrows done could be like £10, I dye them and shape them myself and it costs about £10 for a 6 month supply of eyebrow dye, and however much the one time purchase of tweezers costs. The only thing you can’t DIY is Brazilian waxing, it’s too painful.

No I’m attractive, but why would you even ask or believe me no matter what I say? This is an anonymous board after all.

>> No.9167065

The world doesn't need another person making capital, you fucking retard.

You have a gift that men don't, you are supposed to usher in the next generation of humans who are intelligent and cared for.

But you'd rather raise a number in a computer, that's FUCKING RETARDED, you're retarded and you'll never be happy because you hate your own feminity and think of it as a burden.

You'd rather be a girl forever than a woman, and that's what you have in common with all the dumb ass cunts and their fucked up hormones in your little shitreddit.

>> No.9167073

This is their version of maded it. Being married to a man and pregnant with some kids.

Its pathetic but thats how they are.

>> No.9167085

Sounds like someone wants to be a women

>> No.9167097

No I don’t think raising a baby would be awesome. I’m disgusted by babies. I really don’t like them.

If I could skip the baby part, and just have a 6 year old child, that would be better.

But it’s also the thought of losing my freedom. Giving up the life I have. And becoming an obsessed mother.... the thing I hate most about these women is that once they have a baby they become OBSESSED with it, they think it’s the best thing they’ve ever done with their lives. It’s like, no, 50% of the pppularion can give birth to a child. Having a child is simply biology and it is not an achievement. You child will likely never achieve anything in life and neither will you. I want my achievements to be REAL (I’m a scientist) and I would hate it if I had a child and suddenly they were my top priority. I want my top priority to be me, my science and my partner.

Also, all surveys and statistics indicate that having a child makes your relationship with your partner worse.

>> No.9167105

>having a child makes your relationship with your partner worse.
What is the purpose of an male female relationship you think?

>> No.9167127

>But it’s also the thought of losing my freedom



Like I said >>9167065
> You'd rather be a girl forever than a woman

>> No.9167143

I already posted that I think it’s important to pass on my genes. It’s also important for non-retarded people to have children for the advancement of the human race. Normie children are only going to be a burden on this world.

What I’m saying is that there definitely isn’t a biological urge for baby making for all woman. If there were then everyone would feel it but not everyone does.

Maybe I’ll get closer to 30 years old and suddenly feel this “biological clock” ticking ....

But if you read posts on /r/childfree from parents who decided to have a child because of social pressure, but deep down they didn’t like children or want them, it’s terrifying. Once you have a child you can’t take it back. There are lots of confessions there from people saying they love their child but they wish they never even had them. There was one post where, after 3 years they couldn’t take it any more. They didn’t want the child and gave it up for adoption. Simply because they wanted to be childfree and they made the mistake of having children.

>> No.9167198

There is only a biological/evolutionary drive to have sex, anon. Google this shit, children always make your life more miserable at the beginning, loads of studies say this.

Having fun all the time? That’s not what it’s about.
If I had a child I would not want to quit my career for it. I’m a scientist and my contributions to my field will immortalise me (hopefully). But on the other hand passing on your genes also kind of immortalises you. I can see the rational argument for procreation but if I had a child it would have to be on my terms.

The other issue is that putting a child into daycare can not be good for it. Either the father or the mother needs to look after the child. It has to be better for their psychology, surely. Being raised by a random daycare person is going to fuck up your bonding. So one of the parents has to quit working, and it’s usually the lower paid one, which is usually the woman. I might be ok with it if I could have a stay at home dad.

>> No.9167246

>children always make your life more miserable at the beginning, loads of studies say this.
So are you an hedonist? Your only means of being is imediate gratification of your reptilian brain desires?

Everything i have done that is worthwhile in my life caused me discomfort in the beginning.

>> No.9167255

>I can see the rational argument for procreation but if I had a child it would have to be on my terms.

I can't wait for us to bring back European coverture, you women really fucked up a lot of things with your "free thinking". you don't deserve it, look at what the world is now that women are "liberated", it's nothing but a husk.

you really ought to be dragged into a modest home and made to pump out babies. that's all you deserve.

>> No.9167273

I feel you in the sense of valuing your freedom. I am similarly steadfast with my priorities. But it honestly sounds like you actually do want to reproduce even though you’re trying to come off as though you don’t.

