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File: 167 KB, 765x657, bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9159231 No.9159231 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9159295

fuck off core cuck

>> No.9159302

“first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

>> No.9159307

why would someone use crypto for transactions?

>> No.9159316
File: 148 KB, 222x293, 1502326559654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159326


>> No.9159331

test good post op

>> No.9159334

Dogecoin is Satoshi's vision

>> No.9159338

Doge is used because you can move coins from here to there with a low tx fee, so a lot of bots take advantage of it.

Id like to see a chart that compares any coin to like steemit tx per day cause I think steemit still btfo of every other coin as far as being used goes.

>> No.9159340

Satoshi is a dog.

>> No.9159344

Wait isn't this the whole reason bcash exists? If so ffs that's pitiful.

>> No.9159345


>> No.9159357

great non-answer in a thiuroughly enjoyable thread

>> No.9159365

Proof of work needs to die.

>> No.9159384

Why? Are you invested in premined coins and PoW is a threat to your investments?

>> No.9159389

this thread is funny - even caught a triggered cashie or two

>> No.9159397

this is a meme, crypto is only for trading

>> No.9159403

it's a tremendous waste of energy

>> No.9159405


I too believe in doge

>> No.9159406

I don't think I've ever seen steemit pair on exchanges so why would anyone use it?

>> No.9159410

It‘s like lightbulbs in a time where LEDs have been on the market for years.

>> No.9159436

Its mostly just used via steemit.com, upvotes/comments/posts/etc are all blockchain transactions. But it does more transactions per day than most blockchains because of that without any sort of congestion issues.

>> No.9159439

PoW is a way of creating the coins decentralised....do you think we would would be here otherwise?

>> No.9159448

upvotes? it's used on reddit? what actually steemit coin is? never paid attention to it

>> No.9159450


>> No.9159454

speak to the oil companies who actively shelve ideas that could make energy more efficent

>> No.9159462


>> No.9159465

The waste of energy limits the creation of shit coins.

>> No.9159473

>big oil resist change to better energy efficiency
>therefore nobody should strive for energy efficiency

>> No.9159475

Steem is the actual coin name, its just a social network based blockchain and theres several sites/apps that access it. https://steemit.com take a look. If anything its just kind of an interesting actual working product in crypto. 1,300 alexa ranking so a ton of people use it but its mainly pajeets begging each other for an upvote, upvote = onchain transaction saved = fraction of a penny to the person who got upvoted.

>> No.9159480

Doge BTFOs lots of coins, not suprising.

>> No.9159506

In doge we trust. Everything else is shitcoins.

>> No.9159538


isnt this the reason why bch exist, so whats the point if other currencys are still cheaper to transact like litecoin in addition with 4times fast blocktimes.

After 14minutes your BcH transactions is just confirmed 1 time, most merchants exchanges and so on need at least 3 confirmations

>> No.9159552

There's literally no reason for BCH to exist, all of its use cases are better covered by other coins.

>> No.9159664

bitcoincash is a hot thing now like ETC after the ETH split, but it will disappear like every other fork from the top10

>> No.9159693


then why nobody dumps it, probably everyone that got the fork coins fear that it possible can survive!?

>> No.9159702

b b but Anon, its Satoshi vision. Satoshi would approve the coin burn, its in the white paper....

>> No.9159711

>Satoshi would approve the coin burn
The coin burn is no different from other lost coins from circulation.

>> No.9159726

Most projects don't really get past the first two stages

>> No.9159734

Satoshi would be in XMR now. He told me in PM that Bitcoin was a mistake and didn't have enough privacy.

>> No.9160086

is doge a safe haven when bitcoin crashes?

>> No.9160139

Nope, it crashes like all coins.
It's good to predict bear/bull market though.

>> No.9160152

Bcash lol

>> No.9160162


>> No.9160190

Antpool burns $10 of BCH a day. The horror!

>> No.9160229

Doge also out performed Bitcoin in profits for ROI in 2017.

>> No.9160281

I mean that is hardly an argument. The same could be said for most of the top coins today.

>> No.9160297



>> No.9160314

Monero has zero, and I mean zero non-repudiation. Monero is a smuggler's coin, which is great, but it can never be bitcoin. Plus fluffyfaggot is a communist.

>> No.9160887

Whats the source on that Ver pic?

>> No.9160905


>> No.9160945

I never realised he was gay

>> No.9160961

what is your excuse? it's current year+3 already.

>> No.9161024

>Durrr shit coins b wastin inner-g

You're right man, it's unfortunate that we're at peak energy production and efficiency, and things will never get any better. We need to limit how much energy we use, for the good of the energy ecosystem, which can never, ever improve from this point on.

>> No.9161037

This guys gets it. Crypto is just chuckee cheese tokens you can send around and then you guess whether someone will pay more than you paid for them

>> No.9161080

>he doesn't know that's what doge is for

Can't tell if nocoiner or paid shill

>> No.9161090

Xrp has more transactions than bitcoin.

>> No.9161098

Eth was the fork.

>> No.9161100

was he trying not to cry

>> No.9161113


>> No.9161123

>throwing away coin
>same as dev held coins like trx

>> No.9161129

>Bitcoin Cash got some big time adoption, apps and scaling going on
>Bitcoin Core & Co finally see that Lighting network is just a bank alike protocol which has nothing to do with crypto

> Expect more bashing from Bitcoin Core

>> No.9161164

"Eventually, with optimizations, the network will look a
lot like the correspondent banking network"

Literally from the Lightning whitepaper.

>> No.9161171


Bitcoin cash 20k EOY