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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9146369 No.9146369 [Reply] [Original]

part of the reason people "become more conservative as they get older" is that they enter the workplace at 16 – 21 and then the next decades of their lives consist of being psychologically bullied on a daily basis by a capitalism whose logic must be adopted in order to survive it

>> No.9146394

Agreed I'm 23 now and already been in the workforce since 17 I'll be fucking losses if the minimum wage increases to 15/hr

>> No.9146581

who /commie/ here

>> No.9146623
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I'll see you guys at the afterlife /biz/ meetup

>> No.9146629

Nothing worse than a company meeting where you watch the slave herds celebrate as the manager announces sales increases across the various different departments.

I understand why he's happy, he makes a serious salary and probably even has some kind of percentage ownership of the company. Yet watching the minions celebrate their owners success is fucking alienating.

I will never be successful in the workplace. I hate every fucking minute of it.

>> No.9146651

The only reason you can neet is because there are wagecucks. People like you used to be exiled or enslaved, or simply killed.

>> No.9146653

Are you me? I would sit in a room with no windows for 8 hours a day if it meant I could isolate myself from s o y office behaviour

>> No.9146677


Btw anons, you are getting datamined. Stop being honest on 4chan

>> No.9146715

>tfw edgy /pol/ wagecuck projects his homicidal fantasies onto the past
Top kek

>> No.9146752
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Probably just acting. If not happy, mr. burns might call you to "have a talk" :)

>> No.9147069

Nothing better than Monday mornings listening to the slaves discuss with glee what they did on the two free days that they exchanged for 5 days of labour.

Fucking retards. At least I know I'm being fucked.

>> No.9147124


Worse is when they treat their employees like shit and they take it because all of them need a job to survive. It's always some middle management bootlicker whose the worst. Unironically believes they earned their position through merit when really it's ass kissing and nepotism. Everyday I thank God for my sources of income so I can tell delusional kikelords to fuck off when they try to take advantage

>> No.9147290

As opposed to a communist system where all you lazy NEETs would be sent to a hard labour camp?

>> No.9147327

I had a manager who had this management style, bullying people, puliing them down, pointing out everything wrong with everyone and voicijng his negative opionions about all of his workers

I did the same thing back to him for 2 months until he learnt how it felt. He sent me and essay saying "leave me alone, leet me live my life and stop this war of words. then threatened to get the police involved

These people make me sick, they're big men and women at a job where they're the slave driver. in real life they're the same scared losers they always were. if you see a bully, bully them until they get it

>> No.9147339

my company pays me $230k a year, you guys should get good

>> No.9147444

modern scociety and normal people's priority in life is a "pat on the back"

hen they become mnagers they get the pat on the back. the whole corperate system is a paton the back, make your superiors happy and they might pat you on the back and you'll become like them and have a manager position.

they didn't earn or acheive anything most of the time its someone the higher level feels compfortable or unthreatened by or will make him look good to his bosses.

if you want to go far in that world you better be good at licking your superiors ass

>> No.9147659

Don't forget to act respectfully to your superiors until 5 PM