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9142771 No.9142771 [Reply] [Original]

North Korea is about to become the most lucrative emerging market on earth. How to break in before the bubble bursts?

>> No.9142788

I was thinking the samething.

>> No.9142813

yeah cause if there's one market with a lot of buying power it's north fucking korea

>> No.9142820

venezuela is another place to keep an eye on, their oil is failing.

>> No.9142823
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interesting but why?

>> No.9142838

learn korean, brush up on chinese. They'll likely need to do a lot of construction, however a ton of the work is going to be executed by the S.K. chaebol. S.K. corporations & chinese contractors are going to make out like thieves

>> No.9142870

They are going to need roads, schools and electricity ect and south Korea will foot the bill.

>> No.9142874

>poor country
>direct border with one of the most advanced countrys in the world
>litterly 3rd world seperated by border to 1st world
why? why cant you see the obvious. the trade will be huge.

>> No.9142893

Seriously. We could all get rich as fuck off of this

>> No.9142895

this just means invest in LG and shit.

>> No.9142930

If I had billions this would be easy.

But how does basement dwellers like us get into this? But into hedge funds that are exposed to korea?
Email money to north koreans that want to start street food shops?

>> No.9142936

But yeah if stuff actually starts happening, invest in South Korean construction companies. Anything related to infrastructure. Years later there will also be a boom in SK clothing, tech, etc as NKs get the money to buy more consumer products from their construction/administrative jobs

>> No.9142948

What changed?

>> No.9142971

This. The Chaebol are licking their chops. Whitey's won't even get the scraps. Best you can hope for is marrying a Korean and buying some property.

>> No.9142972

How do I short russian mail order brides?

>> No.9142993

Lol wishful thinking itt.

You’re all talking like Korea is unified. This will not happen for decades.

>> No.9142996
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>> No.9143035

this, as well as SK construction companies

>> No.9143042


>> No.9143044

It’ll be sub 10 years. They’ll be exactly like China in no time

>> No.9143101

whats going on behind the scenes? Is Kim only confident that nk wont be fucked now that they have better weapons, so they can now risk unification?

why didnt they do it before and why now?

>> No.9143110

Land, real estate, investing into infrastructure. Good luck with the first two.

>> No.9143134


>> No.9143177


>> No.9143184

So: my cousin runs a pretty large construction conglomerate. My brother is a diplomat working in the region. I know a good number of Korean-speakers. How do I swing this?

>> No.9143199
File: 133 KB, 757x502, 1468090531773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two words:
Drop shipped canned goods

>> No.9143213

You kill your cousin so you can fuck your brother.

>> No.9143226

Best Korea needs to crash to zero first. If you think lil' Kim is going to give it all up, you're wrong. He will go away like Stalin's enemies: "an accident" or "a beloved hero of the people".

More than likely he will be killed by Chinese operatives before any of this wishing comes true. Still a closed market with heavy sanctions placed on it like Myanmar had. Don't think it will change anytime soon.

>> No.9143260

Start a "consulting" firm, hire the korean speakers, use your diplomat bro for contacts and the construction guys for the work. you just take a "consulting" fee. I put consulting in parentheses because consulting is such a broad term and desu nobody really knows what they do, yet it sounds professional

>> No.9143321

that's like saying Walmart or McDonald's shouldn't make any money because their target customers are poor people.

If you start a cheap&affordable grocery store chain in North Korea, that sells regular food from South Korea, you'd become a billionair in ten years tops

>> No.9143400

Pressure from usa
Probably lost support from china because usa strong handled them
Trump made clear that he would nuke his ass and fuck him up if he tries something
And with the recent events in the eastern countries it seems not implausible
So what do you do if you want to stay in charge and starting to lose all your influence?
Its basically his only option to play ball if he doesn't want to be replaced

>> No.9143438
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>two words:
>Drop shipped canned goods
Anon.. I..

>> No.9143549

that's such a US-centric point of view
you realize that north korea's nuclear test site collapsed recently right

>> No.9143557

but with the re-unification, he will lose all of his power.
In Germany, the re-unification was essentially an annexaction.. the communist Eastern Germany joined the Federal Republic of Germany.
Would Kim really give up all of his power because he's scared of Trump? All he has to do is NOT send missiles over Japan, Korea and the US.

>> No.9143660

kek there is always some contrarian faggot with "alternative" news

>> No.9143695

Ho Lee Fuk anon. Capital. Send ya a bottle of wine courtesy of the firm.

>> No.9143711

sup based retard

>> No.9143742

Read and weep faggots


>> No.9143831

>title is "credits Trump for opening door"
>"In her analysis, the combination of tough rhetoric and economic and travel sanctions were instrumental."
how is that the same shit as "lost support from china because usa strong handled them" and "Trump made clear that he would nuke his ass and fuck him up if" you retard

>> No.9143848

yes, almost literally this.

>Pressure from usa
maybe (on china in SEA) with other factors
>Probably lost support from china

be careful, you need to compete with Chinese ants. idk what kinds of bids you might be looking at, but scoring a contract might be hard without due dilligence.

Some good info to sniff out might be a compare and contrast of mainland development and Jeju's development. In the 1980s (i think) development of Jeju began as a joint toruism project between China and Korea.

>> No.9143872


Probably they showed Kim some magick tricks with their black flying triangles and fancy MilOrb toys to enhance persuasion.

>> No.9143910
File: 122 KB, 1211x571, korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9144176


now that's an interesting indicator.

what was NK doing in 1929?

>> No.9144293

>guy says "that's such a US-centric point of view"
>haha no you're a faggot, look at this article from CNN, a company that definitely does not have a US-centric point of view

>> No.9144415
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>> No.9144429
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>> No.9144446
File: 169 KB, 291x458, 2018-04-27_145102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there a goup on linkedin call

"North Korea Business and Investment"

you join you be rich

>> No.9144521

checked and kekd

>> No.9144554

Ill be all over NK is they unify

>> No.9144596

how long until americans can travel there is the question. could probably buy both of those women for the weekend for like $75. let me in!

>> No.9144869

we need to get in on the GROUND FLOOR of the NKpop scene

>> No.9144883


>> No.9144969

dang wtf how they change clothes so fast

>> No.9144999


>> No.9145615

I'm learning Korean on duolingo as we speak, I'm going hard on this new emerging market.

>> No.9145724

>Implying that NK is going to reunite
>Implying if they did, all the contracts would not go to SK companies
Maybe buy Hyundai/Samsung stocks

>> No.9146019

>tfw ur a generation too early to get a nk qt as ur english speaking gf

>> No.9146107


>> No.9146179

Didn't this same shit happen back in 2000 with the presidents at the time?

>> No.9146444

Look at Singapore's neighbors