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9162905 No.9162905 [Reply] [Original]


After fixing my car, doing laundry and getting groceries I literally only had like 5 hours of relaxation this entire weekend. Is BTC fucken $100k yet so I can retire? How do normies do this shit for 60 years?

>> No.9162953
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>> No.9162991


kek try doing that with a 5 year old, you just described a vacation to me

>> No.9162996

>take public transporation
>buy a washer/dryer
>order groceries online
There, I just saved you $10k and thousands of hours of wasted time per year.

>> No.9163023

what's your job, faggot?

>> No.9163049

stay strong anon, the bullrun is getting stronger which gets you closer and closer to breaking out of the wagecuck ways
we’re in this together bro

>> No.9163085
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how much do you have in crypto?

ive got 15k in savings and 100k in crypto and quit my job 2 weeks ago

just fucking quit if youre close to that as well. there will be another bullrun this year. we just need to sell this time.

>> No.9163109
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1. Get an electric bicycle (One that goes 40 miles per hour)
2. Laundry only takes 5 minutes max faggot
3. Sell car
4. Get groceries online
5. Gas the kikes
7. Profit

>> No.9163113
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>tfw your youth is slowly but surely fading as you wage cuck

>> No.9163413

>haven't worked in 5 years
>dropped out of college last year when bitcoin was around 6000
>a couple weeks ago was about to start looking for a job, just something to pay Bill's crypto a long game
>crypto starts going up, stop looking for a job

>> No.9163435

cant wait to do that

hopefully wanchain goes parabolic, then im definitely quitting

>> No.9163477


save aggressively, invest wisely, and you dont have to spend 60 years wage cucking.

>> No.9163504

I have an interview for a new job tomorrow and I'm hopeful that I get it. Wish me luck frenz

>> No.9163539

if you're serious about escaping from that shit, you're going to have to work harder than you do at your job just learning and researching about both fundamentals and technicals.

you cant just put some money in this late and expect an easy ride like all the smart money did, you need to be on top of every shitcoin thats getting released and added to a medium to large exchange, every shitcoin that's about to make some announcement that's going to be seen on reddit's crptocurency boards, and every non-shitcoin thats fallen significantly in price, you need to have fiat available, or a shitcoin you're prepared to liquidate.

unfortunately you're going to have to work for it.

>> No.9163565
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>give up my 8h/days jobs last bull run and cash out almost 900k after taxes without taxes it would be more than 1mil.
>bought a motorbike and a decent apartment
>currently studying a CS course on udemy and thinking get a job in programming if i gud enough.
It's not about making money anons it's happy with what y doing because no matter how much money y own, it'll will all become meaningless one days but if y lucky it wont happen in your life time.

>> No.9163611

Laundry doesn't take 5 minutes when you actually do it properly. If it takes 5 minutes you're not separating, you're not hang drying what can be hung, you're not folding your laundry and pairing your socks. Do you do you sheets and towels or does mom do those? Do you change your bed sheets weekly? You duvet? Pillow cases? Laundry is a fucking pain in the ass piled on top of a dozen other shitty little chores you need to do to keep your house in order and not live like a slob.

>> No.9163696

god I cant even imagine life working everyday.

Must suck

>> No.9163700

I won't feel comfortable leaving my job until I have a net worth of at least $5 million. Some of you are lonely deadbeats. Sure, you could live off $15k a year for the rest of your life that would be very boring. I guess I've already "made it" by your low standards.

>> No.9163757

>hang drying

Just get a dryer dude, this alone will save you several hours a week.

>> No.9163799

The internet exist and entertainment is cheap. You can still go out a few or more times a month. If you have a gf she has to pay for her share of the bills though.

>> No.9163877

I love it when people like you try to play some kind of sympathy card by mentioning you were stupid enough to procreate in a time when it costs an average of 300k to PROPERLY raise one child from birth to age 18.

>> No.9163879
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I love Mondays because it means a few more chapters translated

>> No.9164232

>I won't feel comfortable leaving my job

One you won't be able to work anyway, better get ready

>> No.9165027

Sucks to be you then, I guess. Enjoy your apparently awful life.

>> No.9165084


>> No.9165161

>Do you change your bed sheets weekly?
Bi-annually here.