And I think you’re downplaying the miracle of reproduction by calling it simply ‘biology that anyone can do.’ We can essentially replicate ourselves, to me that’s pretty fucking cool. Having offspring is something we’re hardwired to be proud of because it’s one of if not the main thing we’re here to do.


>> No.9167293

>No I’m attractive, but why would you even ask or believe me no matter what I say? This is an anonymous board after all.

You have your shit together too much. I have quite a few trans friends in the past. After awhile you can just kind of tell.

Logical deduction > choice made based on logical deduction > end result > knowing what you want in a hypothetical situation.


You probably also jail broke your phone.
know how to operate a linux machine.
Own at least one firearm.
Know how to change a tire or are into cars.
And your attractive.

It set off my Transdar is all.

>> No.9167364

No, I’ve said that I get my greatest sense of achievement from my scientific contributions.

Go back to /pol/.
My scientific contributions are probably greater than anything you’ve achieved in your entire life shitposting on a Mongolian yak breeding forum.

Don’t tell me what I think or feel. You don’t know that.
It’s possible to be ambivalent about these things. Yes I want my genes to pass on. No, I don’t want to do pregnancy, childbirth, become incontinent, get saggy tits, not be able to relate to my childfree friends anymore, etc etc.

>miracle of reproduction
Sure, but I’m saying that these brain dead “Mombies” (this is what rebbit calls them) are insufferable.

The other thing about having children I don’t like the idea of is sending them to school. School is mostly bullshit and I would want to teach them myself to be honest. It’s like, why would you have a child and send it to daycare and then school? You barely have any influence over their development that way. I unironically agree with some of these /pol/ retards on the importance of family for raising good humans.

Anyway this thread was supposed to be about making it as a woman. Making it and having lots of money would probably DISCOURAGE me from having a child even more, because I would want to travel around the world and I heard that is difficult or impossible with a baby to look after, unless you can have a nanny with you at all times, but like I said I don’t agree with nannies and shit cuz your baby won’t have a proper bond with its parents then. Like I love hiking and going up mountains to the peak. If I /made it/ I would go around the world hiking for sure. Could you do this with a baby? I guess you could just carry them but idk.

>> No.9167388

>You probably also jail broke your phone.
>know how to operate a linux machine.
>Own at least one firearm.
>Know how to change a tire or are into cars.

Kek none of these things are true. It’s funny though. Like I said, women who browse /biz/ are likely to be outliers in terms of female attributes. So I definitely don’t speak for all women. I bet most of them really do just want a family and a rich husband, or they want to be instagram famous, or some other stupid silly shit.

>> No.9167404

point taken.

>> No.9167433


yeah it's so great that you're contributing technologically to a system that's inevitably going to collapse and is sick with cancer in a slow death spiral.

i'm sure the mullato mud planet of the future is really going to appreciate that you facilitated the technology for faster burger delivery.

>> No.9167479

>what is patriarchaic brainwashing
Happens on both sides of the lake

>> No.9167485

You could make the exactly same nihilistic argument about having children though. Sage.

>> No.9167506

Both sexes want to be in control of their environment. To have a tangible and visible impact on whatever one wants to have impact on.

Money doesn't really give that to females, but definitely helps to escape situations of dependence on someone who shits on them - but that's that.

>> No.9167509

Having an intelligent white child would contribute far more to actually making our world better, than whatever garbage you're doing that enables the shitty society and contributes to it's comfiness.

>> No.9167542

>Having an intelligent white child would contribute far more to actually making our world better,
There is no guarantee that your child will achieve more than its parents though. I bet I will achieve more than any potential child I might have. You could give birth to a child with fucking Downs syndrome then be burdened with looking after them until they die, thus destroying any chance for the parents to achieve anything for humanity as well.

I can see that you're race baiting though. Having a white child huuurrr. There are plenty of white retards pumping out babies, don't worry.

>> No.9167583

Dude stop riffing on her
I rarely see women actually post (admit they’re a woman haha tits or btfo I know) but while 4chan is full of bants and debates, I always find that it’s 10x harsher towards women (insulting them not just pajeet poo in loo or nigger but more of them and their entire being is evil, their opinions don’t matter, they’re stupid) like cmon the worst we say about black guys is they can’t swim. Like can’t you guys just discuss pros and cons of being a parent vs “oh if you’re not a mom you’re a waste of space.”

>> No.9167603

>There are plenty of white retards pumping out babies, don't worry.

Actually no there isn't. Look up some stats about white birth replacement rates, you fucking kike.

