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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9155762 No.9155762 [Reply] [Original]

what does 'making it' even mean?

Do none of you have any passions or is money the only thing that matters to you?

>> No.9155790

to use 4chan language: no more wagecucking

>> No.9155800

with money, I can pursue my passions

>> No.9155821

with 100k in the right places, you wont need to wage cuck. these idiots think they need 10 million to live comfy.

>> No.9155831


All correct answers.

>> No.9155847
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>> No.9155849

I have several passions and no moneys. That's why I'm here famalam

>> No.9155857
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>tfw your passion is making money

>> No.9155866


>> No.9155884



>> No.9155887

Why don't you get professions and occupations you enjoy? Mine gives me access to things money cannot buy.

>> No.9155906

>Release the girl and send her back to her people
>U N D E R S T A N D ! ?

>> No.9155908

Then you get to do it for free or as your own boss.

>> No.9155927

>what does 'making it' even mean?
this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eikbQPldhPY

>> No.9155931

Access to the equipment & people cannot be bought. Respect can't be bought either.

>> No.9155970

Because people are retarded.

>> No.9155975

I have also found this

>> No.9156014

Making it=freedom to choose what you want to do
Choose where you live
Who you talk to
If you work, you can work on your terms, or not at all
What you eat
Some people just want to quit working and live frugally for a while
Others want a more luxurious life with vacations and nice food
But you can be who you are with or without money, and it makes sense to choose with.

>> No.9156079

monthly dividend stocks. no 5% bullshit. REAL dividends. reinvest the dividends for about 5-10 years and then start living off of them. should of started investing early. i make 1.5-2k a month on dividends.

>> No.9156096

>Mine gives me access to things money cannot buy.
These are the people teaching your children.

>> No.9156103

what stocks?

>> No.9156118

I'm a scientist

>> No.9156133

Typical millennial bullshit sbout freedom to do this and that...its total nonsense. These lazy fucktards just don’t want to take responsibility for the fact that they weren’t clever enough to thrive from high school onwards, to invent, grow a buisiness, pursue a passion into a career. They can’t accept that they are not special like all the people they see on instagram so they throw what little shit money they have into the biggest pyramid scheme in history and pray they ‘make it.’ Its an entire generation of pathetic human slime.

>> No.9156144

Fuck off, the passion meme is an abstract concept designed to encapsulate people in a hamster ball. Money is literally and unironically the most important asset after health, which ironically enough is blisteringly reliant ON money. Make stacks trading shitcoins and pursue your passion, not the other way around.

>> No.9156175

well, anyone can make up anything on this board obviously. I could say I'm an astronaut. I'm a doctor actually, but don't want to slave away for the rest of my life.

>> No.9156236
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>I'm a scientist
found the LARP.

who the fuck just says "I'm a scientist" without going into an explanation on what field of science? for all we know you could be that guy who flushes coagulated waste out of sewer systems, a "computer scientist" (top fucking kek), or literally some kiddo with a 2 year "Associate of Science" degree who now goes around calling himself a scientist.

>> No.9156260

>mfw Full Professor

>> No.9156267

keep telling yourself that. There are some fulfulling jobs out there, I wouldn't mind doing for free. On pace to reach that point if my side hustles turn out as planned.

>> No.9156282

Medical field

>> No.9156295

Wrong. 100k isn’t shit.

>> No.9156310
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>doubling down this hard

>> No.9156370
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>I'm a scientist
>I do science stuff n sheeeit

>> No.9156377

You can pretty reliably get $800-$1000 a month for a $100k apartment. That's enough to live comfortably in a third world shithole like thailand.

>> No.9156408
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Making it is having enough money to retire in an air conditioned box with an internet connection for the rest of my life. I can't stand life

>> No.9156424

To me, making it is 300k and owning a house and some land. That allows you to live above the poverty line just by skimming 4% annual returns. Could have a simple lifestyle, a small homestead, a part time job to bump up annual income to 30k working a few days a week, and time for volunteering and hobbies.

