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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9143502 No.9143502 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9143555

Two tacos de asada
One taco de pastor

>> No.9143568
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>> No.9143580
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>> No.9143603
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would you like salsa anon?


shot or glass anon?

>> No.9143615

Whisky. NEET.

I'm confused anon. Girl problems. Got way too drunk last night, talked to other coworkers about my personal life. Too much was said. Just want to back off the whole thing and go to mars. I always go for the wrong women but I can't help myself.

Don't even care about money right now, need to sort my personal life out.

>> No.9143629



>> No.9143636
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this is a bar where anons come to consume beverages
this isn't your personal army
you either a drink and congregate with anons or i will have to ask you to leave

>> No.9143661
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>> No.9143683

5 shots of fireball to warm up and then a can of pineapple juice please

>> No.9143699

Thanks, wish a sweet prince good night.

>> No.9143752
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>> No.9143928
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>> No.9144619
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Gin and Tonic. Easy on the liquor though OP.

I had a run in with the law over Easter weekend and am facing a DUI down in Florida. Hopefully my cryptos moon this month to help me pay my kike attorney.

>> No.9144678

make it 4 boilermakers

>> No.9144699

Finely ground glass mixed with bleach pls :3

>> No.9144707
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Can i have a hug?

>> No.9144720

Pint of Guinness please

>> No.9144789

one goth gf pls

>> No.9144816

Forget me shot please. Need a nice blackout. Stir it with a used pregnancy test and you got yourself a nice tip.

>> No.9144933
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coming rite up anons

>> No.9144952

Scotch rocks with a twist. Is the grill open? I'm losing weight...

>> No.9145044
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grill is still open anon

>> No.9145084


Chicken tendies with a side of flintstone vitamins pls.

>> No.9145143

Just some Cabernet from the box my man. Currently sitting on the side of the road because my fuel gauge stopped working on my truck and I ran out of fuel ten miles before I got to the station. It's diesel so it also needs to be primed and I don't have my tools. I clearly won't be racing in the triathlon tomorrow but I'm not too mad because there's other shit I can do.

>> No.9145179
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>> No.9145188
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I'll take a shot of Bombay Saphire, a Sierra Mist, and a Bacon Burger on French bread. Fuck it, I'll also take a glass of water with some fries while I'm at it.

>> No.9145197

youre a fat peice of shit

>> No.9145212
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have a flagon of shut the fuck up corecucks

>> No.9145262

Shots of tequila for anyone who wants one, put it on my tab. Happy Saturday frens

>> No.9145289
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Fuck off boi, in just trying to have a decent meal, just cause I eat a damn burger with fries once in a blue moon doesn't mean I don't work out daily. Goddamn, the nerve of some people to be so assumptive of what I am based off one order, you don't know my life. Fuck. Damn. Jesus. Oh Lordy.

>> No.9145305
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whiskey, straight. No junk in it

>> No.9145312


im not a psychiatrist
i can't tell you how to stop being a net loser in life
thats something u need to figure out on your own
are you ordering a drink?

>> No.9145462


Arsenic, hold the ice.

>> No.9145797

One hot chocolate pls anon kun

>> No.9146043
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350mg MDA (not MDMA), 700 ug of LSD, a gram of Ketamine, and three boxes of Whip-it's. I'll set up my laser show and speakers while you get that ready.

>> No.9146366

There called nangs you pathetic fuck.

>> No.9146720
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whiskey, up please. kind sir.

>> No.9146744
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1 glass of root beer please

>> No.9146770

gin rickey, triple

>> No.9147049

Too much acid imo.

>> No.9147077

My God, you look so familiar. I just can't put my finger on it..

>> No.9147083

Glass of cranberry juice

>> No.9147125

Willy the Whale here. A big frothy jug of dick, and keep it coming.

>> No.9147165

Wojak is also a God.

The trumptards desecrated one of our gods. They should be dessicated.

>> No.9147568
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Thanks anon, but I brought my own drink this time around

>> No.9147817

Nice! Looks you have a new trainee on the grill tonight. (I'll take a Philly cheese steak and some curly-fries)

>> No.9147825

Fuck me op, just fuck me

>> No.9147925
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im sorry anon
this is a professional establishment
i suggest /b/ or /soc/

>> No.9147989
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coming right up anons

*karaoke has started anons*

>> No.9148113


thanks for this bread anon. reminded me to make bloody mary w/ whiskey on ice

>> No.9148190
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tip jar is at the end of bar anon
are you ordering a drink
i'm quite busy

>> No.9148248

Why are normies pumping ETH imitators? How many platform blockchains do we need?

>> No.9148282
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im going to need u to check ur privilege at the door
we serve alcoholic beverages here
i suggest u order a drink or leave

>> No.9148523

poop on the rocks. double.

>> No.9148620
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>> No.9149308
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>> No.9149348

Do you serve blacks at this establishment?

>> No.9149461

Quizás esta mierda no sea leída por el español que es muy escaso.
hoy sufrí un dia de mierda, hoy la chica que tanto ame, me abandonó.
intento no tirarme el tiro, pero creo que es lo unico que tengo

>> No.9150121

i jek'd

>> No.9150167

Jack and coke and a plate of tendies.

>> No.9150206

Sorry, slavery laws were abolished ages ago and we can no longer serve you a negro with your drink.

>> No.9150215


coming right on anon

>> No.9150633


shot of self-loathing
2oz of reflection
wash it down with a gallon of hope

>> No.9150680
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Give me a vodka-energy.
And listen....
*pulls gun out of pocket so only the op can see it*
... transfer all your eth to this address right now or you are fucking dead

>> No.9150747

I'm gonna transfer my semen to your butthole.

>> No.9151372
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Empty the till anon.

>> No.9151426

You were probably at Ye Olde Falcon Pub

>> No.9152009
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Skittle bomb mate

Also, when the fuck is Jibrel going to make me ANY money