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9156516 No.9156516 [Reply] [Original]

> he doesn't know why Monero is losing value in a bull market

>> No.9156581
File: 548 KB, 800x496, dero_pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no limits

>> No.9156620

should have named it Pajeetero

>> No.9156656
File: 11 KB, 588x248, Screenshot from 2018-04-29 12-25-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losing value

Maybe its because your p&d shitcoin had to drop 80% before it went up.

>> No.9156661

lol except what you call "pajeets" can't rewrite Monero to be a golang smartcontract blockchain
the meme is on you, if you can't grasp how deep DERO goes.
i'm screen caping all the fuders for future meme use

>> No.9156698

some traders overvalued the coin during the first few trades
> implying this somehow changes anything

>> No.9156734

best project in crypto atm

just kidding

it's a fucking shitcoin with the shittiest shilling i've seen on this board yet. derofags lol

>> No.9156738

This is a Monero chart you absolute fucking brainlet. I'm showing you that it has steady growth over time in BTC prices. Thanks for affirming that Monero has had steady growth though and that you're retarded

>> No.9156744
File: 78 KB, 722x464, your_mom_on_roids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying DERO somehow qualifies as "PnD coin"

>> No.9156770

stinky linky detected
how's the bigmac diet by the way ?
the absolute state of stinkies

>> No.9156782

So they brag about what every other shitcoin brags about, even though they don't have an actual product. Very cool!

>> No.9156796

don't get me wrong, I love monero and contribute to its community
but it's getting ETHed by DERO, that's all
Monero can be the Bitcoin of DERO, that's alright

>> No.9156811

lol they rewrote cryptonote in golang
the code is there
Atlantis is going to be unveiled shortly
how would a shitcoin even rewrite a huge codebase in golang ?
no PnD coin is going to go for something so complex
just accept that this is the ETH of Monero and shut up, doofus

>> No.9156822

oh look another cute wannabe contender to monero... its getting old... yawn

>> No.9156861

except this time it's not just a scammy github fork, it's something new
so many doofuses

i shilled this at 0.00026000
it's still 0.00042609
you may hate DERO, but why do you hate money that much ?

>> No.9156915

oh how often did we hear that already... as i said its getting old

>you may hate DERO
i dont hate dero im just bored of those lame shills by now

>but why do you hate money that much ?
i dont, thats why i dont invest in some random ass coin some random ass dude shills on a namibian video board

>inb4 you probably are a ta fag as well

>> No.9156916

>lol except what you call "pajeets" can't rewrite Monero to be a golang smartcontract blockchain
but you are not writing in golang, rajeesh
you are shitposting on biz

>you may hate DERO, but why do you hate money that much ?
we dont hate dero, we hate you and your obnoxious shilling

>> No.9156950

the truth is that if you'd listen to my earliest shill, you would be up 200% by now
stay poor ?
I don't know what to tell you, I'm here to help my fellow /biz/tards

>> No.9157162

>I don't know what to tell you, I'm here to help my fellow /biz/tards
oh please, you are here to help yourself

>> No.9157455
File: 130 KB, 381x607, dero_comments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they did that in like three months. At the same they fixed bugs and improved the performance of basic cryptonote. And atlantis will be even way better. Their coding skill is hardly matched in crypto, I wonder what their identities are once revealed. Of course biz will be denial until it rivals Ethereum.

>> No.9158725

If it can get on cryptopia maybe I'll buy some. Not touching those other faggot exchanges.

>> No.9158765


>> No.9158839

> cryptopia
> bad exhange
pick two

>> No.9158905

Been using it for almost a year with zero issues. Tradeogre? Stocks.exchange? Fuck right off.

>> No.9158948


How DOGE / LTC pairs works ?

>> No.9158987

Using minicap exchanges is so funny, it's riding some crazy old indian train with big holes in the floor and plastic bags over the windows

>> No.9159048

Tradeogre actually has a similar UI to cryptopia is reliable

>> No.9159773

You will lose a LOT of opportunities by avoiding small exchanges.

>> No.9159821


Buying coins nobody has ever heard of early in their development off a shady ass exchange that you don't even know if you can trust with your money is like buying stock in a company before it gets sold to the public at IPO price.

Who gets rich insanely rich when a private company goes public? THE EARLY INVESTORS who had shares BEFORE the company was publicly traded, not the people buying in at IPO price.

>> No.9159844

>Muh monero in golang
Very innovative, Prandeep.