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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9144953 No.9144953 [Reply] [Original]

It's been weeks we've been trying to inform you about DERO. It's been growing steadily now.

- Block time of 3 seconds
- 500 tps on-chain (no need for a lightning network)
- Atomic swaps
- No ICO
- Small marketcap - Big potential - No marketing yet
- Devs are working 90 hours / week, doing good progress. They are answering ALL your questions on their Slack.


Please anons, do yourself a favor and take some time investing in a young cryptocurrency.

>> No.9145317
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People on /biz/ literally DO. NOT. CARE. This thing was at $3.01 yesterday, and now it's at almost $4.00.

People just don't care on /biz/ unless you post funny meme pics to go along with it.

>> No.9145329



>> No.9145344


You mean we're here for the memes and not for profit ?

... Right

>> No.9145345

woah volume doubled up to a whopping 110k. Sure this growth will continue

>> No.9145397


The most impressive thing is that it is not only traded on Stocks.exchange as CMC says, but also in TradeOgre very recently : https://tradeogre.com/exchange/BTC-DERO

So add another 43K$ to the volume.

It is getting more and more attention lately.

>> No.9145408

Literally shit. No benefits over using enigma.

>> No.9145475


What ? Do you even know what is Enigma ? It is not a coin, but a protocol, whereas Dero is an entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Also, DERO devs don't get hacked, contrary to Enigma devs. https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/21/hack-enigma-500000-ico/

>> No.9145580


>> No.9145644

No, the most impressive thing is that this coin has pulled a 10x with literally ZERO advertising from the devs, from Internet ads, and from YT video shillers. If even ONE big-name YTer shills this thing and it gets on even ONE exchange with more volume (like KuCoin or Cryptopia), it's going to skyrocket. Please note that DERO, by itself, is literally 1/10th of all of stocks's ENTIRE EXCHANGE, and this is coming from a coin that's not even at a $10M marketcap yet.

This is what happened with Ethereum as well. People kept telling /biz/tards to buy ETH, but there weren't enough funny memes, so people kept FUDding it.

This thing is going to probably a $70M marketcap by EoY and a $700M marketcap by the end of 2020. It's still not too late to accumulate...although all the smart people have already accumulated and are hodling.

>> No.9145687

How someone could trust this guys after that kind of humiliation.

>> No.9145780

thanks twitter shills

>> No.9145899

If you knew anything about Dero, you'd call them Slack shills

>> No.9146183


>> No.9146567

If you try to shill a Proof of Stake useless Chink Chain with masternodes, maybe you will be more successful here. Useful and interesting PoW projects are simply ignored by /biz pajeets.

>> No.9146670


fuck dude I sold half my stack at $3.25 earlier this week and didn't buy back...

>> No.9146876


>> No.9146901
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Buying this at 4$ on a noname exchange, expect to be raped harder than a white girl by a pack of rabid niggers if it gets added to one and dumps to zero
>mfw people will fall for this

>> No.9146960
File: 2 KB, 125x106, 1517034538228s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry when it reaches $100 in 2020, pajeet. Then, we will laugh at you, derolet.

Also, you in the related pic.

>> No.9147452

Scam coin, Dev,s don't release code after being asked...being pumped by Asics miners now...buy Haven protocal instead

>> No.9147489
File: 257 KB, 465x636, deropoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven bagholders worried their coin will dip now that dero is taking some of their marketshare on tradeogre
>haven keeps slowly declining while dero keeps slowly increasing

>> No.9147514

By the way, the total DERO on stocks is now half of what it was whereas the buywall hasn't decreased at all.

Supply and demand, simple.

>> No.9147768

Exactly, what I did mined XHV ans sell it for DERO.

Now XHV is so low, kek.

>> No.9147822


>buying bravado's bags

>> No.9147836


lmao, they're not even comparable

>> No.9147921

Weak FUD. Try harder.

>caring about PnD schemes and not the project itself
Kek, the absolute state of pajeets.

>> No.9148001
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>it'll dump once Dero Atlantis comes out :^)

You guys realize Dero Atlantis is just a stepping stone for the smart contracts...right? Once Dero Atlantis releases, that'll prove to a lot of people on the fence that the Dero dev team means business, and the odds of them actually following through with smart contracts will go through the roof.

>> No.9148057
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I'm dev and I know how to read code, I did my DYOR too.

I'm all-in.

Last chance buy some or stay poor forever.

