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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9156162 No.9156162 [Reply] [Original]

Fiat coming tomorrow, who is ready for lift off?

>> No.9156219
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>> No.9156284
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I'm holding 13,500 COSS. Very comfy

>> No.9156434

Ye, im sure all the normies are going to use the 1000 minimum deposit on some obscure shitcoin exchange with no volume with paid shills promoting it left and right, instead of using reliable companies like coinbase. Ok anon ... Ok .....

>> No.9156496

i really hope so or this shit is -50% instantly.

>> No.9156527


if the news of fiat coming didnt pump the price, you can be damn sure it wont pump tomorrow. Its a shit coin run by a bunch of fucking idiots who cant even make a basic exchange.

No one with a brain will use an exchange where even crypto-crypto trading requires kyc.

>> No.9156657

Eventually KYC will be required across all centralized exchanges; Coss is getting a head-start by doing this before anyone else

>> No.9156701

Did someone say PayFair?

>> No.9156827

>paid shills
coss doesn't have the funds to do that. the fucked up reality is that delusional cossack bagholders are doing it for free.

>> No.9156863

tommorow "coss.io could not be reached"

>> No.9156895

500k COSS bro here. Been waiting for this for quite a while. Next major milestone will be the API. Once that's in place, god help us.

>> No.9156946
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>It’s putting the hurdle in its users way before all others do,

FTFY faggot

>> No.9156948
File: 23 KB, 355x243, 51Nujj9SK8L._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other exchanges are quickly realizing how hard it is to get fiat implemented. With the hard part out of the way Coss will rise to the top VERY quickly. While the other exchanges struggle to add fiat, Coss will be adding hundreds of tokens with juicy trading promos, whilst becoming a ONE STOP SOLUTION.

>> No.9157043

Nope, because until regulations require it to be absolutely mandatory, users will still be able to do crypto-to-crypto trades without being KYC-verified
DYOR brainlet

>> No.9157122

Luckily, they have institutional investors lining up for them to start legal whale trading at the lowest fees available. DYOR poorcuck

>> No.9157129

kek. I have 10k of this shitcoin and think this fiat is going to fail so hard. It has close to the same fees as coinbase (which is a cuck service but works well). Meanwhile adding fiat to coss is not going to solve the problem of once you have $ on the exchange there is no volume to actually trade.

>> No.9157847

if the institutional investors COSS claim they have lined up actually exist, and they implement API soonish, I can retire

>> No.9158311

Exactly this. Trying to increase my stack a little bit more before these things happen

>> No.9158374

coss holders are more delusional than linkies

they literally think they're going to retire off dividends from the #125th exchange that would be #250 if it wasnt for selling its own worthless coin

like you could have just bought bnb at any time and made easy gains. instead you got greedy

>> No.9158393

I get paid in chainlink.
I get paid in over 65 different cryptocurrency coins with more being added every week.
I get paid in bitcoin.
I get paid in eth.
Does bnb pay weekly in top coins? oh no it doesn't? oh guess you better shut the fuck up then :)

>> No.9158399

Don't forget to lurk in the telegram group tomorrow. If they say delay, dump your bags immidently.

>> No.9158419

>coss holders are more delusional than linkies
Lol no. Only whales could theoretically live off coss dividends. Everyone else just hopes that the volume gets high enough to get 5% dividends or more per year so the price can get a bit higher.
You can't get a moon mission on BNB.

>> No.9158436

The FUD has here

Good buying signal, going to pump it some more right now.

>> No.9158756

do you just say random cryptotrading related words or what rakesh

>> No.9158780

You retards are the ones spreading FUD on Binance aren't you?

>> No.9159777

Goys, don't forget that BINANCE LAUNCHED AFTER COSS. COSS IS STILL IN BETA. They can't even implement a stupid api. Is this really an exchange you trust your money on?

>> No.9159837

KEK... ffs i love biz

>> No.9159960

COSS 24 hour volume

$880,043 USD
94.32 BTC


>> No.9159992


I would literally rather hold bnb because binance is a real exchange

>> No.9160044

Means price has bottomed out.
BNB doesn't have moon mission potential.

>> No.9160064

Scheduled maintenance starting in 23 minutes. Better get your buy orders in before it goes down for the FIAT upgrade, fellas

>> No.9160082

i fell for the coss meme

out of all my crypto buys this is the only one i regret. im still holding because i have balls of steel but i know hope is slim

>> No.9160239

coss is in maintaince mode

>> No.9160252


>> No.9160280


bnb isnt going to be used as gas on their dex? It wont be the utility token of the new binance blockchain coming out?

>> No.9160320

Okay it's official, Coss has fiat pairings now.

>> No.9160347


great. Now if only you could attract customers without forcing kyc for crypto to crypto trades maybe people could break even.

>> No.9160356

just shot up to .36

keep going little guy !

>> No.9160357

You can still do crypto-to-crypto trades right now you brainlet

>> No.9160372

We fiat nao

>> No.9160484
File: 145 KB, 480x360, cossbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coss mininum is bigger than cuckbase starting maximum

lel, sorry you're poor kiddo, but coss is a big dick bois exchange

>> No.9160556

i use coss and can confirm my dick is huge

>> No.9160869

Looks like fiat is live on the exchange. Probably going to take a day or two for wire transfers to start coming in but we should start seeing some activity this week.

>> No.9161985

yea but how do you do that with no volume

>> No.9162011


lol @ institutional investors lining up.

>> No.9162101

They become the market makers on the exchange

>> No.9162388

Sold my stack yesterday, bought HOT at 40 gwei. COSS will dump hard tomorrow. You're retraded if you think this will not happen.

>> No.9162415

>You're retraded if
A true brainlet

>> No.9162421

>You're retraded if you think this will not happen.

Can’t argue with that logic.

>> No.9162436


>> No.9162450

How many do you got?

>> No.9162451

ahah, fucking typos. Actually, retraded could be used as a new concept for retarded "traders". Like those who believe COSS will pump tomorrow.

>> No.9162716
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>> No.9162750

a potential 100x

Ive no money in it but am watching very closely
Drug dealers need a direct to fiat out without having to bullshit a crytp trading history

>> No.9163044

its already bottomed with the measily volume. nowhere to go but up now.

>> No.9163818

I have 54k COSS. I believe.