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9145910 No.9145910 [Reply] [Original]

Someone asked here >>9144545 how it compares to LINK. I answered him but I'm not sure if I'm correct. I became interested in how MOBI does the whole oracle shtick instead of just calling it as pajeet shit and they have the same way of doing things as AE, only marketed for FOMO hype: "Universal Proof of Stake Oracle Protocol".
>muh staking
It works similarly to AE in that after "getting" the data it will still pass through a validator of sorts. In MOBI, its name is the "Ancillary Staker", a third party, independent from the oracles, whose primary task is to validate oracle data. Either I'm retarded or the whole whitepaper (mobius.network, check it out) doesn't say anything about how it will validate the data, how those stakers will deem something as the "truth", similar to AE. So my qualms with AE is the same with MOBI. Any marine wants to pitch in? Will re-read all this shit again along with AE's whitepaper to compare both with LINK regarding their whitepaper/technicals, maybe post it here if I find anything decent. So far they are both shit. I honestly doubt most LINKers who calls MOBI and AE as shit have actually read the whitepaper though. MOBI's subreddit, when being compared to LINK, all boils down to stupid low-effort FUD that has been debunked many times here already so I wasn't able to get anything decent out of there. Some faggot fell for the muh no hype muh no medium posts muh no announcements bullshit.

>> No.9145914

I'm convinced link holders are cryptospaces resident neckbeards
While the rest of us Chad investors are buying eos and nano and holding btc, linkies studied the art of the blockchain and get mad when all the Chad's get all the gains.
Time to look at yourselves stinkies

>> No.9145944

Thanks for allowing me to bump

>> No.9145986

Jonny from linkpool had a post discussing mobius somewhere and it gets posted here from time to time as pasta. It's the one that's "I find mobius weird..." Except often people have switch mobius for link.

>> No.9146031

>I find LINK weird technically. The way they provide data to the Blockchain is by accepting calls on a centralized API. So data requests to the Blockchain have to originate off-chain. Its solution is poor compared to what MOBI is planning for their initial implementation IMO. LINK implementation has a lot to be desired in my opinion. I agree with the people who say they're trying to do too much.

>To expand on what I said, my personal issue with LINK is their API:

>To buy data and create an Ethereum contract to use it, you need to go a centralized API. In practice, this means that even though the data retrieval is decentralized, the management of that data is completely centralized.

>Mobius will be completely different. To request the data, it can originate from on-chain or off-chain. The API for requesting the data is also each individual node, which then propagates that request across the network. So even though Mobius will have a centralized FE which makes it easy for people to use it, it means that the requesting of the data and the management of it all, is completely decentralized.

>Also keep in mind that the retrieval of data into Ethereum is just one aspect of Mobius, the aspect included in the initial implementation. There's also BTC/Hyperledger and what MOBI can do there, The BTC/Hyperledger functionality will be completely different to that, and creates a whole new aspect not yet seen in any other Oracle projects at all.

This is it, except link and mobi need to be switched

>> No.9146044

which sounds pretty similar to your criticism op.

>> No.9146054

I thought that was just FUD before, didn't know its origin. Nice.

>> No.9146091
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>> No.9146121

Basically making my whole thread old shit aside from shitting on AE because it's probably been discussed to death already since the pasta's incarnation. Thanks anyway

>> No.9146271

I don't think they're jokes, I mostly bet against them because I don't believe contracts will be that popular on those platfroms but I could be wrong, I'm not all in on linkies.

>> No.9146292

Thanks dude, i was the guy who wrote that question about AE,but I had to get off pc. I'm mostly worried about timeframe and this silence from LINK team. While everyone around is getting money and recognition,they are doing 1 twitter post per month or not even. Going to sleep. Will read this thread in the morning,keep digging

>> No.9146342

Of course they're shit, just take a single look over their whitepapers and you'll know right away.
Not to mention the connections, what do mobijeets and aeterlets have going for them, where's the recognition? Sergey is operating on a whole different level than those newfags.

>> No.9146440

This is a bit intense, but in a sense I'm inclined to agree.

I've read a lot from companies that are trying to do the same thing, and there's a shit ton of places where it feels like they're being deferential to link and just trying to scoop up the crumbs that chainlink can't get.

For some reason Sergey is quite well respected and it seems like there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Regardless if aeternity or mobius are marginally better in some way, no other potential competitor has the connections sergey does. It's taking so long because they are being meticulous.