Too many women brainwashed into thinking they want a career, wasting their prime fertile years going to college studying shit they honestly don't give a fuck about.

Having a child is a burden to both sexes now. Hook-up culture is the new thing. People think having the "are we dating???" conversation with their hookup partners is AWKWARD. Holy fuck.

Everyone's scared of rejection, no one has a tough upper lip. Everyone's been turned into a fucking infant.

But hey atleast he have strong independent woman >>9167485 inventing new flavors of lays chips in the laboratory.

>> No.9167604


>> No.9167620

maybe 30 years ago

now its just getting dicked by some model or nigger, and getting instagram followers

>> No.9167644

You could say the same about an infant.

>> No.9167645
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>> No.9167668

the kids need to be breastfed or they will be low iq brainlets

>> No.9167684

>all the men that concurrently state that women should be stay-at-home-moms dependent on their husband while hurling abuse at women for everything they do
people like you are the reason women don't want to be stay-at-home mothers

>> No.9167698

shut the fuck up faggot cuckold, they like it. it's called biology and evolutionary sociology.

>> No.9167707

>people like you are the reason women don't want to be stay-at-home mothers

Because the workplace is so fucking much better. Also, if you don't like shitty men, stay the fuck away from shitty men.

>> No.9167740

Historical woman satisfaction hit its highest level in the 1950s, and has been on a steady decline since. Mental illnesses and anxiety is at a historical high right now.
Ironically, man satisfaction is actually increasing. Despite all the shit thrown at them, men fill their hierarchy of needs with video games, porn, casual sex, internet communities.
The so-called patriarchic society was highly favorable to women, and the so-called feminist society is highly favorable to men.

>> No.9167744

Birth control also fucks with these womens heads and prevents them from wanting a baby.

I'm sure the !!!!!SCIENCE!!!!! thot ITT is on the pill.

Women who take the pill are more attracted to beta males, lots of science to prove that. It's fucking with their natural biology and drive. The kikes are literally doing hardcore psychological warfare on every white and making them feel guilty and disgusted for even wanting to have a baby.

>> No.9167758

Jesus how I wish that was the case.

>> No.9167780

>My scientific contributions are probably greater than anything you’ve achieved in your entire life shitposting on a Mongolian yak breeding forum.

This gotta be a larp or youre really deluded. Everybody knows women are useless and have contributed fuck all to science. Its really sad to see women piss away their biological birthright and duty to play-pretend as careerists

>inb4 muh marie curie

>> No.9167786
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>pregnant stomach

>> No.9167821
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That's where you kill yourself, gaynon.

>> No.9167828

>reddit women in their early 20s know what they want
As much as this would make things easier for everyone, the main characteristic of modern young women is a complete lack of appreciation for long-term consequences, due to a social safety net that expanded to encompass everything under the sun.
(This isn't to say women have it easy. On the contrary: women have it hard, because the absence of struggle denies them a character building process that would give them the tools to make rational long-term decisions.)
Poll childless women and women with children in their 40s and 50s instead. Don't rely on what is willingly said either, build careful studies to prod at overall levels of happiness under the surface. The picture painted by data available on every such study is black and white.

>> No.9167841

Woke af

>> No.9167848

>destroy domestic tasks that women usually did via technology and abundant takeaway food choices
>laugh at women who attempt to do them despite that because of them being trivial
>be surprised that women don't want to participate

>> No.9167869
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>> No.9167921
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>convince women to enter the workforce through media manipulation and other psychologlical operations
>wages lower due to labor influx
>kikes cuck fiat some more with inflation
>more and more stay at home mothers have to bring in income now because fathers paycheck is getting more and more pitiful
>slow gradual decline continues for decades
>now both family members have to work full time to afford to live
>now family eats shitty food and stays slow and stupid
>now family spends most of the day watching television, staying slow and stupid

remember who is to blame for this, the juden.

>> No.9167971

These are Asian girls that come from well off families that can afford to send them to overseas countries to waste time getting useless degrees.

They dont understand the concept of finite resources. They also come from a society where the sticc is the desireable female look. They have no ability to work out, besides walking. So they have to eat the bare minimum.

>> No.9167980

Do you know why? Cuz women are usually irrational and they don't want to confront their own ideas in the public space. Get a noose or try talking to women sometime for fuck sake.

>> No.9168028

Lol funny, my flatmate is a Thai girl she literally looks like she's been feasting on air and water.
Also never seen her cook anything except for packet noodles in hot water, maybe once a week late at night.

