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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 200x200, qash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9156696 No.9156696 [Reply] [Original]

okay so this shit is pumping now because WB beta release tommorow. should I dump (and if so, when?) and pick up a bigger stack later at a cheaper price or just hold?

>> No.9156736

I'm in two minds, there's only 1 month before liquid launches. I think we'll see a slight drop after the beta does nothing for people (they'll expect something and not get it)

But then it's only 1 month until Liquid as I said so people might be fine with holding an extra month.

You might miss your chance to buy back in

>> No.9156795

FINALLY. I've been waiting for this garbage to pump for ages. The subreddit speculation about the beta is absolutely brainlet, fully expecting a sell the news event.

>> No.9156977

is 5% a pump now?
no pump no dump

>> No.9157064

If you have to ask that question please just sell me your bags

>> No.9157087

how much need to make it to $1M?

>> No.9157096

I'm dumping a bag I got at 0.55 when it gets to .95, you might want to sell the news too imho.

>> No.9157238

Can someone explain to me why This is not at the top next to EOS?
Demand is already Huge and Release is very soon

>> No.9157246

Has one of the best teams in crypto

>> No.9157260

I’ve got 16k hoping for a mil by 2020

>> No.9157276

2020 you'll be a multi-millionaire

>> No.9157288

In how many years?
Because it's a platform token for a platform that doesn't exist yet?

>> No.9157301

>its a token for a platform that doesnt exist
you mean just like eos?

>> No.9157307

because crypto market is unironically a meme. a huge portion of the normie market dont research themselves the things they put their money into

>> No.9157378

I'm amazed at the amount of people who have no clue what this token does nor what the world book/liquid platform does. That comes from both ends of the spectrum; the fudders and the shillers.

>> No.9157404

Look at freaking eos... it's up there at the top with less customers/users and far from working product then qash already with tons of investors (investment firms) and institutional customers waiting for platform release. Also really powerful people shills and endorce it.

Then we have eos and tron shit far from anything concrete with top mcaps worth billions

>> No.9157444

If you can't understand what it does or its implications, all you need to do is look at their team, advisors, and the fact that they have 200+ people on this and plan to have over 500 by EOY. The richest men in Japan are invested in this, they're the only exchange in Japan that meets full regulation by the government, and together, there is over 2 centuries of banking experience in top positions at firms such as Goldman. There has literally never been a safer bet in all of crypto.

>> No.9157467

and eos is stupidly overpriced, so it's stupid to expect the same from QASH. You should be thinking more on why is EOS not at the same level as QASH rather than vice versa

>> No.9157507
File: 69 KB, 1071x561, 1523927380983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is correct

>> No.9157519
File: 689 KB, 750x747, 1522039716196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to leave, buddy. Common sense isn't well received round these parts.

>> No.9157613


such a logical fallacy to say

>well this coin/token is this price with these promises
>well this coin/token is similar so hurdurdur same price blurblurfart

>> No.9157711

You need hands of fucking iron to get dividends from this coin.

This shit is going to skyrocket 2019-2020

>> No.9157737

Digits confirm. The only coin I will not touch for 2 years.

>> No.9157823

Any idea how much to hold for dividends?

>> No.9157919

Most coins and tokens valued higher than qash is of less actual value.
Or higher expectations than this.
Perhaps not at the top but we will see where qash lands

>> No.9158129

common sense doesnt make you x100 either

>> No.9158283

No one knows yet, we're not getting a mainnet nor even testnet release any time soon (crypto-soon)

>> No.9159869

bump its going up and I need to know wheres the top

>> No.9160007

I bought a nano for muh Qash and just keep buying more every month and just send it to that I plan on holding it for 2 years and keeping enough to have a possible node or what ever which I hope will be 10k ish

>> No.9160561

You really think a node will be 10k? I’m hoping more like 5k pls, I don’t think I’ll be able to accumulate 10 by the time this pumps.
Do you guys really think what Mike said about this being a top 5 coin can come into fruition?
I’m so surprised the price has been suppressed for this long, is it just because there’s been literally zero marketing and only people who have done their research are invested? Hope we finally see some good gains on this sleeping giant. As for your question OP, it’s a gamble but selling the news has seemed to work elsewhere in this bearish market, with the tide starting to turn its more of a gamble expecting a dip soon. I think it’s alredy undervalued being so close to having an actual use case

>> No.9160647


>> No.9160656

It's going to dump on release, this isn't a P&D coin but a very long term hold. Enjoy the temporary gains before it dumps again.