>> No.9156438

I want to make a shitload of money, so I can pursue my dreams and if it doesn't work out then I am already rich.

>> No.9156492

Yes we all have passions but since the kike Jews fuck us so hard it's incredibly difficult to break free from those chains. If you can eliminate the jewery usury and own your home outright it allows you enough time to actually persue things that matter.

>> No.9156570


>> No.9156632
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My single mom dated a nigger and I had to move schools several times as a kid. My dad was successful, had a business and was intelligent. Judge decided staying with mom is more important because she's a woman. No, some of us are just born with shit luck and had to deal with shitty schools, shitty parents, shitty upbringing, and no money. Crypto actually saved my life, I used my college tuition money to buy BTC early on and I bought ETH early. If it weren't for that I'd be homeless and dead.

>> No.9156687

Making it is fuck you money. In my case i would consider that to be able to maintain a middle class lifestyle without having to work. As opposed to fuck off money: upper class buy and do whatever you want without concern for expense.

>> No.9156704


>> No.9156823

>everyone is me

>> No.9158405

>Why don't you get professions and occupations you enjoy?
Because I have no skills or qualifications obviously.

>> No.9158675

how does one find passions? or is that something you can only do if you care about trying to improve or change the world?

>> No.9158762

Pay off student loans and traveling for few months without worrying. Also, being able to ask a girl out without being self conscious about my finances. That's making it for me.

>> No.9159382

Are you a pedo working with children?

>> No.9159408

You can't buy back youth but you can stop wasting it by making it.

>> No.9159706

Yes, go back to your make-believe bubble where everything is set for you to have the life you always wanted and the only thing you need to do is trust someone else to solve it all. There is nothing for you to do, just wait. It will all get better once you make it.

Your parents will be proud of you and look up to you. Your friends will respect you and want to be on your life more often. You'll find love, be sure of it. Once you've uncovered who you really are after acquiring your wealth people will agree with you: You're the best! You’re so smart! You’re so lucky! I am so lucky to have met you, I'm always going to be by your side, and I love you. I love you. Maybe she does and maybe she won't leave. Maybe your new and old friends like you all the same and do care for you. Maybe your parents do think they did a great job raising you. Or maybe you don't have anyone at all. Even better then, because once you make it none of this will matter. That's because everything you've dreamed of being depends on only one decision. Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this? Would you'd made it if you didn't risk being a fool for a year or two before whatever scam you're attached to succeeded? I don't think so and you don't think so either.

That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

>> No.9159710

If you're from a third world country, sure. 100k is a lot.

Everywhere else, you'll need a job.

>> No.9159717

not having to wake up at 6am anymore and doing what I want the whole day thats what it means for me

>> No.9159730

nice projection

>> No.9159752

Let's say you have 1m USD worth of stolen ETH
how do you end up with that money in your bank?

1. how do you launder?
2. can you pay taxes on it?
3. how can you use tricks to manipulate the kyc/aml by using privacy based coins?

for example, here is what I was thinking -

>buy an old XMR wallet that had like 5000 XMR back in 2014 (worth $5000 back then)
>convert all your ETH to XMR
>claim you moved your XMR between wallets and ended up with this amount of XMR

>> No.9159774


>> No.9159800

to name a few off the top of my head that have been good to me....
do your own research.

>> No.9159809

Hello mr. federal agent, how was your day?

>> No.9159858

we are talking about theoretical apporaches for research purposes only, right?
I could help you with that

>> No.9160001


You can't do what you want while still an indentured servant - so until you have enough that your basic needs are met without effort, you aren't free. You don't need the 10m faggots always talk about - but it does need to be enough to basically insulate you from the need to wagecuck and the general bullshit ups and downs of the economy.