>> No.9168029

And that’s why Western women are so nasty and promiscuous and disloyal. I’d they have to wagecuck and pkay office politics what the fuck good reason do they have to be a loyal loving wife

>> No.9168058
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>tfw your idea of making it is to get a qt gf and a bunch of kids in a big comfy house

>tfw female's idea of making it is the exact opposite of yours

surely this must be a bad dream

>> No.9168068

I wouldn’t date a girl who did get mani pedi and take car of herself

>> No.9168069

The definition of making it for women is spending all their money on travelling and sephora products. Majority of women are materialistic and it's pretty disgusting.

>> No.9168082


>> No.9168114


>> No.9168154
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Every community women enter becomes cancer

>> No.9168244

travelling is one of the least materialistic things you can do retard

>> No.9168314

Ok I was condensing my statement. Materialistic as in clothing, jewelry, starbucks frapps, whatever the fuck they feel like they need to post on instagram.

>> No.9168350

Don't have children. You have temper issues.

>> No.9168370

Ken he thinks it's that high. Even just speaking for myself I know a fem anon who browses here and pol. She has a portfolio over 100k and no isn't an autistic land whale either - you'd never guess it looking at her. She says that her idea of making it is owning her own flat and not having to work.

>> No.9168388

What does she do?

>> No.9168390

No, you just don't know how to talk to women. You have to filter what she says by the threat she detects from the person she talks to. Can't be honest while talking to an abusive shitbag.

>> No.9168405


>> No.9168419

>media manipulation
>not war efforts

>inflation is the only reason for the diminished purchasing power of an average pay

a bunch of simplifications there

>> No.9168431


How low is your T?

>> No.9168436

Though the pill actually does really fuck up women to think that was intentionally designed into it is a little naive. Most medication is released with a ton of weird effects that we don't have a full understanding of. Viagra was a blood pressure pill for example. Look at all this shit with people on SSRIs killing ppl. If anything the effects of the pill on women's brains was an unforeseen effect of changing their hormones, like when a dude takes steroids he's not doing it to change his temperament it's just a side effect of achieved the primary desired effect.

>> No.9168457


>muh patriarchy
>muh jews

you both are insufferable

>> No.9168467

>Play darts

Tattooed ham beast detected

>> No.9168473

> bait taken
you are fool senpai

>> No.9168486


they have already ruined gamng, movies and the internet. 4chan is all we have left

>> No.9168487

She's works in a bank - in the fraud department. I've known her since high school - she's early twenties, blond and petite. I think the community here is more diverse then most realise desu. Also her portfolio is probably bigger now - she told me ages ago that she was investing even more money to add more Eth to her stack.

>> No.9168501

There are exceptions but our species would not be here if a large proportion of childbearing females were unwilling to reproduce.

>> No.9168509
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Can we all just agree that to some extent we all hate women? (women included because they seem to hate each other more than anything)

>> No.9168511

>4chan is all we have left

if only, /pol/, /b/ and even fucking /r9k/ is flooding with normies and women now

only the tiny boards like /biz/ is still somewhat tolerable to browse

>> No.9168549

early 20s women

>"travel" (instagram photo ops)
>cock carousel

mid 20s

>"I fooled around when I was younger but now I want to be in a relationship"
>still goes through several break ups

late 20s

>oh fuck all my friends are getting married and having babies

>> No.9168555
File: 13 KB, 526x526, 1524891928429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holyshit I just went to /r9k/ for a second and cancer. Cancer is all there is there.
What the flying fuck happend?!?
Women and cucks are literally ruining the world one small piece at a time.

>> No.9168601

It has been cancerous for ages.

I would say cucks/beta males/whiteknights are the most vile creatures on earth.

>> No.9168606

This in unironically true.

>> No.9168625

If you do, and I don't blame you, I would argue your hatred is misplaced. The "male feminists", horny beta males, cucks and other such vermin are the ones enabling and encouraging these behaviours.

>> No.9168636

/biz/ is plebbit tier hive, full of indians. Its a normie fork off /g/. Good riddance for them
/r9k/ is still comfy af
most womanproof is /diy/ kek

>> No.9168689
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Women are more animalistic and less consciouss than men.

Women's rights and employement were a mistake, but we need them to stop the slags from evolving even further into an even grater grade of dumb thot.

>> No.9168693

>plenty of white retards pumping out babie
This is part of the problem though. Too many intelligent women never have kids and as a result the population hovers in the same IQ area

>> No.9168716

Why does she look so angry over such a compliment?

