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9152192 No.9152192 [Reply] [Original]

when you realise that stinky link is useless to institutional investors above $0.50

>> No.9152226

And that is not even the worst part
Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Cought you fucking pasta posting pajeets redhanded !!
Read this fucking thread
and cry poo-tears !!
CL (shit on it!) is fucking worthless !
Can't bring decentralized and trustless data into the blockchain lol because the smartcontract creator has to choose APIs, thus making the whole CL (shit on it!) project worse than fucking Mobius, not to speak about Oraclize.
You fucked up skizos got literally fucked in the asses by a faggot who calls himself Assblaster and there is nothing you can do about it but circleshit in eachothers mouths !
Motherfuckers !
I'm dieing of laughter right fucking now !!

>> No.9152896

18 decimals
>Stablish a fixed USD price per API data request. (eg: $0.02).
>Link is $1000 per token
>1 API request to input data offchain via Chainlink network's node just costs 0.00002 Link