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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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915642 No.915642 [Reply] [Original]

Have been seeing a lot of negative post's lately about majors and careers and stuff. Just a posting a friendly meme reminder to the people of /biz/ Hope this sheds some light on your day.

>> No.915656

ty, feels good man :^)

>> No.915680

feel this

*unzips dick*

>> No.915700

>Do not worry if you aren't already a corporate slave driven to live only by his need for money
>You will be one day, goy

>> No.915722
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OP is the truth.

I worried for an entire year over whether or not I'll be good enough for university; if I could hack a degree in engineering.

I had to start from College Algebra 1(two years out of high school, drop out after junior year, D in Pre-Calculus, "earned" a GED after social anxiety wouldn't allow me to function around people) because I just couldn't place any higher with the amount of time I had to prepare. I was a mess of a person whose surroundings fucked him up. Everyone thought I was gone and had no chance of becoming anything worth being around. I'm a stubborn, aggressive person when I need to be and have always asked questions. I never believe what anyone tells me, even if it's good, and this always has fueled me and sort of shaped me into a person that would excel in anything that I specifically wanted to excel in.

I graduated with a 3.9 GPA from a university, ranked in the top 100, whose mechanical engineering program is considered to be ranked 38th(?) in the world and the difference in my life before and after university is like a different person all together. To think I was lucky to be accepted in the first place. My first job out of university was with NASA as my mother had a very close friend who worked for company that worked with them and my grandmother paid for the entirety of my university bills. I am definitely lucky and I recognize that, but if I didn't do the work, none of it would have been able to be utilized at all.

Be confident in yourself. Question EVERYTHING. Be a good person. You will succeed with this mindset.

>> No.915729

Damn fam.

I dropped out of hs after having crippling anxiety starting in about grade 7(I failed every grade 8 class, many highschool classes), became NEET, now finishing hs shit and going to (try) getting into uni.

Not sure I can even do any good though considering I never learned most subjects properly and never learned how to study or retain information...

>> No.915862

>corporate slave driven to live only by his need for money.
Think about it how you will. However, you may end up hating your life thinking that way. Although, everyone is different. It takes some longer to see the good in things. I don't and never will live for the money, I live for the love of my family,friends, and the future of this world. All of my money will be going towards that. I want to make life easier for everyone I love and in the future. But hey, that's just what drives me.

>> No.916102
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Thanks buddy. I had a really rough week. Lost my girl, place, cat, job and new legal troubles.

But I gotta keep moving ahead. I've really pissed away 10 years of my life. I'm a really smart guy I just gotta buckle down and grow up.

>> No.916533

>owning an animal for no reason
>dating with lower IQ females

Nigga, u really need to get ur head on straight. What happened?

>> No.916576

Thanks bud, right now I am job hunting. I am EE and love embedded systems but in my country there isnt much R&D. I am applying for positions in the US and hope some company will answer. Anyways I kinda needed the upthinking, I have had some rough weeks.

>> No.916595

Came at the right time. Ty bro

>> No.916701

>Be confident in yourself. Question EVERYTHING. Be a good person. You will succeed with this mindset.

Words of wisdom, especially;
>Be a good person.

>> No.916704
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>Be a good person
Eh, not really right. It should say
>Appear as a good person

>> No.916729
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I'm >>916102 (don't know if my code will follow)

Really helpful. I think I'm going to go back to school. My parents have and will pay for it. I've dropped out a lot.

Basically, I am actually a loser. The smart, going places, handsome guy in HS fell on his face out of the gate.

Help guys. Please. I can do it. I Just fucking hate myself so much and I'm so ashamed of my past. Losing my girl is crushing me. It always has. I'm a handsome incredible loser.

Doing well to NEET with possible DUI. At 29. No degree. I fucking don't know how I can pick myself up. I'm not naive. I don't want to be this. I don't know if I can escape.


>> No.916733
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>> No.916735
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>can't tell if bait or not
Literally Boo Hoo: The Post
man up,anon. man the fuck up, because life doesn't care about you're failure or success. they won't offer you nothing, you just go out there and make with what you have available. people made it what way less than you have right now. everyday is a grind, everyday is more tests and more shit to overcome. forget about your past, and don't play yourself down, strive forward like a man. godspeed m8

>> No.916760
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Sadly not bait.

I'm a real dumbass. And I should get of chan because it makes me feel even older and more like a loser.

I dun goofed^3.

>> No.916762

Fucking kill yourself or stop bitching

>> No.916767
File: 79 KB, 640x492, rubiks-cube_o_1469685[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your pic. You will never get to a point when you have it all figured out and then you are ok after that. The only think you can figure out is that things are constantly changing and at an ever faster pace. As soon as you figure something out it will change and you have to figure it out again.

>> No.916768
File: 135 KB, 1600x900, BRodgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beaming with positive thoughts.
Reading "The Secret" and I'm fuckin high right now.

>> No.916821

who is he?

>> No.916839

Ex-coach of Liverpool

>> No.917901


Can I get any advice or encouragement?

I have transfer courses for GE requirements from the local CC done. I think I am going to study Finance, and do the Quantitative Finance certificate.

I also think I am going to blog again. I'd like to also cook and just make some videos to post. (I'm handsome, right?)

I know I may be older when I finish school but I'll be older whatever happens.

>> No.918046


Understand the most (70%) of Americans graduate with student loan debt and the average debt is just under 30k.

Understand that if your parents are willing/able to pay for your schooling, and you manage to fuck everything up, many in this demographic of people with loans will have no sympathy.

Understand that another sizable fraction of this demographic hates being disadvantaged, and finds pleasure in seeing you fail, knowing that they will not have to compete with you

I am a part of that final group and I'm so glad youre such a fucking loser. I encourage you to lick my balls.

I wish I could see the dejected look on your face when you learn your ex is seeing someone new (read: is sliding up and down on the cock of someone who isn't as pathetic as you)

>> No.918112


That's a really good plan you have, just make sure you do lots of reading and find Internships early and you'll do great.

There's no shame in finishing school a little later in life, because VERY few 18 year olds have a good idea of where they're going in their life and it's good to make an informed decision as you have, anon.

>> No.918727

I'd be worried if I had a rubick's cube for a head.

>> No.918744

lol look at this faggot

>> No.918753


>> No.918775

Say, since we're talking about positives, what's good about engineering? All I've heard is the bad:
Get fucked by a manager who'll ask you to do the literally impossible because they have no clue about your job.
Field is oversaturated as fuck.
Particularly in the UK, firms are leaving the country and/or outsourcing the work.
Even if you somehow get a job (and I really don't see how), If you spend 10 years in a shit area, you could've made yourself redundant, who wants to hire a guy who only knows about outdated shit?
Since you're often working on long terms project, you could be doing the same thing everyday, possibly with people you don't like, or people who's goals run contrary to yours.

So... can anyone brighten this up? I think I've been brainwashed into finance.