>> No.9148070


>implying I didn't mine it when they posted the ANN

lmao kys

>> No.9148117 [DELETED] 


I was mining ITNS when someone come shill it on btctalk thread...

>> No.9148153

Anyone with half of a brain would have put in at least 1 ETH and/or immediately started mining it if they had the privilege of finding the ANN. It's so rare to have a crypto team you can DIRECTLY talk to and have them not only meet their roadmap goals but get them done EARLY.

>> No.9148154
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> state of /biz/ EOY

>> No.9148197

You know what's really scary? If you look at ETH's growth back then and DERO's growth the past few weeks, they look pretty similar.

Also holy crap DERO is now at $4.33 on CMC it literally just keeps climbing. It was at $3.01 less than 24 hours ago, and CMC hasn't even incorporated tradeogre in its calculations yet.

>> No.9148219

Looking at stocks, the sell side went down by 5000 DERO and the buy side went up by an entire BTC, meaning the demand is increasing and the supply is decreasing.

The arbitrage between tradeogre and stocks right now is crazy.

>> No.9148250

guys avoid this shit ur just gonna get dumped on

im done chasing micro caps, its all a scam if you dont get in under 1mil mcap

everyone fills their bags sub 1mil, starts shilling on biz then dumps at like 3-4

fuck biz fuck discord groups and fuck microcaps. top 20 or bust

>> No.9148305

>t. brainlet

>> No.9148338
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>avoiding all new and low cap cryptocurrencies
KEK. You will miss LOTS of opportunities doing that. But, well, it's normal. Some people are content with just sub 50% gains, only trading large ones all the day.

>> No.9148424 [DELETED] 


> 2018 Investing in crypto.
> being technically illiterate.

Go back to plebbit, basedboy.

>> No.9148454


> 2018 Investing in crypto.
> being technically illiterate.

Go back to plebbit, faggot.

>> No.9148494
File: 310 KB, 1000x264, 1524809830986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish DERO would have more memes.

>> No.9148782

DERO... the poor man’s Electra.

>> No.9148859

Literally no team, no progress, just a whitepaper coin with some clear shilling.

>> No.9148889

Nice thumbnail do you have one in pinky size? Asking for a friend.

>> No.9149004

The whitepaper is literally fucking nothing, just a bunch of buzzwords with zero substance on the code, and the Github has not been updated for a week.

>> No.9149188

pathetic fud

>> No.9149223

it's a draft, go back to elementary school learn to read.


> muh the code isn't available
> muh the code isn't open source
> mum... I said I want it now !!!

fucking millennial, kys.

>> No.9149340

This. They said they're releasing the code once Dero Atlantis comes out.

>> No.9149979
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>> No.9150109 [DELETED] 

Someone is threatening to buy nearly the entire orderbook. He's probably larping, though. Still, you might want to watch stocks just in case.

>> No.9150228

I have 10x my money with Dero and its still growing. Its an extremly good low cap and obvious to moon. Meanwhile biz watches NEO fail or fomos into REQ for a 5% gain. This place is literally retarded.

>> No.9150256

DERO is literally the LINK this board so desperately needs but doesn't deserve.

>> No.9150390
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The coin to save biz from eternal poverty

>> No.9150700
File: 17 KB, 421x420, easter_beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone dumb enough to fall for this shit is gonna get burned.

Read this shit, it's a confirmed pump n dump scam


>> No.9150710
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>> No.9150719

You people keep posting this hoping nobody will read those 500 screencaps and actually read what's going on. Dero didn't getting pumped and dumped by them because it pumped before they could get to it.

>> No.9150817
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>> No.9150900

Hey this was the original image I saw in a thread about future 1000x a month or two ago. It lead me down the rabbit hole and as soon as I saw what it was, I bought. Thanks, if that was you!

>> No.9151570
File: 66 KB, 988x704, 1522431469829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prints confirm they missed the opportunity to buy and pump Dero and tried other coin

Also, if they had been able to pump and manipulate the coin, why ignore the entire project? Do you think that other big successful projects in top 20 never got manipulated by whales before? According to you, even if the project is interesting and very promising, it isn't worth anymore because it was already pumped and dumped before?

You in the related pic.

>> No.9151606

>tfw some anon on /biz/ shilled it atk 4k satoshi
>only have 2k

>> No.9151664

It pumped alot and is still only at 8mil market cap. Do you guys have any idea how far it will pump to reach top100?