>> No.9168784

No, it's the same. I don't want to spend the rest of my life giving people parking tickets, I also want to ''make it''. However, if I didn't have a bf, there would be no reason for me to even think about money because for me, money is material basic for founding family and love is spiritual. So I want to ''make it'' financially in order to ''make it'' spiritually- family, kids, tradition, love etc. if you understand..

>> No.9168882

>love etc
Women don't love...Not like men can

>> No.9168925

Holy shit the men in here make radical feminists sound like reasonable, well-adjusted people

>> No.9168928

What do you know about my feelings? I love to the point I would give my life for the loved person.

>> No.9168988

/biz/ is plebbit tier hive, full of indians. Its a normie fork off /g/. Good riddance for them
/r9k/ is still comfy af
most womanproof is /diy/ kek

lmao you sound like some normiefag who just stumpled over 4chan

r9k is not "comfy" at all

/biz/ might be a fork of /g/, but atleasts we are trying our best to improve our lives by investing, in ponzi scheme yes but still, meanwhile the main topic over at /g/ is shit talking windows 10 and circlejerking eachother off at fucking linux distros

>> No.9169214
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>Work to live, don't live to work

I get you. I'm looking for a woman with that mindset, someone who goes to work and does her job well, but is also able to walk away when it's not needed anymore. The thing is that your job is not that important to who you are. Many people fail to see this. Who are you when your job is taken away? What can you actually do? Do you even have any skills that are not related to the workplace?

I ask myself this question from time to time, that's why you must always learn. Learn to move your body and use your mind. You have to excercise the body, the mind, but also the wallet. Most people would be happier by being a little "poorer", but having more time for their hobbies.

TL;DR don't turn your work into your life, or you will burn-out and become unhappy. Learn things outside of your job.

>> No.9169244



Don't give up who you are for a person who doesn't want you to be the BEST version of yourself.

>> No.9169254

You know a weird fact I just remembered because of this thread?
Men introduce themselves by what they do, “hi I’m anon I am an engineer.”
And women introduce themselves by their relationship, “hi I’m anon a mother of four.” Just look at dating profiles.

>> No.9169352

yeah it's when we can find a dick that will give us vaginal orgasms

>> No.9169429

This is why I feel more productive when I do something for myself, e.g, when I have a good workout, when I spend quality time with my loved ones or when I learn something new than just being at workplace and earning money. Job is just a stable source of income but there is more to life than just repeatedly waking up at 6 am and slaving away 8 hrs of your day. I'm defined by what I am, not what I do. You said it nicely.

>> No.9169440

what I do for living*

>> No.9169459


Only difference is they wan't a man to ruin while they're living out their fantasy. Ruination is a spice to them.

>> No.9169803

>women goal is to have kids

Lmao no. Women want to feel like they are rising I'm social status, everything else is secondary

>> No.9169805

>TL;DR don't turn your work into your life, or you will burn-out and become unhappy.

That depends who you are and if you derive meaning from your career.

If your job/career lets you adopt meaningful responsibility then you will flourish in it and it can become the meaning of your life.

If it's just a wagecucking means to an end then you will have to find that meaning elsewhere.

>> No.9169826

And men want to feel powerful and achieve something in their localized region

>> No.9169892

I just want to piss on a gypsy in the middle of fucking nowhere

>> No.9170556

this anon is right. women are not concerned about making money by themselves but rather stealing it from a man they have conned into marrying them. women are natural born thieves. change my mind.

>> No.9170621

Women can never 'make it' because making it requires having a soul

Most men cannot 'make it' either

>> No.9170706

N-No you!

>> No.9170725

pick one

>> No.9170731

Are women even human?

I mean, will there still be a point in having them around, when men invent humanoid sexbots physically indistinguishable from real females? (Other than being hotter obviously)

>> No.9170773

>real women
>hotter than engineered sex robots

>> No.9170807

Nigga thats literally what I meant

>> No.9170817

>are women even human

no, but most people aren't either

>Consider inner speech. Subject experienced themselves as innerly talking to themselves in 26% of all samples, but there were large individual differences.... The median percentage across subjects was 20%.

most people aren't even fucking sentient

>> No.9170840

I feel sorry for you XD

>> No.9170862

What a fucking terrible thread altogether. Turns out the females on /biz/ are just as autistic as the men, maybe even more so. Do us a favor and delete your thread OP

>> No.9171388

i see this is where r/incels flooded to after they all got shut down. you guys should probably just kill yourselves, you're not wanted even by reddit lmao

>> No.9171757
File: 173 KB, 1080x1342, 1AC131C2-300C-447D-A174-AB480CCD4508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get qt asian gf
>she wants kids, a family and living a comfy life
>meanwhile white roasties age like milk and blow out their roastbeef with nigger dicks

>> No.9171814
File: 456 KB, 1238x1370, 41C70911-8F30-4168-985A-3E60623094BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9171877

Look at her skin tone. She's basically white. White Asians top-tier.

