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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9154691 No.9154691 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck is EOS mooning so hard

>> No.9154704

when them japs see something good they just go all in

>> No.9154708




>> No.9154712

because I sold 2000 EOS 3 weeks ago

>> No.9154715

PnD. This time next week, wojaks.

>> No.9154716

some dude posted yesterday with 32k EOS

fml. only have 900

>> No.9154720

It's about to dump like fuck. Maybe another day or two. It's just the whales using upcoming news to take your lunch money. If you didn't see the Oliver hit piece as the biggest buy signal ever, I don't know what else can be done for you. But don't buy now

>> No.9154727
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I'm feeling great anon

>> No.9154813
File: 176 KB, 471x483, larm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are finally realizing...

all of dan larimers ideas (proof of concepts) condensing into a masterplan, the biggest thing in crypto ever.

eos having a semi-decentralized approach which will, ironically be more decentralized than bitcoin, ethereum etc. while being 1000x faster on main. having 2 billions funds to be tunneled into making apps competing with facebook, cloud storage, cloud computing etc which will airdrop shares on eos holders. the 21 BPs will incentivize having fastest and safest servers at the lowest prices. eos will see the smallest inflation out of all crypto currencies after mainnet.

>> No.9154821

because you didn't buy

>> No.9154846

i did tho

>> No.9154864
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold
pump it

>> No.9154894

Tanking rn

>> No.9155646

Totally /s

This will be what Ethereum was going to be times 1000

>> No.9155680


>> No.9155692


+ usability for normies through account recovery, security delays etc

>> No.9155694




>> No.9155708



+ usability for normies through account recovery, security delays etc

>> No.9155744

It is kind of like Ethereum only you could build Facebook or Reddit on top of it. The project founder wrote a site called steemit.com which runs on steem which exchanges for a dollar a coin last I checked but steem was really only for steemit so EOS is basically taking what was done for steemit.com and making it general purpose so other people can build their own sites on top of steem. This is how I understand it at least....

>> No.9155772

is that was EOS stands for?

>> No.9155784


>> No.9155806

Buy the rumor
>It's an Ethereum Killer!
Sell the news
>Main net launching soon!

Whether or not it succeeds is irrelevant, I smell a huge dump coming soon

>> No.9155842

It literally offers the same features as NEO except it's a testnet. totally overrated. the only difference is you get airdropped tokens periodically but it's just going to be an instant selloff because there will be no buyers when everyone got them for free

>> No.9155846
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KEK, Enjoy your fucking bags

>> No.9155864

so in a month?

>> No.9155868

Is there any hard data on which tokens get airdrops and which won't?

>> No.9155875

yep it's exactly like NEO except not at all

>> No.9155893


>> No.9155901

This just feels like peak delusion again, like mid-January in crypto, except with EOS. It doesn't matter what project it is, when something shoots up this high this fast it's going to come crashing down hard as fuck.

>> No.9155915

NEO is a joke.

>> No.9155919

not doubting that, but I don't think it's crashing any time soon

>> No.9155994

Ether never crashed back down after its crazy rise. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.9155997

I think EOS is a good project but I don't think it's a good time to be buying right now during this peak delusion and mania about it. It's being overhyped as something that's going to kill Ethereum and too many brainlets are rushing to buy it without understanding it. I think lots of people are gonna be whale food.

If you think it's not going to crash any time soon that's the time you should be worried. You expect it to dump maybe sometime after the main net launches? That would be logical after all. But I think not necessarily. If I was a whale I'd dump on all of these brainlets buying at ATH no matter what news was around the corner.

>> No.9156019

Depends on what you mean by crashing down from it's rise. I've seen ETH climb and completely burn to the ground multiple times. Within a 2 month span it went from over $1400 to $360.

When it's the main coin that handles ICOs though, that's to be expected.

>> No.9156026

In this situations is extremely hard to tell where exactly are you in the rise. It can be that we're going to $50 and the crash will be to $35.

>> No.9156049

It went from a few dollars to $300. Then never came back under $150.

>> No.9156060

Problem is each of the past 10 days (since I think Apr 19) has been an all-time high. So on April 19, when it was at 12,800 sats and didn't buy in because it was at an ATH , you've missed out on almost doubling your money. Not buying in at an ATH is flawed logic when there is a new true player in the game.

>> No.9156062

ETH also isn't a fucking token

>> No.9156098

Oh really, so what's the official definition of a "token"?

>> No.9156099

EOS has about 8x as many coins in circulation, so EOS being at $20 is like Ethereum being at $160.

It hasn't even launched yet and it's already being pumped hard. I could be wrong but I really don't think I am. It's going to dump soon.

>> No.9156105

you do know that they are launching their own mainnet and token in a month, right?

>> No.9156124

you're correct about market cap. EOS could see $100 roughly if it reaches ethereum's market cap from january

>> No.9156164

EOS has the potential to overtake Ethereum in only a few months. If big projects start developing stuff on it that Ethereum just cannot run at this moment, we are going to see something that never ever happened in cryptospace.

>> No.9156203

It's a longshot though. It's also under the assumption that everything in the world of ETH will remain static. ETH is still being worked on and developed by the largest and arguably the most competent team in the industry.

Anyway, that kind of language "it has the potential to overtake Ethereum in only a few months" sounds like something someone would say at peak delusion.

>> No.9156212

whales are pumping to accumulate BTC for the imminent LINK singularity

>> No.9156258


Please stop posting here.

>> No.9156294

I'm saying that from $0.5, where I bought. It's a longshot, of course. I am only saying that it has the potential.

>> No.9156306

Please stop living.

>> No.9156316


>ETH is still being worked on and developed by the largest and arguably the most competent team in the industry.

Vitalik / Ethereum keeps saying they are "close" to fixing their scaling issues but so far nothing. EOS releases in 1 month and is proven to scale.
If ICO's / dapp projects are smart they will switch over to EOS so they can actually get their products out instead of waiting around for ETH to scale.
Dan / EOS was smart and will release the snapshot code so that any ERC20 token can take a snapshot and transfer their tokens over to EOS and all holders of the ERC20 token will receive the new EOS tokens.

>> No.9156411
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>ethereum's market cap
>from january

>> No.9156700

I still like EOS long term but I hopped off the train last night. too much gainz too fast. will certainly dip hard within the next week. now my other problem... I can't find a single coin on binance that isn't overbought

>> No.9156757


>> No.9156865


They used their ICO money to buy up tons of ETH and are dumping it

It’s a centralized piece of shit but it does what they claim it does, so it’s solid I guess

>> No.9156869

its about to dump so hard cant wait

>> No.9158127

pompe eet

>> No.9158141

This is nano-lite PnD bruh. Wait until next week's dump

>> No.9158201

fuggg, how do I learn to make dapps with EOS? I want to make a decent one and just quit school and live off my income

>> No.9158217

NMR is good for a 3x pump if you missed EOS

What I'm doing

>> No.9158231

I shorted 6500 EOS @ 0,5$
why does this happen to me

>> No.9158270

>shorting the bottom

That was when you were suppose to buy you retard

>> No.9158307

$200 by 2019 is no joke

>> No.9158368

This. I thought it was a joke. FUCK JOHN. Missed out on a huge moon mission

>> No.9158535

Just covered my short from 22.40$ :)

>> No.9158558

who here missed the dip

>> No.9158565

I'm only buying the breakout now. This is a pump and dump market.

>> No.9158603

main dip comes after release like every other ico

>> No.9158778

remember the homo last month that warned everyone to buy EOS???

>> No.9159163

even the EOS shills are admitting it's not decentralized now, that can't be a good sign.