>> No.9160682

>top 5
its possible if this will really be the go-to thing for institutional investors and other finance chads to pour their money into crypto
I saw a good analogy for qash: everyone will be after gold, right now we are buying top quality shovels for dirt cheap

>> No.9160759
File: 26 KB, 418x352, 7291CD1B-9854-4FBE-BACF-8501F029CDFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160777

Sell half your stack at $3.50. Ride the rest to 2019.

>> No.9160814

Trips confirm. Since we’re all Qashies in here can anyone recommend another gem to flip into? That being said I’m terrified of selling any QASH, I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna be a Goliath sooner than we think.

>> No.9160854

I wouldnt be afraid if they had done marketing like all other cryptos are doing, often two years away from a working product
but because they have shit pretty much done AND the marketing has been near zero the entire time the second they put their foot on the pedal this is gonna explode I think
seriously, most people still dont know about this or know that a coin with this name exists and dont bother looking into it
I wanna swing trade when it dumps so badly but im so anxious

>> No.9160967

If it dumps. We’re also possibly on the doorstep of another bull run

>> No.9161057

Not flipping but check out Quant network ico. I believe they're building for HSBC

>> No.9161540

Thanks bro, will take a look into it

>> No.9161810

Yup marketing will kick up the next couple of months, and they’ve got the manpower and resources to do it right. I still don’t get how this is so under the radar

>> No.9161971

Marketing? There's no product to market yet, you retards, which is why the price has been stagnant, people who are well versed in crypto and have done their research had trading bots running on this thing for the last 4 months accumulating left and right, or just pouring money every time they get some. Just a few hours ago i wrote on another thread how this is an amazing buy prior to 10k sats, it had just reached 9k, look at it now... Best part is, this is still only the beginning considering all we're getting tomorrow is a fucking beta and barely any one is going to dump except for normies, because its a month or two max before the LIQUID launch, which is when they'll reveal a fuckton of behind the scenes stuff, aswell as start with the marketing. You're all literally retarded if you sell even 1 qash token in hopes of making a silly 3-10% profit doing your shitty swing trading, look at the bigger picture you absolute fucking morons, it pisses me off how u could genuinely find some good advice on biz years ago and now its absolute fucking RETARDS trying to take profit from a 3% swing trade when the most obvious bull market is ahead of us, along with a fuckton of things in the pipeline for QASH.
I fucking hate you biz, you autistic fucks will be fudding this when its back to 18k/2,50$ ATH just so you could try and pick some up a few pennies cheaper.

>> No.9162471

I only wanted to swing trade to have a bigger qash before the bull begins

please off yourself, make the world a better place, god bless

>> No.9162478

bigger qash stack*

>> No.9162533

I still think it’s doable bro, it’s been up and down like a yo-yo 10-15c each day. I’m just too scared in case I manage to fuck things up and lose a part of my stack

>> No.9162567


>> No.9162636

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>> No.9162656

We’re gonna have fat fucking pockets if we hold til 2020, which I hope I have the balls to do. I’m dollar cost averaging $100 per paycheck, won’t be stopping any time soon.

>> No.9162708

Im with you I always think about tethering when it jumps a few hundred sats and im up acouple thousand but fear it will take off when i go to sleep before i can buy in again.

>> No.9163337

How much needed?

>> No.9163389

its damn risky now.
especially with btc itself in limbo.

however its your stack. if you can swing trade and gain, its all on you.

>> No.9163634 [DELETED] 

Is this Andre and Mike sending us some sort of encrypted message? Like “Just HODL you stupid faggots, 100$ eoy” then “kekekekekekekek”

>> No.9163828

I’ve got a bit over 14k and hoping that’s enough.

>> No.9164092

Is this Mike and Andre leaving us an encrypted message?