>> No.9171887

I'm gay

>> No.9171894
File: 119 KB, 500x250, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men make it by buying 0xBitcoin.

Women make it by sucking those men's dicks so they don't look around for a better woman.

>> No.9171917

I bet it's women that are the whales barting everybody. What man would be that spiteful to his fellow man?

>> No.9171932


>> No.9171967

How have you not wifed such a girl? Also I've browsed /cuckquean/ on infinity chan and can say women have just as crazy fetishes and beliefs as men. I'm talking Asian women getting off on their white bfs having children with a whites woman instead of her. Convinced me the genders really are more or less the same.

>> No.9171977

female version is finding a guy who already /madeit/ and then getting married/trapping him so she can enjoy the success without having to do any work

>> No.9172029
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 1376943620567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha fuuuck roasties!!! XD
anyone else from /pol/??
We control these forums now!!

>> No.9172112

Humanity at the current point in time has little need in maximizing births. Why are you so terrified of a woman not wanting children? We are advanced enough that it is simply irrelevant to the common good.

>but muh nature

1. Hypothetical, the desire for a child might not be innate and constant but brought about by environmental ques like scarcity of resources. In fact, we would still be here today if women don't really desire kids but like them once they are born and really enjoy sex. That would boost population enough.
2. Naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.9172155

Do women even want to stay thin of their own accord? It seems almost universal that they get overweight once they've locked down a provider.

>> No.9172181

only a few, probably 1% actually want to maintain a strong and healthy body after children

>> No.9172235


>> No.9172818

open a man's magazine faggot. all magazines are degenerate ad vehicles

>> No.9173109

>little need for maximizing births
>implying all births are equal
We are not terrified of women not wanting children. We are terrified of high IQ women not wanting children while low IQ people breed like rats.
We have this vision of the future where humans explore the stars, colonize other planets, cure all diseases, invent amazing technology, etc.
This vision will never become reality if IQ numbers keep dropping. This is a scientifically irrefutable fact.

>> No.9173147

Daily reminder that she's not dead and will return in the sequel ep

Also she's confirmed hapa

>> No.9173351
File: 338 KB, 1803x2034, AABF94AC-4E72-4298-B2F2-4A0C4C318C04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a woman who trades crypto I am unironically doing this so I can ensure that all of the 8 children I plan on having will not have to worry about finances and have the option to go to college.

>> No.9173583

This is the only reasonable and human way of thinking. This is what male traders from this board should also think about, but they are more focused on their own hedonist desires such as whores, lambos, villas etc.

>> No.9173610


>> No.9173796
File: 753 KB, 742x548, 966e39784935fe00ecd36273d2487c0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off 4chan faggot

>> No.9173821

lol while it would be nice to have all those excess things honestly the only meaning I feel like I have in existence is to be able to make others happy and care for them, and what way other than to take care of your husband and ensure the safety of your children.

>> No.9173890

Marry me.

>> No.9173996

Fucking this. All these manchildren here are just as much to blame for the sorry state of western civilization.
>muh lambo
>muh whores
>muh watches
>muh NEET lifestyle
But yeah let’s blame roasties and joos.

>> No.9174061

No, only real difference is amount of personal care products

>> No.9174165

It is easy to justify secret degenerate desires by putting blame on someone else ( women and kikes for example), but if they really wanted to save western civilization, they would live traditional lifesytle, not being a male version of modern thot. No one is stopping them from buying house in countryside, marry some qt and have many children, it's just that they secretly don't want any of this, they want to be degenerates and are very unwilling to admit that. from what I observed and concluded.

>> No.9174180
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>not wanting new world order

>> No.9174997

Back when I had a girlfriend I would tell her about all the fabulous things to buy for her once I have mega bucks, she was not interested in material things but got really excited when I joked about paying for cosmetic surgery.