>> No.9160014

You don’t need to know small pleb

>> No.9160060

>t. Salty boomer

The world is exactly as your generation chose to make it faggot. Don't blame us we're putting your social security money into literal ponzis to escape - you made the world a giant race race, cope harder you're about to get eaten by the hungrier rats.

>> No.9160067


Wow what a genius idea lad

Why doesn't everyone in the world just do that? We could have a million dolphin trainers and nobody would have to work in a cubicle or on a roof

>> No.9160089

I mean seriously, why? Fucking get out of here with this /pol/ nonsense faggot

>> No.9160130

Go spend all your money on cinema
Spend your time on netflix and sugary/salty/fat shit
don't ever dare to self improve
live the lifestyle that we promote via tv/netflix/youtube/radio and keep crying like everyone else that life is unfair
but do not try change anything goy

this is not reddit where you can downvote stuff you don't like.

no YOU gtfo if it hurts you if there is no safespace for you special snowflake

>> No.9160215

>t. communist
gtfo faggot

>> No.9160472


>> No.9160493

for me, making it would mean that i have gotten enough money to finally get a girlfriend

already got 100k so far, but that isn't enough apprently, so now i want a million

also want kids, but one step at a time, right

>> No.9160590

And it's your generation generously feeding our pyramid scheme making us rich so you can continue wagecucking your 'passions' into your 70s. Good life that

>> No.9160632

Imagine being one of those salty Boomers unable to retire, still working at Walmart as a greeter

>> No.9160688

Thanks for this, words to live by

>> No.9160822

I want to have enough money to own a nice piece of land, have a loving family, own a golden retriever and a clouded leopard and enough money to do amateur motorcycle and supercar track days once a week for the rest of my life.

>> No.9161105

Money does not get you a girlfriend or a relationship retard. At least not the one you want.

>> No.9161135

money is the only thing that matters, yeah. besides family and their and your health of course. but the latter can be gained with money so in the end money is the most important.

>> No.9161294


>> No.9161310

When you have enough money to realize that being poor isn't why you're miserable

>> No.9161343

Sounds overcomplicated and gay, try suicide.

>> No.9161366

And you wont be able to get $1k/mon in thailand. And if you think you can run an rental property from out of country.. you’re a retard

>> No.9161612

I know people who rent out properties and live abroad. I live in a civilised country which means I can trust the citizens to be civilised. This is hard to grasp for most people.

>> No.9161689

You keep pretending you feel so fulfilled and on track in life, because posting on biz is such a strong indicator of this. You're a retarded nigger and a terrible liar.

>> No.9161723

Open a skate shop without having to stress about the shitty profit margin.

>> No.9161751



>> No.9161793

This. If anything having money should make you more wary of women. If women don't like you now what makes you think money will help? They'll just love the money, not you. Once you're rich you will question every single relationship opportunity that's placed before you because you'll never know if she just wants your cash or if she actually likes you.

>> No.9161808

I've got it worse, my mom was lost to drugs and my White dad had a little nigress gf just arrived from Kenya and whenever we were out everyone just legit assumed she was our nanny. She was sweet but dumber than a rock.

Me and my brothers all became hardcore racists thanks largely to that, so something good came from that.

>> No.9161815

>is money the only thing that matters to you

>> No.9161820


there is no difference, and that's the real redpill. "you" is always what you can provide for others. always has been always will be

>> No.9161873

Why do you want everyone to live the same way? You come across as some kind of insecure normalfag. Me, I love my job but I also understand there's NEETs who want nothing more than to be comfy and not wagecuck.

>> No.9161951

I enjoy sleeping and getting drunk. What job can I get involving that?

>> No.9161955

unironically this. I don't want to win the game of life at age 29. I just want a nice safety net.

>> No.9162000

making it for me would mean paying off my student loans at an early enough point in life where I can start to enjoy myself. Right now between mortgage, student loans, and other shitty bills I pocket maybe $20 or $30, with a very small safety net. I'm nearing 28 and have 22 years of loans left to pay off (masters + deferment while looking for a job).