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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9154223 No.9154223 [Reply] [Original]

>ERC20 token
>looks like a graphic design student's semester project
>bagholders flood NEO and ETH threads to shill their coin because no one naturally thinks of it

Why do people buy this notETH again?

>> No.9154838

to pass it down to the next sucker for profit

>> No.9154879

This. Even the people at EOS think you're a boob for buying this

>> No.9154897

sure is cope in here

>> No.9154913


It's the current greatest p&d coin....that's why. Along with Bch, this shitcoin has made me a lot of money swing trading this week

>> No.9154940

Comfy in this since $0.81. Sorry you missed out, it's just getting started, wait for the dip.

>> No.9155018

>wait for the dip
t. next dip in Jan 2019

>> No.9155055

Please I hope this is true. I would be rich

>> No.9155062

Considering placing half my measly portfolio into this, why/why not?

>> No.9155070
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Just a lot of people buying the rumor and selling the news.

>It's an Ethereum Killer!


>> No.9155090

>Why do people buy this notETH again?
EOS has this magical ability to go up in value! This is something ETH seams to have forgotten how to anymore.

>> No.9155091

Atta boy, anon. Buy the top. You're going to be rich!

>> No.9155108
File: 50 KB, 740x740, c57199a9-21c3-4ffb-9b3c-7f40ddc432cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope all eos retards get burnt. literal vaporware garbage

>> No.9155122

>Why do people buy this notETH again?
because ETH hasn't scaled, ETH isn't normie friendly, and because gas is fucken gay and nobody wants to pay fees to use a dapp or smart contract.
also because you're gay

>> No.9155137

i hope you have some EOS so you don't regret that statement

>> No.9155139

This is all what crypto is about.

>> No.9155141

Jelly much?

>> No.9155148

Someone is bitter. Do you not like DPOS? What are your (legitimate) gripes about the technology?
I have a shitload so I'm interested.

>> No.9155164

EOS will hit 150b market cap over the next few weeks. It will literally do a ripple.

>> No.9155202
File: 23 KB, 653x566, 1524630754119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's nearly back to its ATH

>> No.9155221

ponzi scam

>> No.9155266

All crypto rewards early adopters. Think of it as the chains themselves screaming for help in their infancy.

>> No.9155372


>> No.9155447

not really. i got fucked by several banks multiple times. thats why im invested in btc, xmr and few other cryptos that might take away at least some piece of the market from them. it might be a longshot, but im prepared to lose money on principle.

>> No.9155488
File: 200 KB, 424x245, ayyybrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold 95 EOS "just in case" it actually does what it's supposed to do (less than 10% chance imo). Right now it's nothing more than an ERC20 shit token and the entire project is nothing but theoretical bullshit that hasn't been implemented yet.

It's got a really long way to go in order to overthrow Ethereum in any meaningful way. There's also going to be unforeseen problems that arise with the project. Between EOS and ETH, my money is mostly on ETH due to first mover advantage and the rumors I hear about sharding testing being a smashing success so far.

That's about all, peace out.

>> No.9155512

>unforeseen problems that arise with the project
EOS has built in ability to heal better than any of the other top coins.

>> No.9155549

That's not what I meant. There's going to be unforeseen problems with the development.

Also everything is theoretical at this point because it's not even a working product yet

>> No.9155573

A lot of cognitive dissonance. Everyone including myself thought this was a 1 billion dollar erc20 no blockchain ico scam coin and it's done 25x. A lot of people are bitter for missing out. I wish I threw 10-20k into this when it was 60¢ but the idea that this was a scam coin was heavily ingrained into my mind.

>> No.9155601
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false. there have been many, many private testnets and big companies have tested it out. a public testnet will be released on may 4th. mainnet june.2nd

but you missed out so, cya

>> No.9155651

Hey retard, you know that the entire crypto space is theoretical right? Barely anyone is using Bitcoin or Ethereum (or any other coin) for common transactions. The entire market is built off speculation and the sooner realize that, the sooner you will stop being poor.

>> No.9155676
File: 11 KB, 500x387, 1dac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that filename lmao