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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9141212 No.9141212 [Reply] [Original]

The nolinkers were correct all along weren't they?

We're not even top 100 anymore, bleeding satoshi value, Fusion, Nucleus, Revain, Neblio, Loom and other shitcoins took our spot on the first page of cmc.

Is this the end for us?

>> No.9141400
File: 409 KB, 487x594, EC28B0E4-23A7-4CE1-8300-56065AEA0A51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over for us anon.
We missed the once in a life time bull run holding this shitcoin.
Now there will never be another moonshot ever again.
Might as well kill ourselves and take our linkies to the grave.

>> No.9141418

I have been saying NO PRICE ACTION THIS YEAR all along. You are all just so DELUDED.

Link is a good project but it's not gonna moon for a long time.

>> No.9141452
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I guess it is over, I refuse to kms tho, I'm not going to admit defeat either, I refuse to believe that Link was a failure, guess I'm in denial

>> No.9141498

Yeah there's no need to sell. It's time to die and them with us.

>> No.9141510

what do linkies? time to sell? what to buy?

>> No.9141531

Yes sell them to me for cheap.

>> No.9142201
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Is there any linkies still here?

>> No.9142218

We're still here, but they cut our funding, sorry. Also, I need to say buy EOS.

>> No.9142447
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No sympathy for ignorance.

>> No.9142485

>he fell for the ultimate /biz/ coin
signatum 2.0 anyone?

>> No.9142503

Isn't this still down from pre-sibos?

>> No.9142525

A lot of us veterans took a hiatus this winter during the shitstorm season. I'm actually surprised stinky linkies are STILL shilling the fuck out of this board.

There aren't many coins left that have been shilled for 8 fucking months and are STILL UTTER SHIT. If you're new here, get the fuck out. Some of these garbage memes and "funny pics" have been circulating for the good portion of a year now, and it's not going anywhere.

Get out now.

>> No.9142901

We all believe in link anon but it's not a hold right now. Buy when ropsten is released.